passion ~ music ~ dna
Listening to my classical radio this morning, I was enthralled with the featured musicians, - young folks from Bogotá, Colombia. - One young woman named Muselina, a clarinetist, mentioned that Colombian music has passion; another young man said that it's in their DNA. This concept captured my heart and mind. Perhaps I can share that moment with my own DNA's passion and touch yours.
The story related in this video about how classical music is helping in Columbia to shape and encourage the less fortunate young folks is truly inspirational.
Muselina had played her beautifully trained clarinet in a well-known restaurant in her small hometown, moving from table to table, serenading the diners. Someone asked if she "had a real job."
When she was accepted for the Bogotá Filharmonic, which required a major move for her, her parents were so happy that they pulled up stakes and moved there with her, though it meant totally starting over for them. They were all so proud that she "had a real job" with honor and a future.
No musician can bring forth music
From a mute harp.
No perfect harp can play by itself.
Nor can I bring forth from another
What is not there,
Nor respond to rigid fingertips, nor frigid.
I need an instrument
With strings which vibrate
To my touch.
Need the musician
Whose fingertips vibrate
My tones with passion.
Should this displease you, then,
Who linger, listening for silent sounds
And wondering?
Not everyone strums,
Desires harp strains
Nor hums the tune.
Pass on by.
Find your peace with silence
Or learn to blow a horn.
You may catch sounds
Of strings upon the air
From where you sit or blow.
Not every one need know,
Need play a harp
Or be a harp.
There must be some to strum
And some to blow,
To keep the beat.
Some to play the tune,
To be the melody
Or add the harmony.
______© Nellieanna H. Hay
You are my harpist;
I am your harp.
I am your harpist;
You are my harp.
There's no other music
Like ours.
The sound
Music fills the air
Where we are found.
We await no audience
But our own.
______© Nellieanna H. Hay
The one song
Must end
For another
To begin.
______© Nellieanna H. Hay
New Song
In the light.
______© Nellieanna H. Hay