Square Foot Gardening Plant Spacing
Square foot gardening has made it possible for us to get large harvest over a small amount of land. It works excellently with heavy mulch and no-till methods. I love this method and suggest it to every gardener I meet! One bit of advice, when doing corn, I liked to walk through the patch and give it a gentle whack with a broom handle. This helped to evenly pollinate the plants. Good luck!!
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Spacing for Square Foot Gardening
Always remember to leave about a one foot path between each 4 square feet of plantings. You need to be able to reach into the center of each planting area, from any one side. Even a small trail will be suitable, just make sure you can get in between blocks to weeds and do various garden chores.
You may want to add less or more of these plants per square foot. Make this garden plan work for you. I really packed mine in there and everything did awesomely.
When I grew my collards and leaf lettuces, I broadcast them thickly and didn't bother with spacing. They grew lush and pretty weedless.
Remember to mulch heavily!
Carrots - 16 per square foot
Corn - 4 per square foot
Lettuce - 4 per square foot
Squash - 1 per square foot
Okra - 1 per square foot
Potatoes - 1 per square foot
Cucumbers - 2 per square foot
Broccoli - 1 per square foot
Cauliflower - 1 per square foot
Radish - 16 per square foot
Spinach - per square foot
Beans - per square foot
Kale - 1-4 per square foot
Collards - 4 per square foot
Tomatoes - Vining, trellised, 4 per square foot. Bush, 1 per 2' x 2' plot
Melons - Charentais type, trellised, 2 per square foot
Beets - 16 per square foot
Watermelons - bush 1 per square foot, vining, 2 per square foot, all trellised
Scallions - 36 per square foot
Peppers - 1 per square foot
Peas, trellised - 8 per square foot
Onions - 16 per square foot
Chard - 16 per square foot
Growing your plants with this method does make for less work, time, and resources than traditional gardening.