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Advantages of Working from Home as a Freelancer

Updated on September 8, 2018

Freelancing as a trend

“How to make money online” is a popular search key phrase these days. Working as a freelancer and earning money online is becoming a trend. The set-up is most desirable especially because it is supposed to be a little less stressful compared to a normal office job. The arrangement is particularly appealing to working moms who would like to spend more time taking care of the children at the same time, have the opportunity to earn money from home. This is also a most coveted set-up for exhausted employees who would like to have a change of environment and possibly achieve work-life balance. The promise of that much needed quality time for self and family is too good to refuse.

Being a freelancer is becoming a trend. The set-up is most desirable especially because it is supposed to be a little less stressful compared to a normal office job.
Being a freelancer is becoming a trend. The set-up is most desirable especially because it is supposed to be a little less stressful compared to a normal office job. | Source

If you are one of those contemplating if this set-up is for you and, cautiously, you want to deliberate and not just follow the trend, I’ve listed below the advantages of working from home as a freelancer.

No more expensive work allowance in the monthly budget.

Working from home can reduce your everyday expenses usually for clothing, food and transportation.

No need to worry about your company’s dress code policy. You can wear whatever you’re comfortable with while sitting in your own home office. You’ll only have to prepare a good, professional-looking top (ex. blazer, polo shirt) if you’ll be in constant face-to-face meeting with your client via an online communication app.

You no longer need to concern yourself with a daily public commute or gas and parking if you bring your own car to work. You may set aside your usual transportation budget to other household expense.

Eating at home with the family means, aside from more quality time, reduced food/lunch allowance. There will also be less temptation of getting yourself your used-to-be daily expensive coffee fix. Now, that’s five stars for savings!

Traffic is one of the worst things you have to deal with daily if you work in an office. It eats up most of your time that’s supposed to be wisely spent for yourself and for your family.
Traffic is one of the worst things you have to deal with daily if you work in an office. It eats up most of your time that’s supposed to be wisely spent for yourself and for your family. | Source

No rush hour traffic jams to deal with daily.

Traffic jam is one of the worst realities you have to deal with everyday as an employee working in an office. It’s great if your company is just a few steps away from home. Sadly though, you may be one of the unfortunate ones who spend one to two hours going to work and the same amount of time coming home.

According to an article released by CNBC in 2013, the traffic congestion around the world results to an average of 8 working days loss in a year, based on a Traffic Index released by TomTom. And their latest Traffic Index indicates that the rush hour traffic congestion actually doubles the journey times for commuters. This will no longer be an issue if you’re home office is just a few steps away from your bedroom.

Most international freelancing job sites pay in dollars. So if you are located in a country where a $1 has a high exchange rate, that could be good news for you.
Most international freelancing job sites pay in dollars. So if you are located in a country where a $1 has a high exchange rate, that could be good news for you. | Source

Work directly with your clients.

As a freelancer, it is considered an advantage to work directly with your clients as your own boss; fewer layers of ranks. You’ll be able to conveniently ask questions and discuss thoroughly what needs to be done from A to Z. Most client meetings for this work from home set-up are being done through online communication apps or phone calls.

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You could earn more than if employed in local companies.

Regardless of your client’s headquarters’ location, the standard currency of the job payments in most international freelancing job sites is in US dollars. If you are located in a country where a $1 has a high exchange rate, that is definitely good news for you.

Keep in mind though that your actual salary could still depend on three major factors; negotiation based on your credentials, if client could afford your rate and based on your overall performance (which could mean more bonuses). Stellar work performance could mean regular client which is also equivalent to steady flow of earnings.

You are essentially who you create yourself to be and all that occurs in your life is the result of your own making.

— Stephen Richards, Think Your way to Success: Let Your Dreams Run Free
 Imagine working in a place where you are most comfortable in, a place where you can do whatever you need to do whenever you need to do it.
Imagine working in a place where you are most comfortable in, a place where you can do whatever you need to do whenever you need to do it. | Source

Your own home office could be a less stressful environment.

Imagine your own little peaceful corner with your computer and other equipment needed for work. It can be a private room or situated near your living room where you can watch over your kids from time to time. A place where you can do whatever you need to do whenever you need to do it.

Certainly, your perception of a perfect workplace could still depend on whether you prefer working alone or with a team so this should be given a careful thought especially that this could impact your ability to deliver and overall productivity.

Wide variety of job types to choose from.

One good thing about being a freelancer is the ability to continuously explore diverse job types and work with different clients. Your skill is the only limit.

As long as you’re qualified and able to deliver whatever your client requires based on the job description, you can apply and be hired; from data entry, transcription and proof- reading to data analysis, programming and search engine optimization. This gives you the chance to further advance your skills and have a vast learning opportunity in different fields and not just focus on a redundant routine.

As a freelancer, you may have more time for yourself to relax and more quality time with family and friends.
As a freelancer, you may have more time for yourself to relax and more quality time with family and friends. | Source

More quality time with self and family.

Time is perhaps one of the world’s most valuable commodities. If you are a freelancer, you’ll somehow be given the chance to manage your time; when you would like to work or take a day off and go on a trip.

Depending on your regular client or job type you work on, you may have more quality time to spare for yourself, family and friends.

Careful Consideration

Freelancing may not be for everybody. Take your time as you weigh your options and consider the advantages. Will it work for you? Were you born to be a freelancer?

You could also give it a try while still employed with your company; register in online freelancing job sites, apply on some projects and work on them on your free time at home. Do it several times then, when you’re ready, decide. At the end of the day, your choice will affect you, your career and your future, and also your family, so proceed with prudence. If it’s worth it, take your leap of faith. I did and I never looked back.

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© 2015 Sheila Pornan


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