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Payoneer Card

Updated on February 19, 2017

What is Payoneer Card

E-commerce is taking over the stage of marketing and some have put heads together to make it stable and encouraging. This makes people to put more interest to utilize such wonderful development.

What is Payoneer Card? It is a master card being issued by a payment organization that is located in New York, United States of America. This card has helped a lot who are into internet marketing to easily get paid by any company irrespective of the country the payee resides. Many who have opened PayPal accounts and want their money to be transferred into their bank accounts has Payoneer card as the channel that allows them to carry out such function.

Payoneer Payment system helps online marketers.
Payoneer Payment system helps online marketers. | Source

How to Open Account with Payoneer/Signup

Signing up for Payoneer card involves simple steps just like creation of

Facebookaccount. The steps are given below:

  • Signup for the Payoneer card at the website (you will be taken to the site by clicking on “signup”)
  • Create your account on the site by filling the information required from you
  • Scan your nation identity card or voter’s card of your country because you will upload it to Payoneer website. If you do not have any of these, you can use that of your brother, sister or any bearing the same surname with you. Make sure that the name on the identity card is the same with the one you used in opening of the account. You can answer the name of your brother/sister for you to get the card. I answered the name of my immediate elder brother when I created mine because I did not have any of the identity cards as of then.
  • Ensure that you fill the postal code/zip code of your state or location correctly. If you do not know the postal/zip code of your state/location, browse for that through search engine e.g Google, Bing or others.
  • Address filled is very important as Payoneer will send the master card to your location. For instance, when I applied for my payoneer card, the address I used was “Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, UNIZIK, Awka” with the correct postal code of the university and Payoneer mailed the card to the university which I received after a month interval.
  • After filling all the necessary information required of you, the last is to summit everything to the site by clicking on “summit”.

Linking Your Payoneer Account with PayPal Account

Once you have a PayPal account with the country opened as United States, you can link the account to your Payoneer card. Note that you must choose United States as your country when you signed-up for your PayPal account before you will be able to link your PayPal account with Payoneer because notwithstanding that Payoneer sends the card to your location where you can use it, they opened the account for you with a bank in United States, mainly Bank of America. In does not matter where you are residing before choosing United States as your country when signing up for your PayPal account. According to PayPal, the payment system said that you can access the account irrespective of the country you reside, and that is what makes it an online payment system. So whether you are in China, Nigeria, Zimbabwe, Canada, Argentina, Brazil, Japan, Liberia, South Africa, India, Cameroon, Zambia, England, Spain, Germany, France, Ghana, Togo, United Kingdom (UK) and so on, you can choose United States of America (USA) and from that your country access your PayPal account.

Sign in to your PayPal account and choose to either add your bank account or master card. If in your attempt to add your Payoneer card number and the information say “contact the card issuer”, you can add the bank account number issued to you by Payoneer which is Bank of America account number. As you add the bank account number, PayPal will send few cents to your account and the money will be loaded into your Payoneer card. PayPal will then instruct you to add the amount of the micro cents to the space they will provide when you login again. They sent the micro cents to confirm that you are the owner of the account. In some cases, it takes about two days for the money to reflect in your Payoneer account. Once you login to your payoneer account and see the micro cents sent by Paypal, write them down on a piece of paper, then login to your PayPal account and enter the amount correctly without error. Immediate you do that correctly, PayPal confirms that you are the owner of the account.

PayPal homepage, PayPal account. Creating Payoneer account.
PayPal homepage, PayPal account. Creating Payoneer account. | Source

Which Countries can Signup for Payoneer Debit/Master Card

Payoneer is boundless as the card works in almost all parts of the world. Personally, I make use of the card irrespective of the fact that I come from African country and the card issued by United States. Whether you are from Asia, Africa, Europe, North and South America, the card works and more importantly, you can access the card transaction through the internet any time you which.

Advantages of Payoneer Card

Issuing of U.S bank account number: Once you apply for the card, in no distant time, the card issuer sends account number to you accompanied with routing number. With the account number, what it implies is that irrespective of the fact that you may be residing in any country outside United States, you automatically have account in U.S. With this account number, any of your friends or relations that reside in United States of America can send money to that account and you will be able to withdraw it from your country with the card issued to you.

Works in Almost All Countries: The card works in almost all the countries of the world. Even if you travel from your country to another country, you can still make use of that card in your new location so far there is ATM machine that accepts ATM card in that country.

Help Internet Marketers: Payoneer has helped a lot of internet marketers to withdraw their money at less stress. Those who are paid through PayPal easily link their PayPal account with Payoneer. Once the companies or advertisers they market for pay them, they easily transfer the money to the card through the U.S bank account or the Master card number.

How much does Payoneer Charge for Issuing Payoneer Card

Is Payoneer Card issued for Free

The answer to the question is two sided. Issuing of Payoneer Card is for free but at the same time not all that free.

How it is Free

Once you apply for the Payoneer card, the bank sends the card to you using the card without charging any money to you. The shipping fee is not charged to you at the time the card was sent.

How it is not free of Charge

Once you receive the card and it is loaded with at least $50, the card issuer charges a yearly charge to you and it involves the money used for the shipping of the card to you. Though some people agreed that there is yearly charge is about $29 on the card but I not been charged any amount yearly. When you withdraw with the card, you are charged a minimal fee of about $3.


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