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Saving Money on Steroids requires a New Way of Shopping – Couponing 101 with a Steroidal Twist!

Updated on September 15, 2015

Bargains are Just Ahead and Pumped with A Steroidal Twist!

Everyone love a bargain, however, many are leaving advertising money on the table of many well known stores, on and offline!
Everyone love a bargain, however, many are leaving advertising money on the table of many well known stores, on and offline!

If there is one thing that I love more than helping people it is helping people save a boat load of money. While I was a coupon queen diva back before coupons were chic, and still love to save when I shop. I have noticed something that I had dismissed before, virtual shopping malls.

Virtual malls are a new way to shop for super savings, and super convenience. All it takes is a slight adjustment to your shopping habits and patterns. Allow me to begin at Couponing 101 and show you the twist that I missed by avoiding virtual malls.

Stackem Up!

One of the first lessons when learning to use coupons effectively is to stack or not to stack. While this is a quite controversial couponing tactic due to the scams of buyers, when used properly, the savings are stacked in your favor! However, the problem has been that you had to shop all over town, spending hours, in and out of the same store, multiple times, not to mention the hours upon hours of clipping those flimsy things. I say, stackem up legally, and enjoy the savings on steroids!

  • Stacking smarter will save you Time and Money.

Just like many have learned the fine art of coupon stacking in the brick and mortar stores, now it is time to learn a new way to shop for Savings on Steroids that can be found shopping in Virtual Malls.

Future is so Bright with the Savings that even the Dogs are joining in

Couponing on Steroids is relaxing and an enjoyable way to pump up your savings and bulking your income.
Couponing on Steroids is relaxing and an enjoyable way to pump up your savings and bulking your income.

Working Smarter instead of harder applies to saving as well as Making Money!

While I completely understand why Extreme couponing has become fashionable, there comes a point where you are:

  1. wasting your time,
  2. money
  3. and energy

I believe there are some strategic tactics that have been disregarded, or avoided as I have done for many years. Allow me to share with you my/our first-hand experience.

While the steps are simple to list, the problem with the Old way is that it requires several hours each week to maintain the benefits.

Talk to any Couponers, and they will verify the steps that I have listed as the tactic of Coupon Stacking and that how you can and many do actually make a living following these 7 to 8 steps.

Old Style Coupon Stacking

  1. Find Coupon for item that you want to purchase
  2. Find the store that has the best price & accepts coupons
  3. Zero in on the store that has a coupon matching policy and store Coupons available
  4. Advanced Couponers take their savings even further into actually Making Money
  5. Cash back on their credit/debit card purchases. – (Word of caution here, this is also where many have gotten into MAJOR Credit card debt, because it wasn’t handled properly.)
  6. Shopping Assistants and/or the Family Shopper – (creating your own Couponing Co-op, distributes household expenses evenly in tough economic times.)
  7. Reselling excess to other friends and family members
  8. Donating the Excess and soon expiring items

The Weekly Pile of Clipped Coupons are like putting money in your Piggy Bank!

An Extreme Couponers' life is filled with little pieces of paper that is just like money!
An Extreme Couponers' life is filled with little pieces of paper that is just like money!

My Typical Couponing schedule weekly:

Whether you are purchasing weekly papers like I did, (I was purchasing 20 to 25 newspapers each week for 2 families of 4 and occasional drifters that would drift through our pantry) or purchasing clipped coupons and circulars, the average couponer will spend approximately 8 to 10 hours each week, just clipping and gathering coupons.

  • Next comes shopping for all those steals and deals!

Depending on commuting time and how many stores you visit with your coupons, time spent will range anywhere from another 8 to 10 hours each week…shopping...ugh!

  • Next Storing all that Booty…

This is where couponers should begin to have a compassion for the grocery stockers… Effective couponers will be expert at shuffling and restocking the home pantry shelves, but it does take time.

Approximating this time, depends a lot on how hard you are working at gathering, however on the average this time will be equal to or a little shy of 5-7 hours on a weekly basis. This is also where couponers should gain a new appreciation for the stockers in your local grocery store.

While our average weekly budget for our family of 4 (us and the 2 teenage boys that were still living at home) was about $200.00 per week if no coupons were used!

I was spending $2.00 and $3.00 dollars each week on over $300.00 dollars’ worth of groceries each week and feeding another family of 4 (one of our daughters was well experienced with how well the pantry was stocked.)

The Cashier's at Level's and Winn-Dixie and Diamond's, our once local grocery stores, would make side bets between themselves on how much I would be spending that week.

We also were donating 15 to 20 sacks of groceries each week to the local food pantry equaling about $150.00 (full retail cost) each week.

  • 27 hours total each week = ~$1,200.00 (full retail cost) of food each month
  • Fed an additional family of 4 which according to Gallup polls article, Americans spend $151.00 each week for a family of four as of 2012. ~ $649.00 (full retail cost)
  • Approximately 12 other families through the local food pantry for approximately $600.00 (full retail cost) of food each month.
  • 27 hours each week (x) 4.3 weeks for each month = 116.10 hours
  • $2,449.00 per month / 116.10 hours = $21.00 per hour

One thing about it, we never went hungry around this place. I was only spending about $173.00 per month cash out of pocket.

  • $173.25(expenses and monthly food money)
  • 116 hour's worth work each month = $2,437.00 each month = $19.61/ per hour Net Profit
  • Not a bad return on my investment!

While this definitely gives anyone a valid argument for starting to save money with coupons, I am always looking for a better way to do things. It also shows that a stay at home parent, really can provide invisible income to the household.

