Elvish Poetry, Music of Middle-Earth
Songs from the Imladris Bards Guild
Welcome to my bardic arts page. What's bardic arts? Songs, poetry, stories, and music! This lens features my Elvish poetry, recordings of Middle-earth music, and Lord of the Rings fanart.
All these "songs" were created for the long-defunct Govannas in Glirdain, aka the old Imladris Bards Guild on the Lord of the Rings Fanatics Plaza. That's where I roleplay a fictional character, Tinw, who studied in Rivendell and has now moved to Minas Tirith to share her poetry and songs about Middle-earth and the Elves she loves.
All the artwork on this page is my own. If used, pleased credit Tinw Filigod with a link here!
Poem: The Quest
Written for the Imladris Bards Guild, 9/03
When first I came to Rivendell, I sought the Guild of Bards
With battered lyre on my back and song upon my lips,
And said: "Wilt take me?" with a smile tenuous and proud,
I knew back then what now you know: I'm blessed with certain gifts.
I'd sung with joy and fervor ere you ever heard me sing,
I'd stayed up late with stories sprouting full-fledged from my pen,
I'd soaked up lore and history with eager ear and mind,
But these are things, not purpose: they are the "what" not "why".
I was no bard, just dreamer: bards don't exist alone.
A poet writes with artistry, and every word's well-honed.
A storyteller spins a tale as strong as memory.
A loremaster knows all the names, and all the world that's been.
But bards may try by any means to show you something true.
I tell you where you come from, the best and worst of deeds,
I hold a mirror to your life, and make you weep or smile,
I point out things that should be praised, remembered, or abhorred,
I tell you, "This is what you are!" but mean, "This you might be."
And when you listen closely, and from my words take heart,
When you believe the story, and make its truths your own,
When wonder or reflection remain when tale is done,
When sorrow, outrage, shame or hope are kindled by my song,
When suddenly you're humbled, or suddenly you're proud,
Or understand things better-- then I will be a bard.
Sketch: The Valley of Rivendell - Imladris as I remember it...
Song: Come to the Valley!
Click here to hear it!
Come to the valley where hearts may find peace
Come to the valley for sorrow's release
Your body is weary, you long for road's end
Come to the vale where life sings on the wind.
Follow the white stones to our hidden halls
Follow the bright star to Bruinen's falls
Time doesn't pass here; your cares melt away
Come to the valley, and taste Elder Days.
Song: Pippin's Song (Elvish)
(My Elvish translation of a song from the Return of the King film)
Click here to hear it!
I mar adel, i amar nu.
Raid evyr a phadad (ammen).
Trî dhúath, nan rîw môr nalú
Ir sÃlar in elenath bain.
Hîth a dúath, fân a dû!
Bain pelithar, pelithar bain.
Home is behind, the world ahead
[and] there are many paths (for us) to tread
Through shadow, through the edge of night
Until the stars are all alight.
Mist and shadow, cloud and shade!
All shall fade, all shall fade.
Song: Bridge of Nimrodel
(Original Ballad set in Middle-Earth)
This is my song about King Amroth of Lórien and the lady he loved. Legolas tells their story and sings another song about them in Fellowship of the Ring.
Click here to hear it!
Now the bridge across is broken
And no rainbow leaps the falls
But the south wind sings a lullaby
And she calls, and she calls, "Wait for me!"
In Lórien, in Lórinand, dwellt a maiden bright and fair
And the blossoms of the mallorn-trees adorned her golden hair
Amroth, he loved her like the blooms that danced upon the pool
Where Nimrodel preferred to dwell, the forest's finest jewel.
Green was her roof in summertime and golden in the fall
In silver mallorn's lofty crown she kept a silvan hall
And there he courted her in spring, in wintertime with song
But Nimrodel refused the king; for peace her spirit longed.
"Smoke rises from the dwarven halls; Greenwood the Great grows gray.
Will mallorn cease to blossom? Will the wood wither away?
My heart is growing colder, and my dreams are filled with dread.
If elanor shall be no more, I can see no light ahead."
"Then come with me, beloved, to the lands beyond the sea
Where Yavanna's bliss unbroken graces flower, plant and tree
To the havens I will take thee, whom I love more than my crown
Abide with me, sweet Nimrodel, for without you I shall drown."
