Planting for Birds and Wildlife
Downy Woodpecker in American Holly
Creating a Bird and Wildlife Garden
Welcoming birds and animals into our yard has been a most enjoyable experience. The beauty and motion that they add to the landscape makes the garden that we have created seem all the more beautiful. We have provided a planting list with photographs and descriptions in this lens, so that you can create your own garden for wildlife or add new plants to an established habitat. For more detailed instructions visit our other habitat construction and gardening for hummingbirds, butterflies and moths lenses. We hope you'll start your garden in the fall, when it's the best time to plant.
Cedar Waxwings eating cherries and all other photos on this page are the property of Y.L. Bordelon (All Rights Reserved) unless otherwise noted. Many of the photos on this page can be purchased online at Naturegirl7 Zazzle Shop. There you will find many print on demand products featuring my photographs and designs.
add color, movement and song to any garden. They make it come alive and bring joy to the watcher.
Carolina Chickadee Poster
Be Like a Bird - Victor Hugo
Be like the bird, who
Halting in his flight
On limb too slight
Feels it give way beneath him,
Yet sings
Knowing that he hath wings.
Planting for Animals Poll
Do you garden with wildlife in mind?
Taiwan Cherry
Cedar Waxwings Eating Taiwan Cherries
Food Plants for the Birds and Other Wildlife
Landscaping your yard or garden with plants that provide food, shelter and/or nesting sites for birds and other animals will provide 3 of the 4 requirements for a successful wildlife habitat. All you need to add is a bird bath or a pond of any size and you'll have a sanctuary for displaced wildlife and a beautiful retreat for you and your family.
Trees, shrubs and vines can add beauty and form to the landscape, but with a little planning they can also provide a year round food supply for wildlife, too. Try some of these natives and old favorites for a low maintenance, pesticide free addition to your yard. To help you get started I've included a list (with photographs and descriptions)of our favorite, easy to grow wildlife plants. I'll be adding more as time goes on.
Black Cherry (Prunus serotina)- Large deciduous native, early summer fruit, full sun/partial shade. Larval food of the tiger swallowtail butterfly. Attracts 30 bird species (bluebird favorite).
Taiwan Cherry (Prunus campanulata) Small imported, deciduous tree, very early spring flowers, late spring fruit, full sun to part shade, Hummingbirds use the flowers, fruit eating birds devour the cherries.
Red Mulberry
Southern Crabapple
Red Mulberry (Morus rubra) - Large deciduous introduced species, spring fruit, full sun/partial shade. Attracts 29 bird species (bluebird favorite)
Black Gum (Nyssa Sylvatica) - Medium/large deciduous native, fall fruit, full sun/light shade. Attracts 16 bird species.
Southern Crab Apple (Malus angustifolia) - Small deciduous native, fall fruit, full sun/partial shade. Attracts 15 bird species.
Southern Crabapple Fruit
Flowering Dogwood
Dogwood - Flowering (Cornus florida) Medium deciduous native, fall fruit, sun/shade.
Rough-leaf (Cornus Drummondii) Small deciduous native, early summer fruit, sun/partial shade. Larval food of spring azure butterfly. Attracts 15 bird species (bluebird favorite).
Flowering Dogwood Fruit
Flowering Dogwood Plant
Mexican Plum Flowers
Wild Plum Fruit
Wild or Domesticated Plum (Prunus spp.) Small deciduous native (or imported), spring bloom, summer fruit, full sun/part shade. Attracts birds and other wildlife.
Sassafras Flowers
Sassafras (Sassafras albidum) - Small deciduous native, late spring fruit, full sun/light shade. Larval food of the spicebush swallowtail butterfly. Attracts 14 bird species.
Service Berry Flowers
Service Berry Fruit
Service Berry (Amelanchier arborea) - Small deciduous native, spring fruit, sun/partial shade. Attracts 14 bird species (bluebird favorite).
Southern Magnolia Flower
Magnolia - Southern (Magnolia grandiflora) - Large evergreen native, late summer-fall fruit, full sun/partial shade. Sweetbay (Magnolia virginiana) - Medium/large evergreen native, July-October fruit, full sun/partial shade. Larval food of the tiger swallowtail butterfly. Attracts 13 bird species.
Southern Magnolia Seed Cone
Common Fig
Common Fig (Ficus carica) - Small deciduous introduced species, midsummer fruit, full sun. Attracts 10 bird species.
Fig Tree
Celeste Fig Tree Plant
American Beech
American Beech (Fagus grandifolia) - Large deciduous native, fall nut-like fruit, medium sun to shade. Attracts 10 bird species.
American Beech Flowers
Attracting Birds to Southern Gardens
Devil's Walking Stick Flowers
Devil's Walking Stick (Aralia spinosa) - Small deciduous native, summer-fall fruit, full sun/partial shade. Attracts 9 bird species.
Devil's Walking Stick Berries
Hackberry (Celtis laevigata) - Medium to large deciduous native, early fall fruit, sun/shade. Larval food of the hackberry, eastern snout, & question mark butterflies. Attracts 8 bird species (bluebird favorite).
Oak (Quercus spp.) - The acorns feed many wildlife species.
Pecan (Carya illinoinensis) - Many mammals and birds use the nuts.
Hickory (Carya spp.) - Many mammals and birds use the nuts.
Pine (Pinus spp.) - Birds like the Pine Warbler and Brown-headed Nuthatch need Pine trees to survive. The Pine nuts are eaten by many species of birds and mammals.
Lorraine Ellis Harr
First day of spring;
On the ancient plum tree
three open blossoms.