Saving money and helping people is my passion, I am always looking for ways to save time, money or my energy. This led me to discover the World of Virtual Malls and saving money on every purchase.

A Show of Hands(votes) Please! Have you ever considered Couponing as a Job or Business?

4.5 stars from 2 ratings of Who as ever considered couponing and saving money a job?

Thinking Like a Freak really should be a couponers Mantra

Think Like a Freak: The Authors of Freakonomics Offer to Retrain Your Brain
Think Like a Freak: The Authors of Freakonomics Offer to Retrain Your Brain
While I do believe that more people should learn to see outside the box, these guys have hit the nail on the head as far as understanding that we have to change the way we see and think about things. I highly recommend this book to anyone learning about Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, because you really do need to re-train your brain.

Introducing the World of Couponing on Steroids 101

While I agree that simple and extreme couponing all are valid ways to save and to make money. I do believe that there is a better and more user friendly way.

  • It will require a change in your shopping habits to begin what I call Couponing on Steroids 101.

Now I realize that in our day and time, we all like instant this and instant that, we are basically creatures of habit. However, what I call Couponing on Steroids only requires you change one simple way in which you shop.

Stop Here if you are NOT interested in learning How One Click changed our Shopping Habits

If I can show you how one extra click before every purchase you make can earn you real money would you be interested?

See results

Get a clue from Google!

Since Google launched their mobile-friendly initiative the ordinary consumer should have seen it as a HUGE CLUE into what the world of commerce is coming to.

Yes, google may have slapped a few of the “big boy” e-commerce site according to the article.

However, that was just a blip on the changes coming to retail and how we couponers can keep up our extreme savings and money making machines going.

Everything is going or has already gone MOBILE! Many consumers have failed to notice the subtle changes, and soon couponers are going to have to follow suit. What is that change, that change is called Virtual Malls.

Your credit card companies have been offering this for some time, however, many have refused like we did for so long to check it out. The savings are there, but there are better savings out there on the World Wide Web, than you can even imagine.

You would be amazed at how much money is being left on the advertising budget table of many corporations and online businesses, just waiting to be paid to someone. That is where Couponing on Steroids comes in.

One extra click before you begin your shopping experience can make the difference of saving a little or nothing at all, to saving in places you had no idea they were willing to give you cash back for making your purchase with them. Combine this one step with the old style couponing tactics, and you have Coupons on Steroids!

Three Steps to Cashing In from Unbelievable Places that you shop EVERY DAY!

Step 1: Click into the Virtual Mall – THIS virtual shopping center HAS NO FEE to enter or join, just unbelievable savings and cash back opportunities. This just like walking into those big box stores that charge a fee to walk through the doors, but this one doesn’t.

Step 2: Once you have joined, type in the search box on the Virtual Mall site the store name that you like to shop at, just like you would normally type in Amazon, Walmart, Lord & Taylor, and Home Depot etc

Step 3: Buy what you were looking for and watch the savings add up in your cash back account. While they tell you that it can take a few days for your purchases and cash back progress to be recorded, my cash back began accruing within hours of my first purchase.

Screen Shot of my Accruing REAL Cash Back Balance inside the Virtual Mall!

Eyeglasses I saved $512.00 dollars Walmart I saved $100.00 on an exclusive Mall Deal and earn $20.00 cash back on a new TV that hasn't been recorded yet. I earned $20.00 cash back on a purchase with HOMEDEPOT!
Eyeglasses I saved $512.00 dollars Walmart I saved $100.00 on an exclusive Mall Deal and earn $20.00 cash back on a new TV that hasn't been recorded yet. I earned $20.00 cash back on a purchase with HOMEDEPOT!

I saved $500.00 with my first purchase through the Virtual Mall, and got $12.00 cash back with My Eye Doctors’ Approval!

As with all my teaching lessons, I seem to stumble into the facts that allow me to teach more effectively and this article is no different. While I knew that I was going to be writing an article, never did I imagine that my Eye Doctor would put his stamp of approval on it. His nod of approval is exactly what happened when I asked him about buying our glasses online.

And the first place that he recommended just happened to be a store, within the new Virtual Mall that I had discovered just a few weeks before my appointment with him.

  • Time spent 15 minutes looking for the Frame style that I wanted…They have every designer you can imagine!
  • Time spent putting in my Eye Glass prescription from the Eye Doctor, 2-3 minutes…double checking the script, you understand!
  • Time spent checking out…1-2 minutes
  • Total time: 20 minutes = SAVED $500.00 from the same 2 pairs of glasses, transition lens and all protective coating.
  • I got TWO Pairs of Glasses, one pair for driving and one for working on the computer with the blue blocker to relax your eyes behind a computer screen.
  • TOTAL PAID: $99.32 AND RECEIVED $12.00 CASH BACK ADDED TO MY CASH BACK ACCOUNT!!! Actual cost of two pairs of glasses $87.40 and FREE SHIPPING!!!
  • Savings per hour spent shopping $512.00 per hour!!!

Now that is what I call Couponing on Steroids!!! 25 times the hourly rate of the Old style couponing, and a lot less hassle!

Start Pumping UP your Savings and Income Today!

Oh, and if you really want to PUMP UP YOUR SAVINGS, you can use any valid coupons along with getting cash back…Double Dip savings is allowed throughout the shops in this Mall.

Happy Shopping and be sure to place your savings accomplishments in the comment section below and welcome to Couponing on Steroids 101.

So what are you waiting for, bookmark this Virtual Mall right now, and begin watching your savings and income add up.

Due to popular demand, comments and questions, I have added a Part Two to this article. You can find it at

© 2015 Cammy Walters


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