END TIMES REPORT - Terrorism Hijacking Mideast _ 7 Minutes to Midnight - The Prophetic World Clock
WEEK OF: MAY 29th - JUNE 4th - In the Year of Our Lord (2011)
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"For then there will be GREAT TRIBULATION, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be." (Matthew 24:21 NKJ)
WORLD HEADLINE NEWS - For the Week of: MAY 29th - JUNE 4th
"When you hear of wars and uprisings, do not be frightened. These things must happen first, but the end will not come right away." (Luke 21:9 NIV)
Netanyahu Warns Egypt Loosing Control of Growing Terror Groups in Sinai
PM says Hamas and international terror groups are strengthening presence in Egypt and that the country's military government is having trouble 'realizing its sovereignty' in Sinai.
Netanyahu also warned that Hamas is getting stronger and that Israel is concerned for its future in the region, in particular with its peace partners Egypt and Jordan. The prime minister noted that Israel must act responsibly in light of the Arab world turmoil, saying that even though Israel supports the hope for democracy, it is unclear when and if this will happen.
Meanwhile on Monday, Egyptian security forces were pursuing 400 al-Qaida members who have been located in Sinai, said a senior Egyptian security source on Sunday.
> View Original Article - Haaretz News - May 30th, 2011
Iranian Cleric Says Killing Israeli Children is OK
Iranian Ayatollah endorses evil: Radical religious cleric known as President Ahmadinejad's spiritual mentor says attacks on Israeli civilians permissible, suicide bombings a Muslim duty.
Evil words in Islamic Republic: A senior Iranian cleric, who is known as President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's spiritual mentor, urged followers to continue suicide attacks against Israelis, including children.
Ayatollah Mohammad Taghi Mesbah, considered one of the Islamic Republic's most radical clerics, issued a religious edict on his website whereby suicide attacks are not only legitimate but are a must for every Muslim, a special paper by the Middle East Media Research Institute shows. Beyond these insights, the cleric did not offer further instructions and failed to censure the killing of children.
Notably, for the followers of Mesbah, his words are considered as a binding religious edict. On several occasions in the past, Iranian President Ahmadinejad also spoke in favor of "martyrdom acts."
> View Original Article - YNet News - May 31st, 2011
IDF Chief: Israel Faces Growing Range of Threats, From 'Knife to Nuclear'
The Israel Defense Forces will ask the state to increase its defense budget significantly to contend with the growing terror threats in the region, Chief of Staff Benny Gantz said on Tuesday. "The threats of the past are still in force, but new threats are developing that require the ability to operate in a number of different theaters with strength and determination," Gantz said.
One such threat was the upcoming aid flotilla bound from Turkey to the Gaza Strip, one year after the deadly Israeli raid on the Mavi Marmara ship. "The flotilla organizers are working to inflame hatred and provocation against Israel and not out of desire to help the population in Gaza."
> View Original Article - Haaretz News - May 31th, 2011
U.S. Pentagon to Treat Cyber-attacks As 'Acts of War'
The US is set to publish plans that will categorise cyber-attacks as acts of war, the Pentagon says. The planning was given added urgency by a cyber-attack last month on the defence contractor, Lockheed Martin. A new report from the Pentagon is due out in a matter of weeks.
Cyber-attacks from foreign nations that threaten widespread US civilian casualties, like cutting off power supplies or shutting down emergency-responder networks, could be treated as an act of aggression under the new policy.
But the plan does not mention how the US may respond to cyber-attackers, such as terrorists, who are not acting for a nation state. The US would "respond to hostile acts in cyberspace as we would to any other threat to our country", stated the White House in plain terms.
"We reserve the right to use all necessary means - diplomatic, informational, military, and economic - as appropriate and consistent with applicable international law, in order to defend our nation, our allies, our partners and our interests."
> View Original Article - BBC News - June 1st, 2011
2 Iraqis Charged in U.S. with Terrorism Plotting
(AP) Louisville - Two Iraqis living in Kentucky have been arrested on charges that they tried to send sniper rifles, stinger missiles and money to al Qaeda operatives in their home country, according to court documents unsealed on Tuesday.
Thirty-year-old Waad Ramadan Alwan and 23-year-old Mohanad Shareef Hammadi, who both have lived in Bowling Green since 2009, were charged in a 23-count indictment returned by a federal grand jury on Thursday. Neither is charged with plotting attacks within the United States, and authorities say their weapons and money didn't make it to Iraq because of a tightly controlled undercover investigation.
