Best heirloom tomato from seed: Roma Rio Grande paste tomatoes
Grow Bigger Paste tomatoes
Paste tomatoes that can take the heat and sun
I didn't mean to grow this tomato. The tag was switched. That's good for me because Roma Rio Grande is one of the best paste tomatoes I've grown.
It is a hardy survivor of heat and drought extremes. Also, plants are fusarium-resistant. Vines and leaves are a deep rich green. More productive but similar in shape to a Roma. Grows to about 4 inches.
This tomato is determinate, which makes it ideal for container growing. I grew it in a five gallon container this year. Determinate tomatoes produce most of their fruit at one time, which makes it perfect for making tomato paste or sauce.
Four tomatoes make a pound. I made Bruschetta in a Jar with these hefty paste tomatoes. There is little waste, the core is small. According to the guide sheet fruits weigh 8-12 ounces.
The Rio Grande is a popular Roma tomato throughout Europe, including Italy, and in South America. It deserves more attention in the U.S.
I found seed on Amazon: Ferry-Morse 2153 Tomato Seeds, Rio Grande, Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds, and Territorial Seed Co.