Pitfalls of moving from one Home to Another Home
Beware of these pitfalls
You have sold your home and have bought another one, whether you are upgrading to a larger home or downsizing will make no difference as to what has to be done.
Now it is time to pack and get ready for the BIG move to your new home. You need to know what you have to do legally when shifting out of your old home and into your new home.
Things to Consider before moving
The settlement date has been decided so we need to organize everything else. Apart from packing you have other things to arrange.
The current regulations require buyers to inspect their new homes and check all appliances in the home before finalization of sale.
- Do the inspection of all your taps, check all electric power points to make sure they work, flush toilets and really look at the home you are buying or you will have to pay for these repairs after you move in.
- White ant and pest control inspection- You need to organize and pay for this inspection to be done. Some areas are more susceptible to these problems than others.
- Moving date is normally the morning after day of settlement – out by midday
- Pre-book the removal truck for an early start sometimes things do go wrong so give yourself a bit of extra time
- Key exchange can be organized through your current estate agent , you need to know where to leave and pick up keys.
- Carpet Cleaning When selling your home carpet cleaning is not compulsory – this applies only to rental homes.
- Everyone should clean and wash out all of their cupboards and generally clean and vacuum your old home before moving out.
- 2 days before move, confirm date of removal truck.
- Be packed and ready with a cup of coffee for the removalist.
Keep your kettle and coffee facilities ready on hand before moving and for arrival at new home- you will need it if things do not go as smoothly as hoped
Rubbermaid cordless scrubber
If everyone did these few commonsense things it would result in a smooth changeover from one home to another without any frustration or trauma from either the seller or the buyer.
Conclusion – my personal experience – we trusted these people-In their defence they did have medical problems.
There is nothing worse than cleaning your own home and then when you arrive at your new home to find that you have to start all over again and vacuum and clean and wash all skirting boards etc, before the removalist can even start moving your valued possessions and furniture into your new home.
Kitchen cupboards – these were full of mice shit. I could not believe it. After all the work I had put in cleaning our kitchen cupboards before we left. I had to start cleaning again.
Toilet system leaks – this would not have been seen on inspection
Plumbing drains- these are partially blocked.
Tiles leak water in shower – This is not something that you would see on inspection.
Also we got a shock as the sloped down on one side, probably from previous flooding under the house.
So as a trusting person I have to say that it does not always pay to trust to your feelings. The Inspection is there for a reason – to protect the prospective buyer – as you are the buyer then take advantage of this ruling. Believe me- for warned is for armed.
© 2010 Eileen hughes