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Landscaping Your Front Yard

Updated on May 15, 2019
Stella Kaye profile image

As a property developer, Stella has written many articles on the home environment, decor and problems that arise in the home and garden.

Is the Front of your House a Doorstep Disaster?


Give Your Home Some 'Kerb Appeal'

Is the frontage of your home a doorstep disaster? The problem can be cheaper to rectify than you think.

The front elevation of any property is like the cover of a book. Whether you intend to attract a buyer or just make your home look its best for you to enjoy and for passers-by to admire, landscaping can be done at minimal outlay to produce maximum effect.

The Garden

Whatever the size of your plot, by keeping the front yard neat and tidy, you will be giving the outside appearance of your property some kerb appeal. This can be further enhanced by paying attention to the front elevation of your home, too. Make sure all doors and windows are looking their best and that guttering and roof tiles are in good order, as well as the paintwork or rendering and pointing on the walls themselves.

None of this need cost a fortune, as there are plenty of DIY tricks that can be utilised to best advantage.

For instance, wooden window frames, shutters, window boxes and gates can be given a new lease of life by using a reputable polyurethane varnish such as Sadolin One Coat will protect the wood against all weathers for several years and is worth every penny; it comes in a number of shades. Boundary fences, too, can be enhanced with a suitable wood preserver or new fence panels can be bought pre-treated.

Cast-iron railings will look great, too, with a fresh coat of Hammerite to banish all signs of rust. This is something that doesn't need doing very often but will have a long-lasting effect.

An inexpensive and low-maintenance front garden can stay looking good for longer and won't take up too much of your valuable time in keeping trim.

Don't plan anything too intricate; simple but effective is always best. Coloured or neutral paving slabs make a great background for a few attractive planters, or why not try gravel, slate or bark chippings? All three are cheap to buy and simple enough to lay on level ground with a thick polyurethane sheet underneath to prevent weeds from coming through. Cleverly designed membranes can even be purchased, which allow water to drain away but do not allow weeds to grow through.

Ensure that all shrubs are slow growing or of the miniature variety otherwise, your front yard will soon become dominated by overgrown bushes that make the whole front of your property appear smaller.

For further inspiration, take a stroll along your road and see which ideas could be incorporated into your own plans. Pop along to your local garden centre and choose what suits you from the vast number of different materials available nowadays. Most reputable garden centres will supply you with rocks and stones to build an attractive rock garden and usually have knowledgeable assistants on hand to help you create your chosen landscape design, however basic or elaborate you intend it to be.


Kerb Appeal Ideas

What should you spend money on first?

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Front Yard Budget Ideas

© 2015 Stella Kaye


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