They crossed the bridge below the falls and bade the pool farewell
And hand in hand they stole away, Amroth and Nimrodel
But in the Ered Nimrais, amid the snow and frost
The winter gales drove them astray, and Nimrodel was lost.
South the king came slowly, long searching for his love
And there the ship awaited in Edhellond's ancient cove
Long nights and days abiding, he searched the lonely strand
But a storm unloosed the moorings and tore him from the land.
They saw him leap into the deep, and once he called her name--
Amroth of wood was master; but on sea he had no claim.
He perished in the waters; she perished in the snow
But Nimrodel to Anduin and Dol Amroth's bay still flows.
Now the bridge across is broken
And no rainbow leaps the falls
But the south wind sings a lullaby
And she calls, and she calls, "Wait for me!"
Song: Frodo's Song
Written for Frodo Baggins, a brave Hobbit
Click here to hear it!
Once the Elves in starlit forests crossed the wild lands
And singing out their wonder dared the mighty Sea
Not ice nor fire could daunt their fearless bands
No Elf am I, but I must find a way.
I shall follow in your footsteps through the wide world
I shall climb the lofty mountains far from my green home
There's no reward, no dragon's golden hoard
But I'll go, for you've shown me the way.
The scar upon my shoulder warns me of my road
I'll face far greater peril before I reach the end
So hard and cold and heavy is my load
But I'll go, though I do not know the way.
Song: Dagor Imladris
(Translation of Elvish: "The Battle of Rivendell")
This song is about what happened when our valley was attacked by the hosts of Mordor. But I was lucky... my master Soronúmë came for me, and I was saved.
Click here to hear it!
I woke to the sound of the thunder of drums
And knew by the shoutin' that battle had come
To shatter the peace and the joy of our hall-
With harp in my hand, I can't fight them at all!
What cost to the living, what cost to the dead,
For the food on my table, the roof o'er my head?
You say home and freedom are worth fighting for-
That you'll have a share in them, fight all the more.
My master said, "Stay," as he girt on his sword.
He taught me to sing and to live by my word,
But if that's the last word of his that I hear
The lessons he gave are a gift far too dear!
What cost to the living, what cost to the dead,
For the food on my table, the roof o'er my head?
You said home and loved ones are worth fighting for-
To live, my dear master, please fight all the more.
I went to the healers to help as I can,
For heroes are great, and small are my hands.
I saw things that day never learned in my art:
A shaft through the eye, and a spear through the heart.
What cost to the living, what cost to the dead,
For the food on my table, the roof o'er my head?
You say home and freedom are worth dying for-
That you'll have a share in them, fight all the more.
The Hall of Fire's burning, the river runs red
I cradled the dying, I sang to the dead,
But when the foe scattered they took me away.
I pray, my dear master, you outlived the day.
Give thanks to the living, give thanks to the dead,
For the food on your table, the roof o'er your head.
I sang as you taught me until my last breath,
For the love that you gave me was worth even death.
Sketch: Atholthad "The Return" - Govannas in Glirdain, the "Fellowship of Singers"
I'm not a great artist, but this was my sketch of my friends coming to bring me back from the Houses of Healing in Minas Tirith after I was rescued from the orcs. These are some of the earliest members of the Imladris Bards Guild, and they were like family to me. (Fall of 2003)
From left to right:
Weny, Lokei, Taramiluiel, Tinw, Soronúmë, Idril Celebrindal, Galen Aranor
Song: Tol in-Gaurhoth
(Translation of Elvish: "Isle of the Werewolves")
Dark the tower, black the stone
Once laid by Finrod Felagund
Now they cover Finrod's bones
And Beren languishes alone
His journey done.
Sweet a voice calls from afar
That seeps through walls of dungeons grim
As twilight sends a single star
To guide the weary traveller
Towards his home.
Beren dreams of nightingales
That rouse him from his dark despair
Tinúviel before him sails
A dancing vision, moonlight pale,
With shadowed hair.
With song defiant he replies
And hails the starry sickle set
By gods above the northern skies
To challenge Morgoth and his rise:
A promised threat.
But Sauron hears the lonely pair
And laughs within his wicked heart.
He sends his minions from his lair
That Melian's daughter be ensnared
By his black art.
Yet one by one they fall before
The jaws of Huan, faithful hound
Til Sauron issues from the door
In form of werewolf, dripping gore
And is thrown down.
