20/20 Hindsight
20/20 Hindsight
Yes my Brother John,
I served too when I was young
a two-year stretch in Vietnam
in a war that was a US sham
to revenge a US torpedoed ship
done by the US to make the trip.
Foolish are the young conditioned well
to believe the lies their governments tell
to risk their lives defending our homeland
when it was a plot they had planned
where thousands of American's lives would fall
in a war where a victory had no way to come at all.
The explanation
Hindsight has 20/20 vision for observers who will take the time to analyze their days of youth, as I did, while so many were prevented from having that privilege. At first I was angry upon discovering the truth until I realized everything that happens is a repeat of thing that has no beginning nor end for allowing the law of Karma to be fulfilled. Since I see it as Karma in action and have overcome eating from the tree of "the knowledge of good and evil" I just say "It Is" and live with the purpose I now see for everything.
© 2019 Elijah A Alexander Jr