Bubblews Has Paid Me 22 Times Already!
Soapy Bubbles!
A Happy Bubbler!
Am I Just One of the Lucky Ones or Am I Simply Following the Rules?
Although I too cannot see why some people have not been paid by Bubblews, I can also see the reasons why some people have not been paid. It is a considerably large amount of people who complain that they haven't been paid that fall into my category of "Well, I can see why you haven't been paid."
Maybe I too will one day be one of those Bubblews members who doesn't get paid and can't figure out why not, but I'm hoping that day never comes, and, honestly, I don't really think it ever will. Should that day come, that I don't get paid, I would suspect that it would be due to the site experiencing glitches around the time that I redeem my payment on Bubblews. I would contact Bubblews about it, and hope that it would get sorted out. If it didn't get sorted out, I'd probably bubble away until I reach my next redemption amount of $50 or so, and try again.
Why would I try again?
Besides loving Bubblews, and abiding by all their rules and terms of use, I see that some bubblers miss a payment, but then receive their next one. Continuing to bubble is worth it for me.
Follow the Rules!
Follow the rules, people! It's easy to do. If you can write you can read, so just do read the rules and terms of use, and do follow the rules and terms of use.
I Am Proud of Having Received All My Bubblews Payments So Far
Not having missed receiving any of my Bubblews redemptions, I am proud of having received all my Bubblews payments so far.
Why do I feel proud rather than lucky?
I follow the rules and terms of use. It's not that difficult to do.
How Much Money Have I Made on Bubblews?
Today is 14 January 2014. I joined Bubblews on 28 July 2013 - 5 and half months ago. I have redeemed (cashed out) 21 times at an amount of mostly between $25 and $26, and since the minimum redemption amount has been lifted from $25 to $50, I have redeemed once, at about $54.
Let's call it exactly $25 and exactly $50, even though it was a bit more than that each time.
That's 21 x $25 = $525 and 1 x $50 = a total of $575 in 5 and a half months.
$575 in 5 and a half months is not a fortune, but it's certainly a handy extra income for spending time on a site, writing short posts about whatever I like, and having fun. It's easy extra income.
I am also almost half way to my next $50 redemption.
Your Bubblews Earnings
How Much Money Have You Made on Bubblews in the Past 6 Months?
How Easy is it to Make Money on Bubblews?
It is incredibly easy to make money on Bubblews. It's extra income, at first, but could become more if you spend a lot of time on Bubblews. There are a few Bubblews members who are earning more than $400 a month on Bubblews.
Although some people may wonder how it is possible that people can easily earn extra income on Bubblews, I say why worry? Just write your short posts of at least 400 characters (about 100 words), abide by the rules and terms of use, interact with your fellow Bubblews members (read, like and comment on their posts), make new friends, have fun, and earn some extra income while doing so.
I prefer socializing on Bubblews to socializing on Facebook. It's like I get paid to socialize on Bubblews, and I don't get paid to socialize on Facebook. I have made many new friends on Bubblews, and always look forward to reading their new Bubblews posts. I like 'hanging out" on Bubblews.
Is it easy?
Are the Bubblews Rules Really That Easy to Follow?
Yes! Bubblews rules are easy to follow. Some of the main rules to look out for are:
Write posts of at least 400 characters (about 100 words);
No spamming or linking to unrelated sites;
Unique content not already published elsewhere online;
Crediting of image sources;
Proper crediting of image sources.
The proper crediting of image sources may be a tricky one for newbies (to writing sites) to understand: Even if one uses one's own photos, one should say so so that everybody reading the post knows you didn't pinch it somewhere. Also, simply crediting Google as the source of an image is not crediting an image source. That image wouldn't even be in Google search results if it was not also on a website. The website and / or photographer needs to be credited, not Google - and even then, one must be sure that one is allowed to use that photo.
What do I think of Bubblews?
Why Do I Think Bubblews Will Be Around For a Long Time to Come?
Bubblews told me that they would be around for a long time to come, and I believed them when they gave me answers to a wide variety of 10 questions that I asked them in a Bubblews Interview.
I don't even mind the glitches the site sometimes has - it tells me that Bubblews is working on the site to improve it for its members - so that people just like you and me can continue enjoying the site, its members, and the extra income.