Make the Most of Your Yardsale; Organization, Profits, and Making Deals!
Beautiful Weather!
1. Figure out What you Want From the Yard Sale
Spring is coming, with warm weather, lemonade, and yard sale season!
Ready to do some spring cleaning? Roll up your sleeves, and jump in! But don't throw it out! Let's make some revenue with a yard sale or garage sale.
Either you are ready to clean up, or cash out (maybe you don't care at all- you just need to make some cash). Gather all of that stuff from your garage attic or basement and get rid of it.
Rule of thumb: If you haven't used it for a year; you probably could do with out it.
If this is your first yard sale you may need some tips on making it successful and getting the best bang for your buck. Make this experience FUN! Don't make it stressful!
Hopefully you will have enough fun it may become a seasonal, profitable hobby for you!
Great Products For First TImers!!
Get Ready for Selling
Getting rid of things in your home can be very hard; especially for those who have held on to things for a long time- they have become part of your home and earned their space.
Things of sentimental value may hold dear to your heart, even things that don't have as much sentimental value... AKA those 5 year old AA batteries that may have just a little bit of power left may bring you to tears to get rid of.
But there comes a time in everyone's life where you have to buck up and just have to De-clutter.
So get ready; Here are your steps for take off!
Step 1: Organize and Gather
First set a space for all of your item you will be gathering- a garage, a spare room, even outside (if it is for a limited time) works just fine. This will make it easy to see everything you gather.
I have found that the most efficient way to gather items to sell at the yard sale is by working from top to bottom, left to right.
This is also how I clean :)
So you start on the top floor (or the attic) of your house In the room furthest to the left. you then work your way all the way around the room (to the right) placing things you want to get rid of in the center of the room, or in the hall way.
When you have finished in the first room, move to the next (on the right) until you have completed all of the rooms on that floor.
Bring all of the items to your set cleared space each time you finish a floor.
When you have completed the sweep of your house, and all of your items are in your set space for organizing, cleaning, and pricing!
Step 2: Quick Clean And Pricing!
When you have gathered everything, grab some non-scented baby wipes , and go to town on any items that have a bit of dirt on them. Baby wipes are wonderful because you can clean almost anything with NO damage! I mean, come on.. They were made for babies..
Once you have given everything a quick wipe down, you are ready to start pricing!
I have found that simply searching for items online (Google, amazon, eBay) is a great way to price items. Each one of these sites can give you an average price for whatever you are selling.
If, on the other hand, you do not have the time to do this, you can easily guess prices. I always low-ball prices when I am not sure of how much the item is worth, but below is a quick guide for pricing clothes!
| Low Price
| High Price
Baby Clothes
| $3
| $5
Plain tee shirts
| 0.25
| 0.75
Brand name Tops
| $3
| $7
Blue Jeans
| $1
| $3
Brand Name Jeans
| $3
| $7
Winter Coats/Jackets
| $3
| $15
Dresses & Skirts
| $2
| $7
Items with tags still attached
| 90% off
| %50 off
Pocketbook and Purses
| $5
| $50
| 0.25
| $3
Dress Shoes
| $2
| $7
Tennis Shoes
| $2
| $6
Flip Flops and Sandals
| $1
| $4
Quick Tip
If an item looks like it may be worth quite a chunk of change- look it up. Use EBay or Amazon to get an idea of how much it is worth. Selling a 1959 Fisher Price toy for 50 cents just to see it in the newspaper the next week for $150 is heartbreaking!
Step 3: Advertising
Okay! The hard work is done! Now, it is time to advertise!
You will want to place signs 3 days ahead of time so regular traffic (the locals) will know it is coming up soon. Make them attention grabbing by using bright poster board and black permanent marker. Post the date, time and address of the sale. If you have enough space, post some general things you are selling.
For example:
"This Friday 01/01
1234 smith lane
clothes, electronics, furniture"
Map out the closest intersections (within a 5 mile radius of where you are holding the yard sale) and do not count out main roads!
Place the signs on as many of these intersections as you can (stop signs, road signs, etc), and also on the road sign OF your road and your mailbox so drivers can easily find you.
If you have a Facebook page, share with your friends, family, and any networks or groups that you are having the yard sale.
Step 4: Step up; Here's What You'll Need
Alright! It's the night before the big day!
Here is what you'll need:
- Tables: Have at least 4 sturdy tables to set items on- this will put them at eye level- making for an easier sale.
- Plastic tablecloths (From the dollar store): place the plastic tablecloths around the tables, you can also display items on the plastic (outdoor items, TV’s, etc.)
- Change: Have at least four dollars in quarters, thirty 1 dollar bills, ten 5 dollar bills, five 10 dollar bills, and three 20 dollar bills. As well as a lock box or SECURE Fanny pack for storing all of this cash (I prefer a lock box..)
Step 5: Sit Down and Watch it Happen
And we're off!
You have set up the yard sale, bright and early, and now just sit back and watch it happen.
Be willing to barter, as this may happen very often.
Good luck!!