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5 Reasons Why Women Perform Poorly In the Political Arena

Updated on November 13, 2012


There are many countless times when we have had a chance to witness what the strength of a woman can do. But, few have been like the Golda Meir’s and Margaret Thatcher’s in the world political arena competing on an equal footing, if not better, with men. I have seen female leaders handle some issues better than their male counterparts. Why don’t we see more handbags and skirts on the political podium?

The retired President Bill Clinton seemed to have more faith in his wife Hillary getting into the House on the Hill than she had in herself. If Hillary Clinton could just display half the courage exhibited by her husband, then America would have had a female president. What is it that ails our women on the political scene? Will America ever have a female president? I have no chauvinistic tendencies. I just feel it is time to wake up and play true honest democracy. The arena is meant for both males and females.

Photo by Maya
Photo by Maya | Source

Politics is a dirty game

Many women seem to hold strongly the notion that politics is a filthy dirty game. They definitely shy away to avoid the name-calling and mudslinging we see during presidential campaigns. They would rather take a back seat.

Do women hurt more badly compared to men where verbal games are concerned? While men are primed for action, women are more gifted with social vocabulary compared to men. I believe their tongues can do well politically. On the other hand, do they prefer controlling things backstage?

Lack of faith in themselves

The political world is a man’s world. This is the chorus we often hear from our ladies. Women have no faith in themselves. They down play their political prowess while expecting things to be done by men.

How do women expect men to have faith in a people who have no faith in themselves? Don’t they imagine men would like at times to take a back seat and watch things happen?

The comfort zone

The saying cliché “East or west home is best” must have had feminine origins. The role society has curved for a woman in the homestead is a niche they can ill afford to shun, ignore or overlook. They are domestically tied to the institute called home to the effect that their minds are geared or bound for the home and its comforts. Politics offer variety but at a high social cost that many women would rather not risk. They will want to fall back to sweet home, widening the gender gap further.

Many voters in USA have been hoping for a female president for quite some time. But it seems like they have long to wait after Hillary Clinton declined her husband’s suggestion that she runs for the white house after the gallant President Obama takes leave.

Photo by Ambro
Photo by Ambro | Source

Lack of courage

A good leader needs to have and also exhibit good courage in order to lead the general populace through murky waters. Most women lack the mettle and finesse required for the job. Courage fails many a woman when expected to give leadership. Do they prefer to be led than take up leadership positions?

Photo by Stuart Miles
Photo by Stuart Miles | Source

In politics, a woman is her own enemy

The skewed gender parity in leadership we continue to witness the world over is mainly caused by women themselves. Many women would rather see a man take the lead than their fellow women despite the fact that they form the largest voting block of individuals.

Why would a woman refuse to vote in a fellow woman on the basis of gender? They would rather vote for a man than for his female opponent despite her having better qualities. I thought the bias should be directed towards or against men. Women are difficult to understand because this will always work in favor of men. Are women truly their own enemies?

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Is America likely to have a female president any time in the near future?

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