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Wyoming Spring Cleaning Tips

Updated on March 6, 2024
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Darline has spent a lot of her career in the cleaning industry. Cleaning has always been second nature.

Ah, spring in Wyoming. The sun shines, the birds chirp, and the wind blows dirt into every nook and cranny of your home. As a proud resident of the Cowboy State, I've come to learn a thing or two about how to tackle the never-ending battle against dust and pet hair. So grab your cowboy boots and let's get ready for spring!


Tip 1: Baseboards. Ah, the forgotten heroes of our homes. Those poor baseboards take a beating day in and day out, with dirt, dust, and who knows what else getting stuck to them like a badge of honor. But fear not, dear reader, for I have the solution! Grab a damp cloth and some all-purpose cleaner, and get to work. Trust me, your baseboards will thank you. And if you really want to show them some love, give them a fresh coat of paint every once in a while. They'll be shining brighter than a new pair of spurs in no time.


Tip 2: Pet Hair Removal. Now, I love my three fur babies more than anything, but boy oh boy, do they leave a trail of hair wherever they go. It's like a never-ending game of hide and seek, except instead of seeking a person, you're seeking tufts of fur. My weapon of choice in this battle? A vacuum and a rubber glove. Yes, you heard me right. Put on that trusty dish washing glove, run your hand over your furniture, and watch in amazement as the pet hair clings to it like it's found its one true love. Vacuum as you go to keep things under control, and voila! Your home will be looking pet hair free in no time.

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Tip 3: Window Cleaning. Now, I don't know about you, but there's something about clean windows that just makes my heart sing. Maybe it's the sunlight streaming in, or maybe it's just the satisfaction of seeing my reflection in a streak-free surface. Either way, give those windows a good scrub with some glass cleaner and a microfiber cloth. And don't forget about the window sills and tracks - those can get pretty gunky too. A little elbow grease goes a long way, my friend.


Tip 4: Closet Organization. Ah, the dreaded closet. A place where clothes go to disappear and clutter reigns supreme. But fear not, for I have a secret weapon to combat the chaos: organization. Take everything out of your closet, purge what you no longer need or wear, and then put everything back in an orderly fashion. Use bins, baskets, or whatever floats your boat to keep things neat and tidy. You'll be amazed at how much easier it is to get dressed in the morning when you can actually see what you have.


Tip 5: The fridge. For some reason, every spring my fridge decides to unleash a not-so-pleasant odor that permeates the entire kitchen. It's like a secret weapon that only gets activated once the weather starts to warm up. But fear not, for I have the perfect solution to combat this stinky foe.

First things first, I roll up my sleeves and take everything out of the fridge. I'm talking about every single item, from the carton of milk to that random jar of pickles lurking in the back. Once the fridge is bare, I pull out the drawers and shelves and give them a good scrubbing. But here's the kicker – I have a special cleaning concoction that makes this task a breeze.

I mix warm water with a generous amount of baking soda and a drop of dawn dish soap. The warm water helps to dissolve any stubborn grime, while the dawn dish soap acts as a powerful grease cutter. And of course, the baking soda works its magic to eliminate odors and keep them at bay for a while. Once the fridge is sparkling clean, I make sure to keep an open box of baking soda in there to maintain that fresh scent all year round.


Tip 6: The dishwasher – the unsung hero of every kitchen. These trusty machines work tirelessly to clean our dishes, but they too deserve a little TLC every now and then. And let me tell you, my dishwasher can get pretty gnarly with all the food particles that get trapped inside.

To give my dishwasher a thorough cleaning, I have a simple two-step process that never fails to leave it smelling fresh as a daisy. First, I pour a cup of vinegar into a bowl and place it on the top rack of the dishwasher. Then, I start up a cycle using a shorter setting. The vinegar works its magic to break down any leftover food particles and banish any funky smells lingering within.

Next, I sprinkle a generous amount of baking soda at the bottom of the dishwasher and run another cycle. The baking soda acts as a gentle abrasive to scrub away any stubborn residue, leaving the interior sparkling clean. And voila, my dishwasher is now ready to take on its next load of dirty dishes with gusto.

After some hard work, a touch of humor, and plenty of cowboy attitude, you can get your home spring-ready in no time. Grab a dust rag, put on your cleaning gloves, and let's show that dirt who's boss! My kitchen smells as fresh as can be after a satisfying spring clean. Cheers to a sparkling home this season!

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2017 Darline S.


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