Alwan is charged with conspiracy to kill a United States national, conspiracy to use a weapon of mass destruction and attempting to provide material support to terrorists. Hammadi is charged with attempting to provide material support to terrorists and knowingly transferring, possession or exporting a device designed or intended to launch or guide a rocket or missile.
> View Original Article - Hindustan Times -June 1, 2011
Peres Urges Russia To Cease Sale Of Advanced Weapons To Syria
In meeting on sidelines of event in Italy, President tells Russian counterpart that weapons systems likely to find their way to terror groups such as Hezbollah. According to a statement released by the president's office, Peres discussed ongoing turmoil in the Arab world with the Russian leaders, saying that Syria was undergoing a critical time of change.
In the face of such uncertainty, Peres urged his Russian counterpart to avoid selling advanced weapons systems to Syria, since "there was no way to know who would eventually hold those weapons," the president said, adding Russia must aid in stemming the flow of weapons from Syria to "terrorist groups, first and foremost Hezbollah."
> View Original Article - Haaretz News - June 3rd, 2011
Syrian Forces Kill 63 Civilians To Crush Protests
REUTERS - Lebanese protesters in the Bab al-Tabbaneh neighbourhood of Tripoli, northern Lebanon, demonstrate in solidarity with Syria's protestors and to demand the release of Syrian refugees they say are being held by the Lebanese army.
Abu Khaled, a Syrian activist, told Al Jazeera that the level of violence in the crackdown on protests in Jesr al-Shoughour, a city located in Syria's northwest, was "beyond imagination". Activists say hundreds have been killed by security forces.
Security forces also opened fire on a funeral procession of some 50,000 mourners in the northern city of Maarat an-Numan, an eyewitness told Al Jazeera.
> View Original Article - Aljazeera -June 4, 2011
APOCALYPSE = (Greek: apokálypsis; Definition: "Lifting of the Veil" or "Revelation")
"And He will destroy on this mountain, The surface of the covering cast over all people, And the veil that is spread over all nations." (Isaiah 25:7 NKJ)
"This calls for patient endurance on the part of the people of God who keep his commands and remain faithful to Jesus." (Revelation 14:12 NIV)
Algerian Christian Sentenced To Prison After Sharing Faith With Neighbor
Siagh Krimo, an Algerian Christian, was sentenced to five years in prison on May 25 after he shared his faith with a neighbor. Krimo was sentenced under the nation’s blasphemy law, which prohibits actions that "insult the prophet [Muhammad] and any of the messengers of God, or denigrate the creed and precepts of Islam, whether by writing, drawing, declaration, or any other means."
"Algerian Christians have been under attack in recent weeks as laws have been increasingly enforced to discriminate against them," said Aidan Clay of International Christian Concern.
> View Original Article - Trinity Communications - May 30th, 2011
The Yeshuistim – A New Identity For Israeli Messianics
Shlomo Intrater is a second generation Messianic Jew. He grew up in Israel, served in the army and is currently working on his master's degree in Jewish Thought at the Hebrew University. Recently, Shlomo sponsored and organized a series of 12 lectures by individuals he terms "Messianic Jewish intellectuals." The topic was the Jewish identity of the Messianic movement in Israel.
Jewish believers in Israel have many different names and nicknames. These names came out of the context of the Christian world. So, if we are developing our own identity we need to define ourselves within the Jewish context. Though this name marks us as a marginalized group, it is still a step forward. At present, Messianic Jews in Israel are considered a foreign Christian group trying to falsely claim Jewish heritage. We are transitioning from that to becoming a Jewish sect, and that for us is a step forward.
I am introducing something people are not used to. We are working with intellectuals, with people who are academically trained. It is not new that Jewish believers are caught between two worlds. The subject of the lectures highlighted this problem, and how we are in the process of figuring out our own identity. These lectures, which dealt with social history rather than theology or faith, were a means of engaging with this issue of identity.
> View Original Article - Israel Today - May 31st, 2011
Gaza: America Is The Enemy Of Allah
It has already been reported that while much of the Middle East was pleased with Osama bin Laden's assassination by American forces, the Palestinian Arabs stood out as the only regional group to oppose the elimination of the arch-terrorist. Recent rallies in the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip have revealed just how much Palestinian Islamists idolized bin Laden and how broad was his popularity on the "Palestinian street."
