Quick Plant Care Guides: How to Grow Roses
Ever wondered how to grow roses? Growing roses is straightforward. Given enough light and moisture, they will survive. Given the right food, they will thrive.
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Growing the Best and Easiest Roses
Feed your roses worm castings, compost, and dead fish. When you first plant your rose bush, dig a hole three times or more the size of the normal planting depth and width.
Fill the hole with well-rotted compost, a bucketful of worm castings and a three to five pound whole fish. You can use five pounds of fish scraps if you don’t want to waste a whole fish.
Cover the fish with a thick layer of compost and a good sprinkle of phosphorus, before adding your rose to the hole.
Backfill and tamp down the soil around you rose bush. Make a circle of raised soil around the rose bush. The circle should go out further than the rootball. This soil creates a bowl that will collect water when it rains or when you water. Fill the raised area with mulch to keep the soil from drying out.
Add a light layer of chicken manure to the soil surface and cover it with a bit of compost/mulch.
Use worm tea to foliar feed your roses. Make sure the roses have a chance to dry out before nightfall so they do not develop rot/fungus.
That is it. With proper pruning, this is all you need to have the best-looking roses around. Don't forget to root those cuttings!
My entire garden is mulched. This keeps all of my plants weed-free and happy. If ever possible, mulch the entire flower garden instead of just around the plants.
Since my roses are well-rooted and acclimated to less water, I do not water that often. When I do, I try to water my plants in the morning to prevent waterspots. Watering at night, too often may result in fungal/mildew problems. If you have to water at night, avoid getting the foliage/blossoms wet.
So your main key points to growing fantastic roses?
Sunlight, air circulation, avoid wetting the foliage, deep watering, deep mulch, and rich, organic foods. Give this method a try and next year your roses will be fantastic!