Why are food stamp cards not monitored
Abusing the system
Several times when I have been in the grocery store, I have witnessed women paying for 20 buy one get one free snickers bars, doritos, potato chips, cookies and no healthy food.
Why are these items even allowed to be purchased with food stamps? You can't buy a roll of toilet paper with food stamps, which is a necessity, but you can fill your cart full of junk food and it's allowed.
This behavior not only makes me angry, but makes me wonder how any woman or man can proudly walk into a grocery store, fill their carts with junk and pay for it with a food stamp card like its their hard earned cash.
I resent the fact that my tax dollars are paying for these items and then they go beg to churches halfway through the month that they have no food in their houses to feed their hungry children.
The government knows everything about you. Where you work, your social security number, where you live, but they can't monitor what is bought on a card that is being paid for with mine and your money.
It is time to stand up and tell law makers that this behavior is unacceptable and that junk food should not be allowed to be bought with tax payers money while children are going hungry.