Ohio's Fall Flowers
According to the Teleflora website, the chrysanthemum is a symbol of optimism and joy.
They are also the birth flower for November babies, and commonly presented and later pressed as 13th wedding anniversary mementos.
The flowers are popular in other countries as well. A city in Japan, for example, hosts an annual festival to celebrate the mum, the Festival of Happiness.
Looking at the brilliant colors and full blooms of these orange 'mums' really brought that sensation of optimism and joy to my day.
Mum's the Word
Gardening Supplies and Information from Amazon
According to the Flower Expert website, lilies are the fourth most popular flower, and yellow lilies, such as the ones in the photo below, symbolize gaiety, while most lily colors relate to something pure and wholesome. Orange lilies, however, symbolize passion.
Lilies are used in landscaping, religious ceremonies, as part of skin care regimens, and as medicines in holistic treatment plans.
Hello Yellows
What are your favorite fall flowers?
Books about fall flowers
If you want to add some color to your fall landscaping, the time to plant is often in spring, because many fall flower need time to take root or go through dormant stages before blooming.
A good place to get more information on caring for fall flowers is from a gardening book or a local nursery, if you don't have a friend or relative who can help you get started planting.