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Poems of My Best Persons in Life

Updated on August 24, 2020

Mail that Lord gives me my beloved

Letters to bind together to make words,

Letters to be enveloped,

To be sent or dispatched,

Always at the needful hour!

You convey to the core of intimacy,

May be I'm there or not,

These mean a lot to the one it's conveyed!

Heart be one,

Why not?

Sure who understands it the most,

Will be mine!

Dispatched from Kingdom of Lord,

For me sure!

One day I'm sure,

Will win over,

The trust I have in LORD,

Making to get the beloved,

Whom I love...............,

Shall be mine,

Then,now & forever more!!!!!!!

My life from yesterday to tomorrow

There in the midst of storm was I,

Not knowing a way outside,

Never able to judge what an individual am I?

Long ago life was in turmoil,

After all seconds to appear as years,

Too happy or too sad,

This peak level isn’t good!

Never be a lukewarm Holy Bible says,

Be what Jesus leads to,

His plans are-Yes & Amen!

Drops of water,

Hither or thither,

Making our life regenerated!

Heart is light,

We feel better,

Life turns nicer this way!

I had a wish,

To have calm life,

Just as I was before fifth standard!

Excel in everything,

Let it be academic or co-curricular activities,

Remembering these things,

Didn’t forget the trust my father had,

I’m leaving your mother for you,

She is at her best till date!

It’s not about a baby being nurtured,

But a journey from seed to fruit,

May be I can compare something like apricot!

Cartoons to enhance,

Songs to rely on,

Lively does it feel,

Giving a good sensation!

There back again in a backyard,

Hiding my face from the crowd,

A time when I was in cocoon!

Now I have overcome it,

And feeling charismatic,

Lovely indeed,

To face the world,

The way it is!

Eyes see the depth of heart,

Ears that hear the voice of the meek,

To be gentle & kind,

The best gift that God gave!

Expressions & gestures so clear,

That narrates my life,

On the whole,

Till date!

Love the way it makes you better being,

Live because there are people,

Who love to see you calm,

Let things turn negative or positive,

Supreme God is there to care,

And to tell,

He will lead me to ecstasy,

From now and forever more!!!!

Birthday gift to my dad

I have candles lit,

And cake along with best confectionery is framed,

For you to relish the best taste ever!

Angels come & meet me,

And ask me where do you think your dad is?

I answer always he’s safe with my ABBA FATHER!

May be his journey was short on earth,

But joyful carillon was played,

When he went to the bosom of my LORD!

My one request to Jesus,

Have him close to Your heart,

That’s life be what ever,

I know strongly,

A feel is there,

Just as infants being angels aftermath their lives on earth,

As per revelation,

Just that way I think my dad will be!

Lord he lacked love,

My dad’s parents didn’t give him the care they ought to get,

Aloof he was & solitary he had,

In his last days also with same feeling he left!

My one dream,

Out of many frankly to be said,

Jesus I want my dad’s dream to come true,

I want to live the way he wanted me to,

And grant me the boon to relive & love,

The way he wanted me to!

This is what my dad’s gift from my side,

Through my Jesus is now & forever more!!!!!

Mom & son

There’s sweetness in this relationship,

It’s a magical feeling,

Journey from young to grown up,

It’s very special.

Sweets to cakes,

Encouragement to consolation,

Everything she gives,

She’s worth it,

Turning son’s life to become spectacular,

In its own way!

Studies to sports,

She’s a pillar to him,

To layout a strong foundation in him,

And to inculcate good ethics,

She plays an important role!

Mother is the dearest friend,

To share love & life,

To feed him good hot soup when dull & sick,

To give him milkshake,

When he’s worn out!

Never does she think to stay away from him,

His every breathe matters a lot,

For she get to identify,

If he is happy or vague!

He is apple of her eyes,

And never have he wished to miss her,

She always tell him,

Kid you are my life,

So does he reciprocates her,

Telling she’s his priceless gift,

And he loves her lot!

He expresses at times distance may be framed,

But bond is strong as ever,

And want to remain loved & being beloved to each other forever!



Is my best friend,

Who teaches me new things,

Enhances my life!

One who protects me from every harm,

One who encourages me when I am down,

He is awesome,

I am lucky to have HIM in my life,

Joy and laughter fills me,

Because HE is always around!

May this friendship continue,

To the endless journey,

And bring bountiful comfort,

Forever after all!


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