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Poems From the Jersey Shore Vol 13: Unfinished Works

Updated on July 1, 2020
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Timothy is a Christian who enjoys creating visual art and writing. He has a B.S. in psychology.


I write a lot of poems along with short stories and articles. It is inevitable some of my writings end up in unfinished pile or notebook for one reason or another. I decided to dedicate this issue to my unfinished or partial poems.

I looked through my notebooks and decided on to put in this article those which were as complete as possible. I hope you enjoy reading them.

Drawing on my dreams Moving across the line

Knowing all my days Are going to be fine

The Squid

The slimy little squid

on my plate

Doesn’t really look

so great

It wiggles and rolls

It jiggles and

It feels kind of gross

But the thing I

Don’t like the most

Is the way it stares

Back at me

Those two little eyes

Give me the creeps

I'm Still Here

I'm still here

After all these years
I'm still here
Drawing on my dreams
Moving across the line
Knowing all my days
Are going to be fine

Cause everyday I can wake
And see the morning sun
Is another day I know
My time here isn't done

I'm still here
I'm still here
With a smile on my face
I hold onto what's dear
Cause I'm still here

The Perfect Woman

The perfect woman
Does she exist
Does she walk
Among us
One you can't resist
I'm not sure
I can say yes
I'm not sure
I can say no
For there are
So many woman
Some fair
Some fine
Some pretty
Some divine
But is there one
Who is
The perfect woman
I don't know if I can say
Or even if I'd want to try

Laughter is good for you heart It’s good for soul

Why Should You Laugh

Why should you laugh

I’ll tell you why

It’s far better to laugh

Then to cry

Laughter is good for you heart

It’s good for soul

It makes you tingle

From your head

To your toes

Why should you laugh

I’ll tell you why

It’s far better to laugh

Then to cry


Relax, relax

There's no reason to be upset

Just because someone doesn't do

What you want them to do

Relax, relax

It's just not worth it

Relax, relax


Why can't we say

What's in our hearts

Why can't we tell each other

How we really feel

Instead we hold inside

What needs to be said

Those things knocking around in our head

Which over time

Will eat away at our hearts

And will tear apart our soul

Here today are my words They skim the surface

Of what I've heard

Numbers Up

A poem I started to write a few years ago after the loss of my mother.

We just don't know

When our number up

Maybe today

Maybe tomorrow

Maybe in years to comes

But as God's says

We must be prepared each day

To give an accounting for your lives

What we did

What we said

It's a scary thing

To look at your life and understand

In the scope of things

What you did may be meaningless

In the eyes of God

Who I have helped

Who have loved

Who have I brought to the feet of Jesus

I can name but a few

Is that worth the sum of my years

I don't know

I don't have any idea

But I know

When my time is up

There are no second chances


Here today are my words

They skim the surface

Of what I've heard

They fly across the surface

Of the page

Searching for meaning

Artful expressions and form

When my pen touches down

The words flow as if by magic

The pen flickers, then sits still

As new thoughts take shape and form

Hopefully with thoughts of joy

What Love Is

Do we really know what love is

The answer is no

Cause people seem are still searchin

For a true love to show

Consider this true love

Your love, God's love

Your love at times falters and fails

God's love, never wavers

Your love at times is selfish

God's love is self-less

He gives without seeking returns

Consider this

What if we were to love

As God loves

What kind of world would we see

What kind of world would there be

One Today

You only get one today

In a blink today become tomorrow

And tomorrow will become yesterday

There are no do overs

No second chances to relive today

Once it is gone, it is gone away

So use your today's wisely

Make each moment count

Invest your time wisely

Before your today's run out

Final ThoughtS

These poems like a good many parts of my life are unfinished for one reason or another. Most are random or free verse poems. As I’ve mentioned before I love to write. I think writing clears you mind. It also helps you become more creative. so if you don’t have anything else to do pick up a pencil and try writing.

Until next time, stay safe

© 2020 Timothy Whitt


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