During the various rallies, the standard chants of the thousands of attendees have been: "Bin Laden Shattered Crosses" (speaking to their hatred of Christianity) and "America is the Enemy of Allah."
Western leaders have for the past decade been trying hard to equate Christianity with Islam and the God of the Bible with Allah. They are adamant that there is no religious war taking place.
But the Palestinian Islamists clearly do not agree.
> View Original Article - Israel Today - June 1st, 2011
The MID-EAST WATCHMAN - All Eyes Towards Israel
"Son of man, I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel; therefore hear a word from My mouth, and give them warning from Me." (Ezekiel 3:17 NKJ)
Netanyahu: Israel Cannot Prevent UN Recognition of Palestinian State
PM says it's impossible to recognize a Palestinian state without passing through the UN Security Council but assures such a move is bound to fail.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Monday that no one can prevent the recognition of a Palestinian state in the United Nations in September. Netanyahu said Israel can't prevent UN recognition of a Palestinian state, and added that Israel expects to receive support only from a handful of countries.
Earlier this month, Netanyahu said Israel could support a Palestinian state before September under the right conditions, but warned against a Palestinian state which includes Hamas that would try to perpetuate conflict with Israel.
> View Original Article - Haaretz News - May 30th, 2011
Tensions Rise On Streets of Jerusalem
As they have every year for the past 44 years, Israeli Jews on Wednesday marched through the streets of central Jerusalem waving Israeli flags and celebrating the reunification of their ancient capital.
The path of the annual parade takes marchers through or near to several Arab-dominated neighborhoods, as it closely follows the partition line that divided Jerusalem from 1948-1967. But most years the parade is a peaceful exercise, and the celebrating Jews and local Arabs rarely clash in any significant way.
This year was different.
At least one local Arab described the march as a "provocation," ignoring the fact that Jews have been praying for 2,000 years for their return to Jerusalem. In some areas, Arab counter-demonstrators were joined by leftist Israeli Jews who support surrendering Jerusalem to the Palestinian Authority.
> View Original Article - Israel Today - June 2nd, 2011
"Then he [ the coming "Antichrist" ] shall confirm a covenant [ peace plan or treaty ] with many [ in Israel ] for one week [ a week of years = 7 years ] But in the middle of the week [ 3.5 years ] he shall bring an end to sacrifice and offering [ treaty broken by the "Antichrist" ]..."
(Daniel 9:27 NKJ)
French Peace Plan Would Require Palestinian Recognition of Jewish State
Peace initiative proposed by French FM Alain Juppe incorporates the position that the goal of negotiations is 'two states for two peoples,' not just 'a two-state solution.'
French Foreign Minister Alain Juppe offered Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu a proposal on Thursday aimed at breaking the Israeli-Palestinian deadlock before the expected showdown at the UN General Assembly in September. In a first for the wider international community, the French initiative incorporates the position that the goal of negotiations is "two states for two peoples," not just "a two-state solution."
The border issue would be discussed based on the 1967 borders with agreed land swaps, in keeping with U.S. President Barack Obama's speech. Contrary to the international community's former position, the proposal does not stipulate that Jerusalem would be the capital of both states, but only that the Jerusalem issue would be solved via negotiations.
The Quartet - the United States, United Nations, EU and Russia - will also call for a peace conference in Paris. The Europeans believe this could dissuade the Palestinians from asking the United Nations to recognize the Palestinian state and return to the negotiations.
> View Original Article - Haaretz News - June 3, 2011
"With cunning they conspire against your people; they plot against those you cherish. 'Come,' they say, 'let us destroy them as a nation, so that Israel’s name is remembered no more.' With one mind they plot together; they form an alliance against you." (Psalm 83:2-5 NIV)
Arabs Prepare To March On Israel's Borders
The Israeli army this week was busy readying itself for the next pan-Arab assault on Israel's borders, scheduled for Sunday.
Two weeks ago, Arabs from Lebanon, Syria and Gaza marched on Israel's borders in an effort to infiltrate the Jewish state en masse. They were marking Nakba Day - the Day of Catastrophe when Israel was reborn as a nation-state.
