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Cooking With Cast Iron Cookware

Updated on February 11, 2019
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My name is Jolene Belmain, and I love my family, including my fur babies, and cooking.

Cast iron pots and pans are unique in their function and care.
Cast iron pots and pans are unique in their function and care.

Old fashioned cookware that lasts virtually forever.

The flavors that come out of using this metal for cooking is unreal, and over time, will only get better. I have been cooking like this for longer than I can remember, and let me tell you, that I will NEVER go back to anything else!!

I love the ease of cooking with a perfectly seasoned Cast Iron skillet, and the mouth watering flavors that my food incorporate from being cooked on one as well.

They help prevent burning with the thickness of the base and because they distribute heat more evenly throughout. Believe it or not, cast iron becomes non stick if taken care of properly.

The great thing about using cast iron compared to Teflon non stick pans, is that cast iron skillets contain NO chemicals like PTFE (polytetrafluoroethylene), and everyone knows that keeping away from exposing ourselves to chemicals is usually a good thing.

Another great asset to cooking with cast iron is written within the name itself... That's right, IRON. Did you realize that every time you cook with cast iron you get that marvelous mineral that your body needs in your diet? Some need more iron than others; for instance, the majority of women need more iron intake.

It is always best to ingest our vitamins and minerals in the most natural way possible, without having to take supplements, and this is a way to incorporate iron into our diets without even thinking about it. By cooking healthier, your body will stay healthier.

Cast iron frying pans can naturally season themselves over time.

Potatoes and red peppers being cooked up in a cast iron frying pan.
Potatoes and red peppers being cooked up in a cast iron frying pan.
Cast iron tea kettle.
Cast iron tea kettle.

Pots, pans, and kettles.

I love cooking with my cast iron pans and would never trade them for any other cooking surface in the kitchen, and if you are anything like me, you love yours just as much.

I cook everything from eggs for breakfast, to sauteed onions and mushrooms to top off the perfect dinner.

If you haven't fallen in love with your cookware then you aren't using the right stuff!

There is a right and a wrong way to season your pans.

Here is a video that will help you throughout the life of your Cast Iron Cookware. Some will show you how to pre-season (or re-season if need be), and the other will show you how to properly clean it as well.

There IS a right and a wrong way to clean and maintain Cast Iron, so please be self aware to be able to have the best flavors you can have cooking your favorite meals.

With so many benefits to cooking with cast iron, and so many ways to do it with ease, will you switch over to a more natural metal to cook with, or have you already started making the switch?

Even if you already cook with these pots and pans, any of these products would make a great gift for a friend or family member.

© 2013 JoleneBelmain


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