Our Deck Project with Planters for Screening
Constructing a Deck with Planters for Screening
We like our neighbors, but having some privacy on the deck is important to us too. When my husband started building a deck to hold his grill, it started out as a simple, ground-level wood deck.
Before long, it evolved into a super outdoor living area. I showed him a deck project that I found on the Hometalk site. It included a triple level planter across one side. He liked the idea and incorporated it into our deck.
Here's the way he made the deck.
Here's the Basic Frame Ready for the Decking to be Applied
Creating the Base for the Deck
My husband wanted to keep it simple, so he laid this framework for the deck. It used a standard sized timber that would fit in his pickup truck bed.
You'll note that he put down black plastic for a weed barrier. The support posts each rest on a concrete paver to keep those from sinking into the ground and to provide stability.
(photo by Virginia Allain)
Take Advantage of All the Great Videos - When Building Your Deck
Take a look at some of these to get the sequence in mind and learn about some of the pitfalls of deck construction.
Add the Surface Boards
Attaching Them to the Frame
To add extra interest to the deck surface, he created a checkerboard pattern rather than have all the boards running in the same direction. He made each square the size of the board so didn't have to cut them.
Check out the video below for details on completing this step.
The Deck Surface in Place
How to Build a Ground Level Deck
Get Inspired by Similar Projects
Look around online for deck projects before you get started. Here's the page that inspired our planters (Backyard Deck in New Orleans :: Hometalk). It was a 16 by 16-foot deck in New Orleans with 4 rows of red cedar planters for herbs.
Here's another example (Recycle pallets by turning them into a planter. :: Hometalk) but my husband doesn't like to use pallets for an outdoor project. The cedar boards in the planters will hold up longer in the weather and against the moisture in the soil.
Avoid Some Common Mistakes - Video Tutorial
Speed up the project with a battery-powered screwdriver.
This is one of my husband's favorite tools. It really saves his wrist and elbow when he has a big project like the deck and planter boxes.
This Is Fun to Watch - A Timelapse Showing a Deck Being Built
More Views of the Deck Project - Photos by Virginia Allain
Decide How Deep to Make the Planters
The size of the planters determines what plants you can put there. We made ours deeper than the project plans we started with & I'm glad we did. Since they are narrow, just the width of the post, the root space is limited and the extra depth helps. I opted to put shade-loving plants like begonias and such in ours.
Adding the Planters for the Deck
How We Use the Deck
During the spring, summer, and fall we eat on the deck most evenings. My husband grills 3 or 4 times a week so the grilling area gets plenty of use.
We like to sit out there to read, visit with friends, or just enjoy the flowers and the woods view.
Enjoying the New Deck - Photos by Virginia Allain
© 2014 Virginia Allain