How to Plant Flower Bulbs
At its simplest, flower bulb planting is a matter of merely digging a hole to the appropriate depth, dropping in a bulb and covering it up with soil.
The flower bulb planting process, however, can become complicated for a number of reasons, including these three common ones:
- The soil is particularly poor and/or compact.
- The flower bulbs are being planted in an environment that's home to bulb-eating pests like moles, mice and squirrels.
- The bulb type is new to you, and you're unsure about its requirements for growth.
General Planting Times for Bulbs
Plant hardy spring & winter-flowering bulbs like narcissus in late summer or fall. Late fall is also a good time to plant lilies.
In spring, after the threat of frost has passed, plant summer-flowering bulbs like caladium, dahlia & autumn crocus.
Hardy fall-flowering bulbs like colchicum should be planted in late summer.
Choosing a Spot
In general, bulbs require full sun (between 5 and 6 hours of direct sunlight per day). They also prefer soil that readily drains. Heavy soil that tends to hold water can cause bulbs to rot in the ground.
Prepping the Soil
To increase drainage, break up the soil, working 2 to 3 inches of organic matter into it. Good soil amendment choices include leaf mold, compost and composted barnyard manure.
As you work the ground, be sure to dig below the planting depth so that bulb roots will have little trouble growing through the soil.
In addition to organic matter, a low-nitrogen 5-10-10 fertilizer as well as bone meal can be added. Sprinkle the fertilizer into the planting hole, covering it with soil so that it doesn't come into direct contact with the bulbs, as it may burn them.
Digging the Hole
When planting, it's important that bulbs are not set in holes that are too shallow. If they are placed too close to the surface of the soil, the bulbs could heave up due to freezes and frosts, and die.
Conversely, if bulbs are planted too deeply, their shoots will have to struggle to the soil surface, perhaps breaking in the process. And they may not produce blooms.
If you're unsure about how deeply to plant a bulb, a hole that's 2 ½ to 3 times the diameter of the bulb in depth is probably okay.
Also check the package. Store-bought bulbs usually come with planting depth directions. Several reliable online sources also provide planting depth information.
Tender Bulbs
Some summer-blooming true bulbs, corms, tubers & fleshy roots, such as begonias, cannas, caladiums, crocosmias, dahlias & gladiolas, are called "tender bulbs." They are more likely to survive if dug up after blooming & stored over the winter in a frost-free environment.
- How Deep to Plant Flower Bulbs
Planting depths for bulbs daffodils, lilies, hippeastrum & more. - Planting Charts for Spring-Flowering Bulbs
This handy chart takes the guesswork out of planting bulbs that bloom in the spring.
Placing the Bulb
How do you know which end of the bulb goes up? In general, the flat end of the bulb should rest on the bottom of the hole and the pointed end (where the sprout will grow) should point toward the hole opening.
Sometimes, it can be difficult to differentiate the sprouting end of the bulb from the root end. If you can't tell which end of the bulb goes up, place the bulb on its side. That way, whichever end sprouts, the new growth will be able to find its way to the surface without too much difficulty.
Protecting Bulbs from Pests
Bulbs like allium and narcissus (a.k.a. daffodils, jonquils and paperwhites) have an off-putting taste and odor that make them naturally pest resistant. Others, like tulips and hyacinths, are well loved by all sorts of pesky critters, including groundhogs, moles, voles, chipmunks, skunks, squirrels and deer.
Plant a mix of bulbs.
To protect at-risk bulbs like tulips from pests, interplant them with allium, narcissus and other bulbs with off-putting fragrances that deter pests.
- Add gravel to the hole.
Adding gravel to the planting hole is another method of pest deterrence. Gravel not only improves drainage but also helps to protect bulbs from burrowing mammals like moles that tend to avoid sharp rocks that hurt their paws.
Sprinkle cayenne pepper onto the planting area.
Pests dislike the smell and taste of cayenne pepper, and adding it into the hole at planting time as well as sprinkling it on the surface of the soil will keep them at bay. Because cayenne washes away, however, re-application is required until the pests learn to avoid the bulb area.
Apply smelly organic sprays.
A pepper spray comprised of 6 oz. of hot pepper sauce and 1 tsp. dishwashing detergent per 1 gallon water will also deter pests. When bulbs sprout, spray the mixture at the perimeter of the planting area, not on the plants, to avoid potentially burning tender shoots.
Organic garlic sprays will also deter pests.
Copyright © 2012 by The Dirt Farmer. All rights reserved.
The Dirt Farmer has been an active gardener for over 30 years.
She first began gardening alongside her grandfather on her parents' farm. Together, they would plant acres of vegetable gardens, setting tomato, eggplant and bell pepper plants; sowing row after row of beans and corn; and building up mounds of soil for white squash, pumpkin, cantaloupe and potatoes.
Today, The Dirt Farmer gardens at home, volunteers at community gardens and continues to learn about gardening through the MD Master Gardener program.