Making Your First Million: And The Value of Self Education
"Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune." — Jim Rohn
The value we place on material wealth has been the subject matter of books, seminars, speeches, movies, songs, plays and college curriculum since time began. What value does it have for you? How important is it? This article in entitled "Making Your First Million" because frankly, that's what people seem to care a lot about!
By The Numbers
Statistically, money has been a primary factor in the demise of good percentage of marriages.Arguments over money have ended many a friendship. Businesses have been destroyed because an agreement couldn't be made about money. Heck, people have been killed for money, whether it be of want or lack of all different denominations.
Today, in Corporate America, what is held most dear is holding onto the almighty investment dollar, the proverbial buck, you know, profit for the shareholder, ROI (Return on Investment) the bottom line...M-O-U-L-A! You want to know how far people will go to get a million dollars, or just an almighty dollar?
Is This Really Who We Are?
- How much crazier can Black Friday get? - Yahoo! News
From Yahoo! News: Pepper-sprayed customers, smash-and-grab looters and bloody scenes in the shopping aisles. How did Black Friday devolve into this?
A Tool or a Temptress
My mother and father used to say, whether you're rich or poor, it's good to have money. Ha Ha Ha...way too funny...not! Money is a serious subject with almost everyone. don't believe me? Start taking it away from people or depriving them of it and see what kind of chaos that promotes!
I know the old cliche is that the L-O-V-E of money is the root of all evil, but I think we have redefined it as the only thing that matters. I know there are many who are changing their perspective about money and its accumulation, the connection to immediate gratification. So I guess my question is; if we place this much importance on the value of money, then where are we headed, in what direction are we going and what example are we setting for the next generation? I always thought an outstretched hand was one of giving, not receiving! Is money a tool for our use or a temptress whose siren's call will sure destroy us?
I Cannot Tell A Lie
If I were to tell you that I didn't care about money I would have to close up shop here; I would lose my credibility because I'd be lying to you. But I have learned this over the past several years. It doesn't mean as much as life does, and it isn't as important as my parents made it out to be and though I probably would have a very difficult time doing without out it, It no longer owns me. I was able to make a slight modification in my thinking and now, even though I earn a fraction of what I once did, I am considerably happier.
How did this come about? "Human beings, by changing the inner attitudes of their minds, can change the outer aspects of their lives."
— William James
Your Money or Your Life
I apologize for deceiving you into thinking this article was about how to make your first million, but truth is, you're probably going to do that without me, it's not that hard, really. I have actually done it! The hard part is holding onto it! An old business associate of mine use to say it didn't matter how much money you made, just how much you put into your pocket. The harder part is being wise with what you have and using it to fulfill your purpose here, whatever you deem that to be. The hardest part though, is letting go of the idea that money is the be all and end all. The hardest part is focusing on what you love to do and pursing your dreams , regardless of the income. Do what you love and either the money will come...or you won't care.
The hardest thing to do is to walk toward your passion and away from profit as a life focus and to recognize that even if you don't look like a million dollars, like Wall Street wants you to believe you must in order to be successful, you are worth it, money or no money!