Painting a boy's bedroom in red and blue Mickey Mouse colors
Painting the Monkey's room was a lot more difficult then I had thought it was going to be. Granted we did every other wall red and the others blue and that was easy but that was the only easy part about it. It took me forever to decide how to put his stencils on the walls. I wanted him to have something that he could play with on his walls since he is the youngest and a boy. We finally decided on a road that he can drive his cars on. What boy doesn't love driving cars on the walls! Here's our turn out!
Because we decided to put him in the "game room" of the house we split it up in two parts. The monkey's room is the back part. This is where he can kick the girls out of and have his own time if he needs it. This is where his bed and all his "special" toys are. The front part of the room is the play room. There's so many toys and stuff in there it's hard to keep up with it all but they do a good job at keeping it picked up. There are a lot of different totes and places to organize the toys so they are easier to get to and put back up when they are done playing. We also have a projector in there for the play room. They are only allowed to have it on during the weekends unless they have friends over that want to hang out up there. It is the favorite hangout of the kids, except the kitchen of course!