Toilet Paper Crazy
I remember that I was in sixth grade. The liberation army had Patty Hearst held hostage, and they were threatening to take out the food supplies...
Apparently, Johnny Carson had made a sarcastic comment about toilet paper becoming scarce, so my mother ordered 6 cases of toilet paper from Warehouse Market.
We were a mobile family, moving each fall, just in time for a new school year.
We lived in a small house, and I remember my dad building special shelves in the basement for these boxes.
We also moved three more times, moving these cases to the next houses, and dad building massive closets to house these boxes.
I moved out at some point, and my parents did not.
One day, my mother informed me that she was down to her last package of toilet paper. It took 9 years to consume 6 cases. Even with me living at home. I am in the bathroom, a lot.
There are alternatives to toilet paper.
Let me remind you that people used to use cloth diapers, as well, and washing a washcloth is not hard to do.
For those people who stocked up and have now come to their senses - and realize that the toilet paper they purchased is now overkill... I'm sure you will see large donations to needy groups.