10 Classic Scary Novels for Teenagers
What Kind of Scary Novel Do You Like?
Tales of Mystery and Madness by Edgar Allen Poe
Ten Halloween Novels to Keep You Up at Night
Our love of Halloween shows in everything we do. In fact, my wife was born on Halloween, so it's a tradition in our house to go Trick or Treating and come back home for some monster chili. Reading a scary story into the wee hours of the morning is a hoot. Especially, when you are just about to fall asleep and the wind picks up with the shadows of the trees grasping at your window. And then, right before you doze off, the dog barks and scares the living daylights out of you.
Here are ten books guaranteed to give you nightmares:
- I Know What You Did Last Summer by Louis Duncan - So your in this hotel with all these things going wrong. Nothing scary there, right?
- Tales of Mystery and Madness by Edgar Allen Poe
- The Legend of Sleepy Hallow by Washington Irving - Ichabod Crane vs a headless horseman.
- The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Lewis Stevenson - Can the doctor figure out what is going on?
- Frankenstein by Mary Shelly
- Dracula by Dram Stoker
- Blood and Chocolate by Annette Curtis Clause
- Reef of Death by Paul Zindel
- Christine by Stephen King - Is she alive or is she being driven by a teenager. Either way, you won't go into your garage at night, and you'll think twice next time you see a pair of headlights coming your way.
- The Stones of Muncaster Cathedral by Robert Westall