Which is your favorite superhero animated film?

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  1. David Trujillo profile image38
    David Trujilloposted 11 years ago

    Which is your favorite superhero animated film?

    Superman Doomsday was incredible as was Hulk vs Wolverine and Thor. Which is your favorite and do you think they are better than the Hollywood superhero films?


  2. FatFreddysCat profile image60
    FatFreddysCatposted 11 years ago

    I'm a big fan of the DC Animated Universe series of films, my favorite has been "Batman: Under the Red Hood." I also particularly enjoyed "Superman: Doomsday" and "Justice League: New Frontier."

    Even going back 20 years ago to the feature length "Batman: The Animated Series" spinoffs ("Mask of the Phantasm" and "Sub-Zero"), those were better than the live action Batman films that were being released at the time. Just think, if DC had put the "Batman" Animated Series crew in charge of the live action film series, we might have been spared the pain of "Batman and Robin!!!"

    1. M. T. Dremer profile image84
      M. T. Dremerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I loved all those movies you mentioned. Under the Red Hood was a particular gem because I knew nothing about that character going in.

    2. David Trujillo profile image38
      David Trujilloposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I didn´t know nothing about Batman under the Red Hood. Just started downloading it. Thanks for the input.

      Batman also has a great series of short films by different artists.

  3. M. T. Dremer profile image84
    M. T. Dremerposted 11 years ago

    What a tough question! I have been repeatedly impressed by how good the superhero animated movies are. I just recently watched Wonder Woman and thought it was a brilliant interpretation for the character. (Still not sure why she can't get a footing in live action). And I also thoroughly enjoyed Planet Hulk. I wasn't sure what to expect from that one, but it was the first movie where I got to see the hulk really stretch his legs. It was very well done. There are loads of other good ones, but I'll just end up rambling if I try to list them all.

    1. David Trujillo profile image38
      David Trujilloposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Planet HUlk is incredible. Wonder Woman has a gret opening battle with her mother and Ares.

  4. Geekdom profile image93
    Geekdomposted 11 years ago

    Although I am under no impression that it can hold up to modern day cartoons, I have a special place in my heart for the old Justice League of America because it is what got me hooked on Superheroes. 
    For story...does Duck Rogers count?

    1. David Trujillo profile image38
      David Trujilloposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I downloaded the old Justice League series some months ago. But the story line bored me. Haven´t checked the new one with the sidekicks. But the movies are great.

  5. W1totalk profile image44
    W1totalkposted 11 years ago

    I do enjoy the Hulk but I always felt he could be more than smashing. Every good character has a strong history I think. As the Hulk added these Blue Hulks, future Hulks, a child Hulk and even a Red Hulk it adds a little more to a character it seems that is destined to be come the ultimate villain in the Marvel U someday.

    1. David Trujillo profile image38
      David Trujilloposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Do not forget grey hulk! Hulk Wars could be pretty awesome

  6. EJ Lambert profile image67
    EJ Lambertposted 11 years ago

    I loved the different take JL: New Frontier had, bringing back some of that Golden Age flair.  I also enjoyed Under the Red Hood, but my favorite was Superman/Batman: Public Enemies.  I never get tired of seeing those two contrasting personalities team up, and the fact all the key voices came back (Kevin Conroy, Tim Daly etc.) made it so much better.

    I will say this however.  I am absolutely stunned they never came out with any Spiderman or X-men movies when the two animated series were on.  I think those would've been huge.

    1. David Trujillo profile image38
      David Trujilloposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Yeah, Marvel has fallen back on the animated series. I still haven´t managed to watch the Unhumans

  7. Taranwanderer profile image59
    Taranwandererposted 9 years ago

    Superman vs Doomsday may be my favorite animated film and superhero battle of all time. Plane Hulk was pretty cool, too - but the comic book series was better.

    1. David Trujillo profile image38
      David Trujilloposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      The latest Suicide Squad animation was awesome, and I really enjoyed the Flash Point with all its twists.

    2. Taranwanderer profile image59
      Taranwandererposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Flashpoint was awesome - I almost forgot about it. In fact, it's been awhile since I watched it; I'm thinking I'll catch it again today if I can get some work done lol

  8. zaton profile image81
    zatonposted 7 years ago

    Hmmnn...good question. I liked Justice League: War. Seems this was the last cartoon of the New 52, which appears to have been discontinued.
    http://pinstor.us/articles/hulk-vs-supe … th-titans/


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