5 Reasons Why You Should Own a Futon
The underappreciated futon.
Sometimes we need to just stop and appreciate the little things in life. For instance, I'll bet you have household items you never really think about at all. You just walk by these items or just sit on them, and you never think twice. You know what? Maybe it is time to pay a tribute the unappreciated items in our home.
Let's talk about the futon. Sure, some people will say they are unattractive or uncomfortable, but I want to say that is just not true. Futons can be a wonderful home furnishing. Not only are they a couch, but you can unfold them to turn into a bed. How many items are like that in your home? I mean, we are talking about transformer-like qualities now. If you really stop and think about it, futons are a miracle!
So if you are about to funish your livingroom or you are thinking about changing your livingroom, I think you should consider a futon. I would like to present you with 5 reasons why you should own a futon.
1. They are inexpensive.
If you are low on cash, the futon might be your best bet for livingroom furniture. Even Walmart and Target sell futons, and they are not really known for a wide variety of home furnishings. If you do go to a furniture store, they typically sell futons for a really low price.
Since the futon is sold at a bargain price and easy to find in practically any store, they are perfect for everyone. You can put one in your livingroom, your family room, your college dorm, or a guest room. If you can think of a room, I'll bet the futon would be perfect there. Well, maybe not the bathroom, but you know what I mean. It is a great way to furnish rooms on a budget.
2. Change the sheets, change the look.
Maybe you can't make up your mind about how you want to color coordinate the room yet. If you have a futon, that is no problem. Sure, stores sell covers specifically made for futons. You don't need those! You can just buy a set of full size sheets, the cheaper the better. Just throw that on the futon and you can spill as much stuff on it as possible. When the futon looks disgusting, just take the sheets off and throw them in the wash. No problem!
Do you want to change the look of the room? That is no problem at all. You can just yank the sheets off the futon and put on a different set. You color choices are unlimited! You can buy clearance sheets at Target for $5 a pop sometimes. Wow! Imagine all the color combos and fun you can be having?
3. It sure beats sitting on the floor.
If you just moved into your first place, you need somewhere to sit. I will tell you, sitting on the floor is not nearly as much fun as you may imagine. Sure, at first you are excited since it is your own place and you totally do not care. However, your friends are going to get tired of sitting on the floor or using those old folding chairs you took out your parents' shed. So go get a futon and save yourself from an uncomfortable situation.
4. It's a bed, too!
Wow! What other piece of furniture in your home changes so dramatically? One minute you are sitting on a futon as if it is a couch and the next minute you are unfolding it so it becomes a bed. Awesome!
You can invite friends over to stay the night and they will have a place to sleep. If you are really broke, you can have a "staycation" in your livingroom. You can pretend you are staying at a fancy motel or something, but really, you are just sleeping in your livingroom on the futon and pretending you went far away. Fun times. Pathetic times, yes, but they can be fun as well.
Futon Fun!
Have you ever owned a futon?
5. If you break it, it is not so sad.
Let's face it, if you pay $800 for a couch and it breaks, you are going to be really bummed out. If you pay $150 for a futon, you are not going to be that sad. Maybe you can't afford to buy one immediately, but futons are pretty easy to repair. If you have a wooden one, some wood, nails, and hammer will fix that up right away. If you are lucky, the part you patch back together will face the wall. Once again, what an awesome piece of furniture.
Furthermore, if you break your bed, you will always have a backup. You can just sleep on the futon. Now, of course, we are not going to go into all the reasons you could break your bed. Let's just say it happens. After all, this a G rated hub, so let's just say you jumped on the bed one day and broke the whole thing. Don't worry! You have that futon in the livingroom and you can sleep on that until you get a new bed. Hey, you can use that staycation idea I gave you earlier. Sleeping on the futon can be fun with the right attitude!
Honestly, they are pretty cool.
Seriously, I am not lying. I have two futons and they are both pretty awesome. Yes, I live in an apartment and not a dorm. No, they are not that uncomfortable. The arms on a futon can be pretty annoying, but other than that, my futons on pretty comfortable. Also, I do always have a place for visitors to sleep. What is most important... it sure beats sitting on the floor.