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Rebuilding a House After a Fire [2019]

Updated on April 10, 2019
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Rebuilding A House After A Fire

Rebuilding A House After A Fire
Rebuilding A House After A Fire

How Many House Fires Are There In The United States?

House fires can be extremely traumatic. According to News and Research at NFPA Journal, on 2017, there were 357,000 house fires in the United States. If you recently experienced a house fire, you’ll want to rebuild your home and restore it to its former glory as soon as you can.

A quick checklist can come in handy when dealing with these types of situations. Here are some of the most critical steps when rebuilding a house after a fire.

Call Your Insurance Company

The first step of the rebuilding process after a home structural fires is calling your insurance provider. Start the claims process, talk to your agent, and work towards getting a professional fire restoration contractor.

Assess Structural Damage

Before kicking off the restoration process, you should ensure that it is safe to do so. An experienced renovation contractor will recommend a structural engineer to help with this part of the project. The engineer will then inspect your premises and recommend necessary repairs. A good restoration contractor will also link with electricians, carpenters and other skilled traders who specialize in fire damage restoration.

Rebuilding After A House Fire

Rebuilding After A House Fire
Rebuilding After A House Fire

Secure the Property

Once everything is in place to begin the restoration process, secure your property to minimize any chance of theft or vandalism. Many insurance companies insist on ensuring the property is safe. Seal all entryways and broken windows. Your restoration contractor can help with this.

Start by Addressing Structural Repairs

Structural repairs are best handled by professionals. For instance, you want well-trained carpenters to deal with all the repairs needed to ensure your property’s structural integrity. This may involve tasks such as rebuilding the attic and securing the interior framework.

Inspect and Repair the Electrical System

Even if the fire didn’t destroy the entire house, be sure to have your electrical system checked by a licensed electrician. All electrical fixtures and outlets in fire-damaged houses have to be inspected for safety and replaced if damaged. It’s also likely you’ll need a new breaker box.

Have you established an escape route encase of an unexpected home fire?

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Address Fire Damage Problems

Fire damage restoration often involves specialized work aimed at taking care of specific damages resulting from fire and smoke. Some of the problems your restoration contractor may have to address include:

  • Contaminated Air Ducts
  • Soot Residue and Smoke Stains
  • The Growth of Mold in Damp Sheetrock

Work Room by Room

A typical fire damage restoration may last anywhere from several weeks to a couple of months, so it’s important to be patient. Partner with your restoration specialists throughout the process and learn that common household items could burn down your home. Your restoration contractors will restore your damaged floors, replace ruined sheet rock and even help you to salvage furnishings. During this phase, work your way one room at a time.

Common Household Components: The HVAC System and Fire Alarms

It is necessary that you properly integrate your fire alarms with the Heating, Ventilation and AC system. It’ll help control how the smoke spreads from the fire source to other parts of the building.

Document Everything

Repairs and replacements involved in fire damage restoration can be expensive, so be sure to document everything. Store paperwork and photographs in digital format so you can prove the damage extent and cost of rebuilding. Having detailed records make it easier when making your claim with the insurance company.

Rebuilding After A Fire

Rebuilding After A Fire
Rebuilding After A Fire

Helpful Tips After A House Fire or Catastrophe

With the skill of expertise of fire restoration experts, carpenters, electricians and other tradesmen, rebuilding a house after a fire can be done properly. While it may not seem easy to restore a home after a fire, homeowners insurance and remembering the tips in this article can help you avoid unexpected setbacks.

© 2019 Edgar M


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