American Beauty Berry
American Beauty Berry (Callicarpa americana) - Large native deciduous Shrub with beautiful red-purple colored berries in fall. Attracts 10 species of birds.
Elderberry Flowers
Elderberry (Sambucus canadensis) - Large, semi-evergreen shrub, summer- fall fruit, full sun/light shade. Attracts 31 bird species (bluebird favorite).
Elderberry Fruit
Ham & Eggs Lantana (Lantana spp.) Tropical shrub, winter die back, late spring flowers, summer fruit, full sun. Hummingbirds and butterflies use flowers, fruit eating birds love the berries.
Lantana Flowers
Pyracantha Fruit
Pyracantha (Pyracantha coccinea) - Evergreen introduced shrub, fall/winter fruit, full sun. Attracts 12 bird species (bluebird favorite).
Pokeweed Flowers
Southern Wax Myrtle (Myrica cerifera) - Small evergreen native, early fall fruit, full sun/partial shade. Larval food of the red-banded hair-streak butterfly. Attracts 22 bird species.
Pokeweed (Phytolacca Americana) - Large perennial herb, summer-fall fruit, full sun/partial shade. Attracts 20 bird species (bluebird favorite)
Pokeweed Fruit
Huckleberry Flowers
Huckleberry (gaylussacia spp.) / Blueberries (Vaccinium spp.) - Most are large semi- evergreen native shrubs, spring fruit, full sun/partial shade. Attracts 21 bird species (bluebird favorite).
Huckleberry Fruit - Wild Blueberries
Arrow Wood Flowers
Arrow-wood (Virburnum dentatum) - Large deciduous native shrub, late summer fruit, full sun/partial shade. Larval food of the spring azure butterfly. Attracts 12 bird species (bluebird favorite).
Arrow Wood Fruit
Forest Plants of the Southeast
Cardinal in American Holly
Hollies - American (Ilex opaca) - Medium evergreen native tree, fall fruit, full sun/partial shade.
Deciduous Holly
Deciduous Holly (Ilex longipes) - One of the deciduous Hollies, small tree, large shrub, berries in winter, sun to part sun.
Yaupon Holly Berries
Yaupon (Ilex vomitoria) Large evergreen native shrub, fall fruit, full sun/partial shade. Attracts 18 bird species (bluebird favorite).
Gardening for Wildlife
Winter Robin in American Holly Poster on Zazzle
Parsley Hawthorn Flowers
Parsley Hawthorne Fruit
Hawthorne - Parsley (Crataegus Marshallii) Large deciduous native shrub, fall fruit, full sun/partial shade.
Mayhaw Flowers
Mayhaw Fruit
Bringing Nature Home - Updated and Expanded
Blackberry Flowers
Blackberry and Dewberry (Rubus spp.) - Deciduous thorny brambles, late spring fruit, full sun/partial shade. Attracts 31 bird species (bluebird favorite).
Blackberry Fruit
Muscadine Grapes
Grapes, Muscadines (Vitis spp.) - Large deciduous native vines, late summer-fall fruit, full sun/shade. Attracts 28 Bird species.
Summer Grapes
Summer Grape (Vitis )
Virginia Creeper Vine
Virginia Creeper (Parthenocissus quinquefolia) - Deciduous vine, summer fruit, full sun/shade. Attracts 24 bird species (bluebird favorite).
Bird-by-Bird Gardening
Dwarf Smilax Vine
Greenbriars, Sawbriars (Smilax spp.) - Evergreen or deciduous native vine, late summer-fall fruit, sun/shade. Attracts 13 bird species.
Coral Bean Mamou Flowers
Perennials and Annuals
Coral Bean, Mamou (E ) Herbaceous perennial with a large root, spring flowers, fall bean-like seeds, full sun to part shade. Hummingbirds use the flowers and many animals use the seeds.
Coral Beans
Swamp Sunflowers and Mushrooms
Native Sunflowers (Helianthus spp.) Herbaceous perennials, full sun to part shade, most bloom in late summer and fall, seed in late fall / winter. Seeds are eaten by goldfinches and other small seed eating birds.
Louisiana Iris (Iris spp.) Evergreen leaves from rhisomes, full sun, moist soil, blooms in spring, seeds in fall. Hummingbirds and other nectar eating birds use flowers, wood ducks will eat the seeds.
Louisiana Iris
Zinnas and Sunflowers
Zinna and Sunflower seeds are eaten by a large number of birds.
Chickweed (Stellaria media) Annual cool weather ground cover, grows anywhere, seeds are eaten by many birds, whole plant can be eaten.
Bird Songs - Anonymous
Oh, there's music
In the forests
And there's music
In the glen
As the birds
Are warbling greetings
To the spring
That's come again.
Louisiana Iris Sticker on Zazzle
Bird Friendly Plants on Zazzle
See our other designs at Naturally Native on
Bee and Taiwan Cherry
Red-bellied Woodpecker Postcard on Zazzle
Woodpecker - Meish Goldish
Woodpecker, woodpecker,
Peck! Peck! Peck!
Drill with your bill
And bob your neck!
Peck out a hole
In the trunk of a tree.
Peck out a nest
For all to see.
Cling to the wood
With your sharp clawed feet.
Peck through the bark
And find bugs to eat!
Male Red-bellied Woodpecker Poster on Zazzle
Woodpecker, woodpecker,
Peck! Peck! Peck!
Drill with your bill
And bob your neck!
Lasagna Gardening
Bird Garden Video
Bird Songs, music, photos of Eagles and other birds.
© 2008 Yvonne L B