How to Make Money From Home: More Tips and Ideas
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Make Money from Home; More tips and ideas
Making money from home is something lots of people would ideally, love to be able to do.
To be the master of your own ship, own your time, choosing when and how you work, not having to fight your way to work, and commuting on over- crowded trains.
Making money from home allows you to not only be the Captain of your ship; but the master of your own destiny, no one can control your faith except you.
It is time to focus on what you want and where you want to be.
People who are living in a negative state will eventually be engulfed by negativity, and the reverse is also true. Engulf yourself in what you want and let it engulf you. Some scientists believe our thoughts are likened to a magnet, and what we focus on becomes attracted to us, this has to do with energy and the law of attraction.
It is believed that we are sending out energy all the time, attracting and repelling, therefore focusing on what is lacking will only bring you more of the same, on the other hand, focusing on making money will…. That’s right.
So let’s look at some ways to focus our mind and make money.
1. Make money taking paid online Surveys; Companies, especially large companies, need to know how their consumer view their products and are prepared to pay £10.00 to £100.00 daily for taking surveys from reputable sites, these sites if genuine, will offer free membership. Check out, and many more, do some research and compare the sites.
2. Make Money doing Research; on any given day, there are people needing information on various topics but are unable to find the time to access the appropriate information, this could be someone writing a book who does not know how, or where to get the relevant information. You can offer your services for a price. This can be done on or offline through sites such as www.elance, but it’s a good idea to start somewhere that is familiar to you, somewhere you know very well.
3. Make Money as a Travel Writer; If you love travelling and have travelled widely, seize this opportunity to make money by offering tips to people wishing to visit the places you have visited, Get paid as a travel writer, join sites such as
4. Make Money as a Private Tutor; if you are knowledgeable in a certain area, you can make "money by offering private tuition to your neighbours' children. You do not need a degree to do this work, unlike a teacher where certifications are required; there are no prerequisites to becoming a private tutor. This is the main difference between a teacher and a private tutor. However, remember if you are working with children or vulnerable adults in the UK it is likely that you will be required to undergo clearance with the criminal records bureau (CRB), so do check.
If you live in an area where there are still Grammar schools, tutoring children to pass their 11+ can be very lucrative.
5. Make Money as a Quizmaster; Create, compile and submit quiz questions to schools, charities, clubs and fundraisers. Just find out what your client needs, set the questions and answers, return it to them for their approval and get paid your agreed price
6. Make Money Writing email newsletter; if you are creative, you can make a reasonable amount of money by writing email newsletters for business owners to advertise their products. Find out more, go to and
7. Make Money Marketing Offline Businesses; Check out businesses in your area, offer to market their services and products by creating a customized website for them. Post articles relating to their products or services set an agreed price which will allow you to make a profit after building the site and posting content.
8. Make Money Selling Space on Your Car; Making Money by selling advertising space on your car, this can earn you up to £1,500 per year. The amount of money you receive depends on how much advertising space you allow. You can request to exclude ads you don’t like, the adverts will run for three months, six months or a full year. For more information visit
9. Make Money as a Virtual Assistance; This is not exactly an easy option, but if you have certain skills such as managing an online messaging system, telephone operator or sending emails, you can earn money by working from home as a virtual assistant, this is ideal for stay at home mums. Find out more from
10. Make Money by Offering Pet Services; if you love pets, offer grooming services to your friends and neighbours, or offer a combined service of grooming, feeding, walking and pet sitting.
There are many ways of making money even in the current economic climate; you may not make a massive amount of money, but if you have the skills and the know-how, and the will, if you are prepared to put yourself out there, you may be pleasantly surprised at the various ways you can make money on or offline.
Make Money Proof Reading; If you have a good command of the English language, and an avid reader, possibly a student of English who is looking to make a little extra cash. You can hire yourself out as a proof-reader to a writer who is writing books. Why not start here on Hub Pages.
These tips will not suit everyone, but it may just be enough to get people thinking of other ways one can make money working from home, being in control of your own time and master of your own ship.
Make Money From Old books
© 2012 Jo Alexis-Hagues