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Home Based Business Ideas For Teenagers

Updated on August 22, 2020
Giyos Raimjonov profile image

Giyosiddin is an English language teacher and freelance writer who has been writing articles in Uzbek, Russian and English for 7 years


Home Based Business Ideas For Teenagers

Almost any teenager looks for different ways of making money to become more independent in financial terms as they start to realize that it is not always a good idea to rely on parents all the time. Thus, they look for best and easiest ways of making money and they know that age should not be a limit when it comes to starting a small home-based business.

As a teenager, have you been thinking about setting up your own business, but still doubt that it is too good to be true? The answer is definitely no. There are several legitimate ways that you can earn money by catering to your friends. Maybe this will serve you as the ground for your prospective business in the future.

There is a plethora of teenagers out there who have outstanding talents and achieved huge success in their young ages. If you are one of them, you can rest assured you that your skill can also bring you money. The following ideas might be good starting points for your own home-based business.

Baking Cookies And Cakes

Many teenagers do not actually like to carry the lunchbox with them and prefer to buy fast food. What you can do is to take your opportunity and bake delicious and well-packaged cookies, and sell them to your friends during lunchtime. Once your friends get the taste of your cookies, they will probably ask you to bake some more and deliver it to their home.

In the same way, you can still earn money by making special cakes for birthdays or on holidays by showing your ability to design a unique cake for the special occasion and leaving a lasting memory on the hero of the occasion.

Designing Clothes

There are people who like handmade clothes and special decorations set on their T-shirts or shirts. For those with excellent sewing skills, this business, as ancient as it was in older civilizations, will still attract people. Why not have their names or favorite scripts printed or sewn on their clothes? How about special costumes for holidays? Majority of teenagers go to costume hire services when they want to dress up for holidays like Halloween or the New Year’s Eve. Buying them can be really expensive, so you should take the advantage now and make affordable hats and costumes for your peers.

What you can do is use your imagination and sewing skills to make unique clothes that will catch the attention and the word of mouth reputation of yours can finally channel your skills and help you make more money steadily. Your profile pages on Facebook and Instagram can be used to attract more peers.

Offering Tutoring, Dance And Music Classes

Dance and Music classes. Majority of parents would like to see their child achieving outstanding results in arts and be in the public eye, so they enroll them to different music, dance or singing courses at young ages. Once they have accumulated enough experience, there is a chance of becoming a tutor. As a teenager, if you are good at dancing why not become a dance tutor to your peers? You can contact your music teacher or ask your parents for help: they will find you the boys and girls eager to learn how to dance with you. It is possible to offer classes at school, local club or even at home. The aim should be to offer a certain number of classes that are rewarded with the amount that you set and collect from them for each class, on a weekly or monthly basis.

Plenty of boys and girls would also like to learn to play some instruments faster and more easily, so they do not always favor the idea of attending special courses for several months, or even the fees could be unaffordable. Instead, you might become their tutor and teach them how to play their favorite instruments by organizing a private tutoring at home or visiting their home.

Tutoring and Assistance. Succeeding in everything at school and in life is not as easy as you might expect, so plenty of your peers may need your help to do with science and math or foreign languages. You can offer others assistance by explaining them the topics that they need to catch up with, just for a little reward that is both material and moral. The material side is you will get paid for your tutoring and the moral one is that you will experience the rewarding feeling of leading someone up their way to their own success. Who knows, maybe this tiny experience will serve as a ground for your future business (plenty of people have set up their courses in this way).

Technology is another sphere that many people need assistance. For them, it is a big struggle to program a few lines or to make their own websites. Your tech skills might come in handy with you in this case as you will give them private tutoring and assistance, help them write their first code or design their media with your help.

Summer gives teenagers more opportunities to offer tutoring activities to children in the camps. This is a good idea since they will be able to learn useful things while having fun and their parents will be really happy with their achievements.

Gift Wrapping

You may know how busy your friends get when they are having a celebration ahead of them. They might not find time to make gifts for the occasion. You can offer them your gift choice and wrapping service. Not everyone is actually good at wrapping so they are likely to give preference to you in this respect. You will have to demonstrate your craft and skills in advance by taking advantage of any celebration or holiday at school and showing them how talented you are when it comes to choosing a gift and wrapping it. Although it will not bring you a steady income, you may earn enough money for your basic spendings.

Repairing Computers Or Smartphones

Take a little time to observe how many people go to repair stores every single day to get their gadgets or laptops repaired. If you have good technical skills and expertise, you can offer repair service to your peers. Many of them use smartphones and are likely to have crashes, broken screen protectors or need to have the cover replaced. You have the opportunity to do this service in exchange for money. Providing that you are more serious about it, talk to your parents to allow you to open a small repair store at home. You can advertise your service using all the possible means and you will soon see your friends or other peers calling you to repair their computer, install the software or do any other kind of repair job.

Photographing And Videographing

If you are really into taking photos of happy and smiling faces of people, you can also use your hobby to generate profit. You could offer photography services at your peers’ parties or family events. You need to find a good quality camera to take stunning photos and get paid. The thing is not everyone is willing to make selfies during an interesting event, so you might help them record their unforgettable moments into their memory. Make sure that your price quote is affordable and your service is professional so that those people would like to turn to you again when they are going to need to have more photos taken.

Selling Things That You Do Not Use

If you have plenty of things piled up in your room and think you are not going to need them any time soon, you could sell them to your friends and other peers online or from home. You might put up your old books video games, DVD or CDs for sale. Clothes in good condition are also an option too. Maybe you have a good collection or a set of souvenirs that are taking a lot of space, you can sell them to other teens and make money. One thing is clear: you are actually selling your own things that you or your parents got for a higher price, but don’t forget that it is better be sold to others and used by them for good causes rather than being thrown to a bin.


How about renting your equipment to other teens? The idea is very straightforward. All you need to do is set pricing for your bike, snowboarding equipment, cooking utensil or any other item you name that is worth renting and share it with your friends. For example, not all of your peers might have a good quality bike to go mountain biking. If you have one, you can rent this so that your friends can also enjoy by spending their day out actively. It is also possible to rent musical instruments and even DVDs or video games that you have.

Sharing is also good for the environment. Your friends will not have to buy the same thing as you have, thus preventing the use of natural resources and helping to solve the problem with waste. Don’t forget to go online to find out how it works and which websites you can use to do so.

What You Need To Know Before Starting Your Home Business

Once you have decided on how you will be working from home to make money, also make sure that you have considered the following aspects of your prospective business:

Parents’ permission. You still depend on your parents and therefore let them take part in the decision making and solving legal issues. Not only will this help you avoid unexpected problems, but also they can encourage your business grow faster and prosper by giving their advice and recommendations and even helping you increase the number of customers.

Accessibility. The job that you are going to do should be simple enough and relevant to your expertise. If you think that you will not be able to do the job, then you should not take it for the sake of avoiding further problems;

Flexible hours. As you are studying at school now, make sure that you will do your job after you have done your academic assignments. You may do it in the evening or early in the morning.

Low or no financial investment. You have just decided to start your home business which means you might be short of cash right now, so what you want to start should be less costly, but as productive.


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