The Nakba Day demonstrations saw at least 100 Syrians cross into the Golan Heights, where many clashed with Israeli soldiers.
Reports out of Lebanon suggest that some 100,000 may participate in Sunday's march. But the Lebanese army has also suggested it will not allow any of them to reach the border.
> View Original Article - Israel Today - June 4TH, 2011
NEWS UPDATES from Around the World – (Clips You May Have Missed)
"If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you." (John 15:18-19 NIV)
Christian Woman in Darfur Arrested for Evangelizing
KHARTOUM, Sudan – Sudanese National Security Intelligence and Security Service agents have arrested a Christian woman in a Darfur camp for displaced people, accusing her of converting Muslims to Christianity, said sources who fear she is being tortured.
Abdalla has yet to be officially charged, but authorities have accused her of possessing and distributing Bibles to others in the camp, including children. Sources said she could also be tried for apostasy, which carries the death sentence in Sudan.
At the same time, in Khartoum a Christian mother of a 2-month-old baby is wounded and destitute because she and her husband left Islam for Christianity. Omar Hassan and Amouna Ahamdi, both 27, said they fled Nyala, 120 kilometers (75 miles) southwest of El-Fashir, for Khartoum in June 2010, but knife-wielding, masked assailants on May 4 attacked the couple after relatives learned that they had converted from Islam to Christianity.
The knife pierced the palm of Ahamdi, who said her brother had stabbed her three times in the stomach nine months ago, seriously injuring her spleen, after she told him she had become a Christian.
> View Original Article - Christian Post - May 24th, 2011
U.S.: Hezbollah Has More Missiles Than Most States
Outgoing Defense Secretary Gates warns against possibility group has chemical, biological arms. Hezbollah is armed with more missiles and rockets than most states, according to outgoing US Defense Secretary Robert Gates.
Two months ago, an Israeli security official provided the Washington Post with a map detailing no less than 550 bunkers, 300 surveillance sites and 100 other facilities the Jewish state believes belong to Hezbollah terrorists in Lebanon.
The daily quoted a senior Israeli commander as saying, "Our interest is to show the world that the Hezbollah organization has turned these villages into fighting zones."
> View Original Article - YNet News - May 25th, 2011
6 Killed In Car Bomb Attack On Police Post
PESHAWAR: A suicide bomber drove an explosives-packed car into a police station on Wednesday as the Taliban intensified attacks against Pakistan's security forces after the killing of Osama bin Laden.
At least five policemen and a soldier were killed in the attack in Peshawar. The Pakistani Taliban said they were responsible. The militants, allied with al-Qaida , have vowed to avenge bin Laden's killing.
> View Original Article - Times of India - May 26th, 2011
"It was granted to him to make war with the saints and to overcome them. And authority was given him [ the "Antichrist" ] over every tribe, tongue, and nation [ New World Order ]. All who dwell on the earth will worship him, whose names have not been written in the Book of Life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world." (Revelation 13:7-8 NKJ)
Iran Urges China to Play More Significant Role in New World Order
TEHRAN (FNA)- Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi underlined Beijing's important role in international equations, and called on the Chinese officials to double their efforts to play a greater role in the new world order. Salehi pointed out that a NEW WORLD ORDER was emerging, and called on independent countries, including China, to increase their participation in international affairs.
Chinese Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Zhang Zhijun, for his part, said that China seeks strategic ties with Iran and called for more cooperation with Tehran in politics, economy and energy. Zhang Zhijun said that Iran and China shared similar views with respect to regional developments and that Tehran and Beijing could play a significant role in the international arena.
Both officials also condemned the West's double standards on the recent developments in the Middle East and North Africa.
> View Original Article - FARS News Agency - May 26th, 2011
"You will be hated by everyone because of me, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved. When you are persecuted in one place, flee to another." (Matthew 10:22-23 NIV)
Christians Worry Egypt Being Hijacked By Islamists
CAIRO (Reuters) - Last January, Nazih Moussa Gerges locked up his downtown Cairo law office and joined hundreds of thousands of fellow Egyptians to demand that President Hosni Mubarak step down. The 33-year-old Christian lawyer was back on the streets this month to press military rulers who took over after Mubarak stepped down to end a spate of sectarian attacks that have killed at least 28 people and left many afraid.
Sectarian tensions are not new to Egypt, where Christians make up around 10 percent of the population of 80 million. But the frequency and intensity of clashes have increased since Mubarak's overthrow.