Now on the bridge the maiden stands
And musters all her mother's power.
The stones yield to her stern commands
Walls melt like mud beneath her hands
She takes the tower.
In bitter darkness they embrace
By faithful Finrod's sad remains
Who gave himself in Beren's place.
They bury him who died with grace
But not in vain:
Though Beren falls, and Lúthien dies
And kingdoms fail by traitor's stroke
A Silmaril will someday rise
To ever herald in the skies
Unconquered hope.
Music From Antada (my lyre) - Twiddles from my strings
- Song for Blackrose Bugg
In honor of the best old Hobbit-lady in the Shire. - Return to Imladris
After being taken captive by orcs, it's hard to come home... - Dant Gîl
Something I played while in a Wandering Company seeking the resting place of a fallen star... - For Hoyamir
Composed when the singers of Imladris were paying a visit to the Royal Bard of Minas Tirith. - Liltha
Random twiddle! - Upon the Hearth
Tune (slightly altered) from the BBC Radio Play of Lord of the Rings.
Song: The Host of Imladris
Anthem of Rivendell
The Host of Imladris held a competition, asking for singers to create a song for them when they marched into battle. This was chosen as their official anthem.
Click here to hear!
A Silmaril above us shines!
Our swords were forged in ancient times,
And still they hold their edge today
For foes who try to take away
Our light and power from the world.
Let arrows fly and spears be hurled!
Before the Sun and Moon arose,
With deadly slaughter of our foes
To herald us, we reached these shores,
And thus began the ancient wars
Of Elven-kingdoms proud and bold,
Whose names live on in tales of old.
The Last Alliance saw us brave
Fire and din-horde, so to save
The world for us and for mankind
To whom someday we'll leave behind
The woods, the rivers, mountains steep
For them to cherish and to keep.
The world is old; our years are long,
And filled with sorrow and with song.
Yet while the Dark One dares to claim
A league of land we shall remain
Opposing him, 'til we prevail.
In victory, to the West we'll sail!
Song: Asfaloth's Troubles
Composed on the spot to entertain a small Elf-child
Click here to hear!
Asfaloth's pretty and shiny and bright
But oh, his mane is a terrible sight
The wood-elves were playing far into the night
And tied him all up in ribbons!
There's red ones and green ones and little blue bows
And bells that go tinkle wherever he goes
And somebody's stuck a pink bow on his nose
Oh, shame on the naught-naughty Nandor!
Now Glorfindel's coming, they flee from his wrath
And snickering wood-elves retreat up the path
While all of the guest-ponies whinny and laugh
For Asfaloth's all done in ribbons!
Elf-horses, you know, are quite magical beasts
They come from the West, and they don't mind the least
Long roads or great battles, but horse-lovers, please!
Don't ever festoon them, don't ever buffoon them-- don't even shampoo them--
they're far too noble for ribbons!
Illuminated Manuscript: Elrond's Farewell - (Something I created for the Middle-Earth Idol competition)
Link: my Recording of the Elvish.
Song: The White City
(Translated Into Sindarin Elvish)
Click here to here!
Di Anor sÃla i varad
Broniol annan da Choth
I anÃra gwathrad Ennor
Na 'wath a naeth.
Avo 'osto!
Minas Tirith gâr chîr veleg,
A rîn 'ngolwen, a thelyn fairn
Na nagor dhaer. Ir sîdh adhôl,
In ennyn edrennyn, i 'waith
Geritha vereth, ar i raith
Orthathar 'lamor nelladel
A lammath lind am na menel.
SÃ min garas e-Galadh Fain
Estel a Mîl edlothiar.
Beneath the Sun gleams the tower
Enduring long against the foe
Who wants to cover Middle-earth
Beneath shadow and woe. Do not fear!
Minas Tirith has a mighty lord,
A wise queen, and heroes enough
For the great battle. When peace returns,
[and] the gates are thrown open, the people
Will hold a festival, and the streets
Will lift the echo of ringing bells
And sweet voices up to the sky.
Here in the city of the White Tree
Hope and Love blossom.]
Song: In Ithilien (Elvish)
My first clumsy attempt at Sindarin...
Click here to hear!
I laiss i ngelaidh ioer thuiar
I 'wilith lim echui en-aur.
