Understanding Frequencies
The Fun Professor
Here is a link to a professor that teaches Quantum Physics. Do you remember Memorex, is it live or is it Memorex? Take a look at his videos and you might be amazed.
http://mfile.akamai.com/7870/rm/mitstorage.download.akamai.com/7870/8/8.02/videolectures/wl-802-lec27-80k.rm PLEASE OPEN IN NEW WINDOW!!
This is a Realplayer clip. It is super amazing what they can do with sound, know think about frequency in higher megahertz, what is next. There is a lot of experimentation out there with different kinds of frequencies. Look down the line more links to some great new ideas, products and more that are here and now. The future is here.
What Holds Our World Together
- Professor Walter Lewin on Frequencies
This is a class that the Professor explains what our world is actually made of and how it all works.
Curing Cancer with Frequencies
- Curing Cancer with John Kanzuis
This is a video of a retired broadcaster that became down with cancer and after several different theraphies he developed his own. This is very, very interesting. Frequecies will be a whole new ballgame in the future.
Frequency in Today's Lives
- About Candida
This page is dedicated to a frequency product on the market since 1990 that is used to control Candida. - Dr. Jeff Sutherland's Foundation
Here sre the latest findings about frequencies. - More from Dr. Sutherland's
- A Frequency Product
Here is a wonderful product that has a frequency in it to control Candida. It is the only product on the market that I know of that has a frequency in it. This maybe the new direction for todays medicines.