When Christians gathered to worship in the eastern Cairo district of Ain Shams last week, they said Salafists and other local Muslims blocked access to the church and pelted them with cinder blocks.
The sectarian clashes have prompted many Christians to vent pent-up grievances at perceived discrimination since the 1970s. Egyptian Christians say discrimination against them starts in school. Christians complain that under laws inherited from Ottoman rule, Copts are required to obtain special permits from the head of state to build or repair a church.
> View Original Article - Reuters - May 26th, 2011
Suicide Truck Bomb Kills At Least 32 In Pakistan
PESHAWAR, Pakistan — A suicide bomber in a pickup truck detonated his explosives near several government offices in northwest Pakistan on Thursday, killing at least 32 people, in the latest violence to hit the country since the U.S. raid that killed Osama bin Laden.
The Pakistani Taliban claimed responsibility for the attack. Its devastation was likely to add to criticism of the government, already under fire over the unilateral U.S. operation to kill the al-Qaida chief and the mounting bloodshed since.
> View Original Article - MSNBC - May 27th, 2011
Arab League To Seek Full UN Membership For Palestinian State
At General Assembly meeting in New York in September, Arab League will request that UN recognize a Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, with East Jerusalem as its capital.
An Arab League committee decided on Saturday to seek full UN membership for a Palestinian state in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, with East Jerusalem as its capital, it said in a statement.
Abbas expressed concern that taking the diplomatic step opposed by the United States and Israel could result in financial sanctions and urged Arab states to fill any gap.
> View Original Article - Haaretz News - May 28th, 2011
The Holy Scripture tells us that there will be SIGNS and WONDERS in these times, coming from BOTH the Lord AND His adversary! How do we know what is from the Lord God and what is part of the enemy's lie? How do we even prepare for this? Only the Word of God can help us sort these things out, accompanied by fervent prayer and the guidance of His Holy Spirit.
"The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through SIGNS and WONDERS that serve the lie, and all the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved." (2 Thessalonians 2:9-10 NV)
WONDERS in the Heavens Above?
"I will show WONDERS in the HEAVENS above and SIGNS on the EARTH BELOW, blood and fire and billows of smoke." (Acts 2:19 NIV)
Lightning Strikes Kill 26
Dhaka, May 23 (bdnews24.com) – At least 26 people have been killed and as many injured in lightning strikes during thunderstorms in 11 districts across the country.
> View Original Article - BDnews 24 Bangladesh - May 23rd, 2011
"...and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven." (Luke 21:11 KJV)
Tornadoes Leave Wide Swath Of Damage
MONSON, Mass. - The sound, Nate Schlegel said, "was like a monster eating the earth."
The Washington Street house where Schlegel shared a second-floor apartment with his fiancee and their two young children was among the buildings that were destroyed. They were lucky, escaping with only cuts and bruises.
The tornado that struck Monson was one of at least two that touched down in western Massachusetts Wednesday, officials said. One blasted through Springfield, leaving three dead and five with critical injuries, and causing extensive damage. The other tornado touched down in West Springfield and hit Monson on its way to Sturbridge.
> View Original Article - Hartford Courant -June 1, 2011
SIGNS on the Earth Below?
"There will be... famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven." (Luke 21:11 NIV)
Cholera Kills 85 in Somalia Since April
MOGADISHU, Somalia -- The World Health Organization says a cholera outbreak in Somalia has killed at least 85 people and infected dozens of others. WHO spokesman Pieter Desloover says Mogadishu, Afgoye and Baidoa have been hit hardest by the disease. Banadir hospital in Mogadishu alone reported 85 deaths.
The agency warned that waterborne diseases could spread during the rainy season. Somalia is currently suffering from a drought and there are few sources of clean water.
> View Original Article - Sacramento Bee - May 30, 2011
Philippines Struggles Under Mountain Of Dead Fish
MANILA — Several lakeside towns in the Philippines on Monday were struggling to cope with mountains of rotting fish that were killed by a sudden drop in water temperatures at the weekend. Scientists said the onset of the rainy season led to a sharp drop in water temperatures that depleted oxygen levels in the lake.
> View Original Article - AFP - Google News - May 31, 2011
New 'Superbug' Strain Found in U.K. Cows
CAMBRIDGE, England, June 2 (UPI) - A new strain of the antibiotic-resistant MRSA "superbug" has been found in British cows and is believed to be infecting humans, U.K. researchers say.
