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How to Use Water in Your Home

Updated on August 30, 2017

Here are a few things that we use water for in our home

Its interesting how one word can kick off so many ideas and thoughts in your head. The same is true with the word water. It is something every one needs and wants. But sometimes we don't always think about it because its just there.

Well for me the water just flowed like the ideas for this lens. Just like water flows so did these ideas once the first part came into my mind. And to think it all started when I realized that I had to get the dishes done.

As it turned out Just by walking from room to room in our home I was able to find several ways that water's needed and used here. I have tried to share some of the more noticeable and maybe not so noticeable ones. So please let the river flow and continue to enjoy how water can make a difference in your home.

Wile E. Coyote - For a glass of water

Wile E. Coyote - For a glass of water
Wile E. Coyote - For a glass of water
Time to do the Dishes
Time to do the Dishes

Its time to do the dishes


Just ask my family and they will most likely tell you I am particular about how the dishes need to be washed. There are certain steps to follow in this process. A certain order so to speak when doing the dishes.

1) Rinse all the dishes and stack them as they are used so that you can clean them in a set order.

2) Fill up the sinks with water. The one on the right has the dish soap.

(When I say Wash it means to also rinse and put in the dish drainer.)

3) Wash the silverware.

4) Wash the plates.

5) Wash some of the glasses to go around the outside..

6) Dry and put away.

7) Wash the sharp knives and utensils.

8) Was the bowls.

9) Was more glasses.

10) Dry and put away

11) Wash items used for cooking, baking and food storage.

(As these are bigger they may have a few drying and putting away cycles.)

12) The last thing that done are the cookie sheets.

Another one of those things is you don't come into the kitchen to get a clean dish while I am doing them. If it involves getting a dish dirty they know better. If it doesn't involve dishes then it is OK.

And as a final step always do the dishes first,the laundry second. This way the dish towels are ready for the next load of dishes.

When it comes to washing your dishes...

Which path would you rather follow?

The wife likes coffee - So I found a little something to help decorate the kitchen

House Blend cafe Latte Dish Towels & Cloths - Set of 6
House Blend cafe Latte Dish Towels & Cloths - Set of 6
Yes these are the towels that we use in our kitchen. We have actually purchased more than one set just in case.

Reminder - before doing the dishes always check the kid's room

OK in our case its the first son's room as the youngest is better about not taking dishes to his room.
OK in our case its the first son's room as the youngest is better about not taking dishes to his room.

As you can tell by the Wile E Coyete above there are some older dishes in our home - I have entered some of the older items here for your viewing pleasure

Click thumbnail to view full-size
These are called bubble gum glasses as you had to redeem bubble gum labels to get them.These were part of a fund raiser way back when.I think we found this one several years ago at a local Tops.I am not sure where these came from but for kids they are a great way to help hold onto the bowls.
These are called bubble gum glasses as you had to redeem bubble gum labels to get them.
These are called bubble gum glasses as you had to redeem bubble gum labels to get them.
These were part of a fund raiser way back when.
These were part of a fund raiser way back when.
I think we found this one several years ago at a local Tops.
I think we found this one several years ago at a local Tops.
I am not sure where these came from but for kids they are a great way to help hold onto the bowls.
I am not sure where these came from but for kids they are a great way to help hold onto the bowls.
The Laundry is Clean
The Laundry is Clean

Laundry time

Another thing that I have a set order to. Laundry is usually dedicated to the weekends. It starts out with whites then colors usually two loads worth and finally a load of reds. Usually reds are every other weekend.

As you can tell by the picture we have someone that tests the cloths to make sure that they are dry. Even if I just turn my back for a few moments she is lying in wait.

When folding I use our stairs. That way each member of the family has their own location for cloths. This makes it easier to deliver them to each person when the folding is complete.

Don't forget that the cats need water too

And look one for each
And look one for each

Watered down Poll # 1

What kind of water do you mostly drink?

See results
Water in the Fridge
Water in the Fridge

Keep a pitcher of Cold Water in the Fridge

Keep a pitcher of water in the fridge if you want it cold. Place a mark on the pitcher so when it gets close to that mark it will be refilled. There is nothing worse then going for cold water and having only a few drops left.

Silly Songs With Larry - VeggieTales: The Water Buffalo Song

Water has many uses these days. Drinking, bathing, cleaning, listening and now a little watching. That's right there are many things out there that you can watch that have water in them. There is even a show called Tanked about a family business that makes fish tanks.

Tanked Season 2

The animals

Yes the animals out there have water. Or is it the veggies. Or in this case it's a combination of the two. OK so its may not be what you are expecting but its still fun.

Watered Down Poll # 2

Does it bother you when you get a drink from a water fountain and it is warm?

See results

The most used place for water in the house - The Bathroom

The Bathroom
The Bathroom

With five people in the family its no wonder that this is the most popular room in the house. The hardest part is the two oldest kids like loooonnnggg showers. we have been working with both kids trying to have them trim down their time but it doesn't always work. In fact the youngest is now taking after his siblings and wants to take long showers as well.

In the good news they do not leave the water running when brushing their teeth.

Toothbrushes of choice for the youngest

Colgate Kids Power Toothbrush, Transformers (Colors May Vary)
Colgate Kids Power Toothbrush, Transformers (Colors May Vary)
This is currently my youngest toothbrush. He brushes every morning and sometimes in the evening.

Rain helps me sleep

I grew up in a lake house. There was no insulation on the roof. So when it rained you would hear it all night long. Even for me thunder is relaxing. Just sitting on the porch watching it rain. Enjoying the sounds around me. Even swimming in the rain and being under water seeing the raindrop hit above me.

Number 100 Baby
Number 100 Baby

More Good News

This is My 100th Lens Published. This was before moving over to HubPages. But still worth mentioning.


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