I mrethil beliar duiw 'wain
Sui dyly af filig verin.
Ithilien, dôr lenthir lind,
Go-rain nesta velethril nÃn.
The leaves of the ancient trees breathe
The clear air of the day's awakening.
The beeches spread new buds
As perches for merry birds.
Ithilien, land of tuneful waterfalls,
Wandering-together heals my beloved.]
Song: In Western Lands (Elvish)
Tune: BBC production of LOTR
My translation of Sam's famous song that he sang in the orc-tower while trying to find Frodo.
Click here to hear!
Mi ndyr ennui di Anor
ned Echuir, lyth eriar
Gelaidh ethuiar, nîn rimmar
Ar aew verin linnar.
Egor ennas dû alfanui
A brethil lilthol celir
I ngeil edhellin sui vîr 'lain
Min finnel 'ylfui în.
SÃ caedon na vethed-e-lend
Nu dhúath dolen nûr;
Athan beraid bain bill a tynd
Athan ered beraidh
Or guruthos bâd Anor
A Geil anuir dorthar
Ã-bedithon i aur gwannen
egor'ni Ngeil namárië.
[Literal translation:
In western lands beneath the Sun
In spring, flowers bloom
Trees bud forth, waters run
And merry birds sing.
Or there it is cloudless night
And dancing beeches bear
The elven stars as jewels bright
Amid their branching hair.
Here I lie at journey's end
Under darkness deep [and] dark;
Beyond all towers strong and high
Beyond mountains steep
Above the shadow-of-death goes the Sun
And stars forever dwell
I will not say 'the day is gone'
or to the stars farewell.
Song: Glorfindel Gets His Groove
(Lord of the Rings Humor for a singing contest in a pub.)
Click here to hear!
I know who's got the moves, who's got the fastest hooves
Will someone get the number of that chick that ran me down?
(Tinw drops in a dramatic spit and jabs a finger in the air, Travolta-style)
Save Asfaloth! The horse-thief and the Bag-end rat can drown!
You stole your daddy's sword, you took my horse and lines--
Don't think that you'll be makin' the last boat when it's time
(The singer waggles a finger and leers at a rather nonplussed barmaid)
Worry not, me darlin', we're leavin' you behind!
Chorus: We could refuse her nothin'
I shoulda seen it comin'
The apple of her papa's eye
Well, she can kiss that boat goodbye.
(Tinw blows a kiss to the bewildered crowd, and struts to the other end of the table.)
We'll send ol' Strider word, we'll throw in a free sword
Get Dad to think she's dyin' with icewater on her hands--
You don't think that I'd have the nerve to use a frying pan?
(She seizes a plate and mimes slamming it on Idril's head, pulling the punch)
Out cold, you won't be causin' any further trouble!
Of course you dumped me! Go and marry Mister Stubble!
Here you can stay 'n rot, we're leavin' on the double! oh yeah!
Picture: Thamaladh - My old home in Imladris
"Nan Tathren"
Sung by Voronwë, friend of Tuor and Eärendil
Click here to hear!
On errantry I traveled long
On the road to Cirdan's harbors
And in the meads of Nan Tathren
I tasted Arda's savor
Of berries sweet and fishes white
And the breezes in the willows
At night the stars shone brightly
and the green turf was my pillow.
By day the wings of butterflies
And swallows swept the meadows
The little birds came piping
And the cliffs cast purple shadows
And there the streams flowed dreamily
And spread in wide meanders
Across the grasses shimmering
That grew beside the waters.
O Nan Tathren, Avernien
O Bay of Balar's breakers
They called on me with Ulmo's horns
To shore and the ship-makers.
On errantry I traveled to
The lost Enchanted Isles
Where sailors stay and sail no more
Ensnared by Uinen's guiles.
They roll asleep amidst the pearls
That dust the lonely headlands
Where mazy mists drift on the sea
And shroud the Shadow Islands.
And once afar, i dim espied
While longing for safe harbor
The Tower of Pearl against the sky
The last of Ossë's labors.
But all my wandering was in vain
And east the storm-winds drove me
To Vinyamar's embattled cove
Where once my mother bore me.
A mariner I met there, though
His son would be far greater
And in his lealty I long served
Of whom the songs sang later.
... or a friendly word, so that I may preen my feathers and make more songs!