Cleaning a Dirt Floor
All the Dirt Has to be Scraped in One Direction
Previous to this moment, I have pondered about how people, like perhaps Laura Ingalls Wilder, noted for the books "Little House on the Prairie", cleaned their dirt floors...
My biggest question was how one knew they were done cleaning. I mean, it's a dirt floor. How do you know when dirt is clean.
Well. It's a visual thing, I guess. Once you have the dirt scraped the same direction, it looks somewhat cleaner.
I used a rake to do the combing of the dirt. Same rake I would used for leaves. To make it easier, I started pulling lines into the dirt all the way across the floor.
The Technique
Not only did I scrape the dirt with a rake, but I scooped dirt to the sides of the shed where some animal had dug a hole under the wall.
When my hubby drove the lawnmower back into the garage, the floor was "tidied up" was his words.