Poem about the School Run - Getting the Kids to School on Time
About This Poem
I wrote this poem in about ten minutes, following a very frazzled morning spent getting my son out of the door and to school on time. As many a parent will know, the morning school run can, at times, seem like momentous challenge, especially when young children have no concept of the actual time and think there are much better things to be doing. My son does like school, but leaving the house on time can sometimes be difficult! It is meant in a light-hearted way and is based on my five year old's behaviour on the day I wrote it - but, of course, it will probably feel familiar to many other parents as well.
The School Run
I don't feel calm
When he doesn't want his breakfast
Until later on
And the time is ticking by
Laughing at me.
I don't feel calm
When the TV draws him in
As though there is all the time in the world -
It's not Sunday morning.
I don't feel calm
When he won't wear the blue trousers
And he has to find a different pair
That are red instead
And he wants to take a cuddly fruit to school
When the teacher doesn't like it.
I don't feel calm
When it's time to brush his teeth
And he hides in the duvet giggling
Like a game of hide-and-seek
And we should have left the house
I don't feel calm
When nothing can be found -
Water bottle, books, little socks
Even shoes
When they were all here yesterday -
Is someone playing a trick?
I don't feel calm
When he wants to play football
Like Lionel Messi, in the garden
And it's ten to nine
Then insists on keeping the muddy ball
On the sofa, indoors.
I don't feel calm
When he says his cycle helmet is wrong
And he has to take if off and put it on again
And take it off, then put it on again
And on top of that
His older brother has forgotten his key
And traffic lights hold us up all the way.
Oh well
There's always tomorrow -
Keep smiling.