Home Economics - How to Save $'s.
Greetings from Chez Rodney's Kitchen
Well this was going to be about making a cake ......... What happened, it was one of those mornings, in which Serindipity, Fast track Neurons and the arrival of our Electricity Bill started to hijack this hub.
The other thing that was spinning around in my mind was
Utilising wasted energy, save $'s in our cooking and kitchen!
Chez Rodney's Economic Gastronomics
We are Cooking, well almost, we are actually preheating the oven to get it to the desired temperature so that we can start the cooking.
A normal situation and one of the most common sites in any kitchen!
This is great in autumn and winter, the kitchen is the warmest place in the house, the cats, dogs and the whole family congregate in there!
Yet in Spring, Summer and even early Autumn, everybody shuns this "Mom's Sanctity" like the proverbial plague.
Hey even the cats and dogs, skulk around outside, in case some edible spills land on the floor, then a quick dart in, hasty retrieval and then beat a hasty exit, to the outdoors.
The only trouble is that this is an energy source that is being wasted across the world on a daily basis. Yes and in terms that everybody who is Eco-aware, is our personal CARBON FOOTPRINT.
What we really need to do is utilise that heat, so that our culinary endeavours are actually a more economical proposition, and the preheat phase is serving some useful purpose at the same time.
It occurred to me that in an average household during the course of a month, that we chefs, cooks, housewives/husbands, are guilty of wasting costly resources.