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A World Beneath The Rocks

Updated on February 12, 2020
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Pat is a versatile writer who enjoys sharing poetry that educates, stirs the senses and gives hope.


I was rock climbing in Europe while visiting my niece,

She lives near the mountains in a valley in Greece.

I climbed several hundred feet, up that rock,

Only to lose my footing when I reached the top.

I fell down a hole only big enough for me,

It felt like a water slide slippery as could be.

I was going so fast, I knew this was the end,

I was screaming for help around every bend!

My fall began to slow, it was becoming less slick,

I knew I had to grab hold of something very quick.

I unsnapped the rope and anchor attached to my waist,

Holding on with one hand I did this in haste.

It wedged between two rocks, it slung me around,

I lost the rope and tumbled to the ground.

The bottom of the hole was filled with sand,

It cushioned my fall but I broke my left hand.

I sat there shivering, afraid and in pain,

I thought to myself, “You are totally insane,

To take off alone, always so brave

Now you are the one who needs to be saved.”

Light was streaming through a hole in the wall,

I tried to look through but the holes were too small.

If I lay on my back and kick with my feet,

the holes might enlarge, if I’m not too weak.

I kicked with both feet as hard as I could,

The walls began to crumble as I hoped they would.

It left a large hole and the wind blew strong,

I backed up against the wall to hold on.

I could see a giant cavern without any end,

With human like creatures flying in the wind.

I stayed in the shadows so they could not see,

Trying to look without them discovering me.

I watched them for hours to study to learn,

How these creatures survive down in this cavern.

There were males and females dressed in white,

Angelic looking, they were a beautiful sight.

The males had strong bodies and white long hair,

Flying in the wind with skin so fair.

All of a sudden one flew too close by,

I was afraid he heard me when I sighed,

He came back once more to look inside.

He was startled to see me and growled in fear

I could see large fangs now that he was so near.

He swooped in and grab me and took me out,

We were flying with his hands over my mouth.

He laid me down in a very soft place,

And removed his hand from my face.

He asked, “How it is possible you are here?”

He grabbed my broken hand, I gasped with fear!

He said, "Don't be afraid, I will heal your hand,"

That is when he stuck it deep into the sand.

I could feel tingling, a slight burn and a crack

I tried to retrieve it, he put it back.

He said, “Be patient it is almost healed,”

I closed my eyes and tried not to feel.

When it was done, my hand was like new,

I was totally amazed, and then he flew.

Up he went to the hole where he found me,

He went inside where I could not see.

All of the creatures were gathered around

I didn't look up, I stared at the ground.

When he came back, the hole was sealed,

I knew I would probably be their next meal.

He very softly asked, "how I got there?"

I said, "I fell down a hole, look, my clothes have tares."

He probed my mind I could feel him inside,

He must be checking in case I have lied.

He looked deep into my eyes, my body he did stir,

Next thing I knew everything was a blur.

When I opened my eyes, I was back where I started,

The hole was gone and I felt very guarded.

I was confused and weary but not a scratch to be found,

My body was healed, I was totally sound.

The palm of my hand that had been broken,

Had a strange emblem raised and round like a token.

In my mind I heard his voice like a wave,

Saying, " This is your gift because you are so brave.

We are connected now, I am inside your head,

You must keep our secret or my kind will be dead.

Never be afraid, you are part of me now, a beauty so rare,

You will not know when I will be there!"

My heart started pounding I could hardly breath

that such a beautiful creature was part of me.

That maybe one day in my wildest dreams

He will come to visit, to explain

Who he is and why is he there

I want to let him know I care.

© 2011 Pat Bennett


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