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My Big Dream--My Own Magazine

Updated on August 16, 2014

I Dream of Publishing My Own Creative Magazine

I am still in the beginning stages of my dream, but I have some partners and I am on my way. One partner is a writing friend and paralegal who has her own online magazine already. You'll find it at the "Sensible Life" link in my links module below. The other partner is also a writing friend, and she has a print magazine that reaches a small area of Kentucky and has an online version as well. You'll find that at the "Kentucky Christian Magazine" link.

The lens, by way of a quest, is a great opportunity for me to lay out my dream for this publication and get some feedback. I look forward to finding other writers here who will want to be published in my magazine when it is up and running. In the biggest part of the dream, the magazine will lead to an annual conference where many of the contributors and meet in person for encouragement and to learn or share instruction. It's exciting to think about this venture and all the places I can go with it.

The picture included is just a tossed together idea using free graphics, but I hope I will find an artist to help me with a good cover when my dream becomes reality.

Many of this lady's cake designs have ended up in my faves at Flickr. If she lived close to me, I'm certain I'd be requesting her baking services often. The link goes to the picture, but be sure to check all her cakes--especially the salad, the chand
Many of this lady's cake designs have ended up in my faves at Flickr. If she lived close to me, I'm certain I'd be requesting her baking services often. The link goes to the picture, but be sure to check all her cakes--especially the salad, the chand

My Ideas for Content

A virtual kitchen sink of creativity.

I always say I was made in the image of my Father who is the ultimate Creator. Creativity, then, is an inborn trait that we all can use to express ourselves. And creativity can come in all kinds of different forms. I'm not a "Susie Homemaker" kind of gal who shops for wallpaper borders and table runners. My home looks lived-in, and Martha Stewart would feel she would need a lifetime to teach me proper interior design. But, I'm the one most of my friends and family call upon when they have a problem with their computers or they forget how to spell a word. So, I'll defrag the hard drive and check your computer for viruses while you bake me a pie. See, we all have different gifts and talents, and I want a magazine that celebrates all of them.

Now, Christians are not the only ones with gifts and talents, but the purpose in wanting the magazine to be for the "creative Christian" is so I can include Scriptures and messages of encouragement for an audience that will understand and relate to those things. Also, it determines my main audience to make it easier to seek compatible advertising. But, make no mistake about it, the creative contributions within the magazine will not all be covered with steeples and Bible verses, though I'm certain at least one person will add a recipe for Shepherd's Pie. :-D

Look at the list of content ideas I have below and vote up the ones you think are the most important. Add your own if you think I've missed some.

Small Press Magazines - Online, Offline, and Make-Your-Own

I'll add more to this list as I find more publications and resources.

Magazines on Amazon's Kindle - Another interesting way to read your favorite variety publications.

Kindle magazines are usually a month to month subscription, but most of them include a trial period that is free. Make sure to read the fine print, and if you have an Amazon Prime membership, remember to take advantage of some of the magazines you can borrow for free without paying a monthly fee.

Some of these may work best for the Kindle Fire, but I tried to pick ones that were more text intensive so they'd be good for all Kindle styles. If you don't own a Kindle, be sure and check out the Kindle for PC download from Amazon where you can get full color and great text as if you were reading it on their device. They also have all kinds of Kindle apps for smart phones and tablets.

Asimov's Science Fiction
Asimov's Science Fiction
Gotta be one of the oldest and most read mags for lovers of science fiction.

I'd love to hear your ideas for what you would like to see added to my magazine idea. I know I mentioned the conference, but I would also like to create a line of greeting cards that could be advertised within its pages as well. The well of my own ideas runs deep, and I'd really like to know what is in the minds of other creative folks.


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