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How to Save More Money- Frugal Living 101

Updated on October 7, 2016

Frugal Living is Becoming Increasingly Popular


Many people don't know how to budget their money. I used to be one of them until I read this book which taught me how to track my expenses and allocate funds fo

Budgeting Basics Every Parent Should Know

Growing up isn't easy. No one was given a guide book when they came out of the womb that taught them how to attain success. We live and we learn, we fall and we get back back up - such is life.

One of the largest challenges people face in life is obtaining a sense of financial independence. This can be particularly difficult for those with children. Even the most careful budgeter runs into unexpected expenses from time to time, and these events can completely throw someone for a loop.

Here are some budgeting basics for those with children:

  • Keep a family expense report that tracks incoming money, future expenses, and accounts for unexpected emergencies as well.
  • Differentiate between needs and wants.
  • Try to plan your monthly spending ahead of time, and set goals for how much money you and your partner should be making on a monthly basis.
  • When going to the grocery store, never shop hungry, and always make a list ahead of time.
  • When it comes to large expenses, research and compare different retailers before making a purchase.
  • Utilize coupons and online discount sites like and RetailMeNot.
  • Use online resources that help with household expenses, such as reward sites, monetized YouTube videos, eBay, TaskRabbit, and sites that pay you for reading emails and completing free offers.

During Tough Times, Frugal Living Tips Can Greatly Help


Save Money on Your Cable and Internet Bills

Today, it's not only becoming trendy to find new ways to cut expenses and save money -- it can actually be exhilerating! Just think of all the other things you can do once your savings add up! You can take an extra family vacation, buy that dress you have been wanting for months, or just watch your bank account grow!

Here are some helpful ways to reduce your cable and internet bills each month:

  • Opt for a multi-service plan that bundles cable, internet and phone.
  • Don't pay for services you don't use.
  • Utilize the local library, which provides internet access free of charge.
  • Go internet-only and cancel your cable plans, utilizing video services like Netflix and Amazon Prime.
  • Compare different providers to make sure you are getting the best deal. Some companies will give you a special promotional offer for switching providers.
  • Only use the internet when you need to- there is a whole world of information outside your front door!

Practical Tips for Frugal Living

Ways to Make Extra Money Online

The traditional workplace looks like a small cubicle where people sit at a desk all day staring at a clock. Times have changed however, and more and more people are know making the equivalent of a full-time salary online, or at least a supplemental income. These lucky individuals have the benefits of working from the comfort of their own home, creating their own schedule, and doing jobs they enjoy.

Here is a list of popular ways people are making a living (or at least some side cash) just from using the internet:

  • Becoming an eBay or Amazon seller
  • Creating a blog and monetizing it through a company like Google
  • T-Shirt design through sites like CafePress
  • Domain name flipping
  • Signing up as a paid reviewer for websites
  • Online tutoring
  • Selling homemade crafts through sites like Etsy

Times Are Tough for the U.S. Economy


Frugal Living Poll

Do you try and save money wherever possible?

See results

Side Jobs to Supplement Your Income

The idea of getting rich quick and making easy money is part of the American Dream. Unfortunately that seems to be all it is, a dream. Long gone are the days of 8-5 work days five days a week and retirement ages near 55. Today, people need to work extremely hard to make ends meet, and many people are finding side jobs and other ways to bring in supplemental income.

Here is a list of ways people have been able to supplement their salary without having to work 80+ hour work weeks:

  • Car advertisements have become a growing phenomena where companies pay drivers to display ads on their car in exchange for pay.
  • Direct selling companies, like Avon and Amway are popular choices for people looking for extra money.
  • Become a freelancer. Many people are now looking to outsource individuals rather than companies to complete jobs like content writing, handyman and assembly tasks, web design, and more. If you have a skill that people have a need for, market it!
  • Become a mystery shopper.
  • Start blogging. Even those who don't have experience writing have found success in the blogging industry. It isn't a surefire way to earn extra cash, but it doesn't hurt to try!

Even Billionaires Practice Frugal Living

This is my bible when it comes to couponing. Jam packed with hundreds of tips to help you save money, this book has taught me so much about couponing.

Extreme Couponing Tips That Anyone Can Use

Extreme couponing is made out to be some eccentric habit only for those with extensive quantities of free time and a high level of patience, but this isn't the reality of extreme couponing. The truth is, anyone can cut their grocery bill drastically by following a few of the following helpful tips:

  • Sign up for, which provides you with cash back for purchases at the grocery store.
  • Download money saving apps on your phone, such as Receipt Hog, which rewards you just for scanning your grocery receipts, Checkout 51, which offers cash back for certain items, as well as iBotta, which offers cash back for not only grocery items, but many other products as well.
  • Sign up for the free couponing site, which offers hundreds of dollars in printable coupons every month.
  • Join online discussion forums targeted towards frugal living.
  • Become grocery shopping savvy by knowing the marketing ploys companies use to encourage you to spend more, such as placing high price items at eye level.
  • Buy items you use regularly in bulk to help cut costs.
  • Don't get committed to one particular brand. Experiment with various different brands to see where you can lower your bill.
  • Shop at multiple stores to take advantage of a wider variety of savings.
  • Only buy what you need.

Saving Money on Groceries is Easier Than You Might Think


© 2014 Kathleen Odenthal


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