Environmental activists claim the new strain of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus has emerged because of excessive use of antibiotics by dairy farmers, the BBC reported Thursday.
Dairy farmers make wide use of antibiotics to treat cows with mastitis, an infection of the udder. However, excessive use can cause some bacteria to become resistant and difficult to treat if humans become infected, experts say.
Researchers discovered the new MRSA strain while studying a bacterium known to cause mastitis in cows, and subsequent studies have found the strain present in humans, the BBC reported. Britain's Soil Association has called for a complete ban on antibiotics in dairy farming.
> View Original Article - United Press International -June 1, 2011
1,800 Hit in Outbreak of Toxic New Strain of E.Coli
More than 1,800 people across the globe have been infected in a toxic E.coli outbreak - believed to be the world's deadliest.
Some 18 people have been confirmed dead, 17 of them in Germany, where the outbreak began. Almost 200 new cases have been reported in Germany in the last few days, and people in 12 countries have fallen ill. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), 1,823 cases have been identified globally, including 1,733 in Germany.
Around one in three of those affected have been hit by haemolytic uraemic syndrome (HUS) - a deadly complication of E.coli which affects the blood, kidneys and, in severe cases, the central nervous system.
The outbreak is thought to be the deadliest in recent world history, and is one of the biggest.
The bug has now been identified in people in the Czech Republic, France and the United States, as well as Germany, Austria, Denmark, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the UK.
> View Original Article - Daily Mirror - June 3rd, 2011
"I will show wonders in the heavens above and SIGNS on the Earth Below, blood and fire and billows of smoke." (Acts 2:19 NIV)
Iceland Volcano Eruption, Giant Ash Clouds from Grimsvotn
Iceland's imposed a flight ban and closed its main airport after the country's most active volcano, Grimsvotn, erupted. It lies under the uninhabited Vatnajokull glacier in southeast Iceland and has been dormant for 7 years. A large plume of smoke and ash is stretching 20 km into the air.
Iceland's Meteorological Office says that the eruption at the Grimsvotn volcano has been accompanied by a series of small earthquakes. Scientists have been expecting a new eruption and have said previously that this volcano's eruption will likely be small and should not lead to the air travel chaos caused in April 2010 by ash from the Eyjafjallajokul volcano.
Russia Today - May 22nd, 2011
Mexico's Popocatepetl Volcano Blasts Tower Of Ash
Mexico's Popocatepetl Volcano spews a dark cloud of ash two miles into the sky.
> View Original VIDEO - MSNBC - June 4, 2011
"...and there shall be... earthquakes in divers places." (Matthew 24:7 KJV)
Magnitude 6.3 Earthquake Strikes Off Sumatra Island, Indonesia
JAKARTA: A shallow-undersea earthquake with a magnitude of 6.3 jolted Sumatra island earlier Sunday, however, suggested no potential danger of a tsunami, Xinhua quoted the Meteorology and Geophysics Agency as saying.
> View Original Article - Russia Today - May 22nd, 2011
"And great earthquakes shall be in various places..." (Luke 21:11 NKJ)
EARTHQUAKE ACTIVITY has been on the rise lately!
Over the last decade hundreds of earthquakes have left hundreds of thousands dead, and millions homeless. In the last few years alone a large increase has occured not only in the frequency but also the magnitude and severity of earthquakes.
Earthquakes - Weekly Updates
There is a Message of HOPE for the WORLD!
Even though everything we have discussed and shown thus far seems to depict a tragic and fateful end for our world, that is actually NOT THE CASE! The state of humanity's existence does not end in chaos or complete destruction at this time. Nor will these events leave the whole world in a panicked state of confusion, always to be frustrated in futile attempts trying to achieve a Utopian existence. The "Great Tribulation" period is only for a few short years and is merely a transitional period at end of an age. A NEW AGE IS COMING immediately thereafter!
"...SEE THAT YOU ARE NOT TROUBLED; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet." (Matthew 24:6 NKJ)
"All these are the beginning of birth pains [sorrows]." (Matthew 24:8 NIV-KJV)
This is probably the most accurate representation of the entire "Great Tribulation" event. "Birth pains" are very discomforting and often quite painful. A new birth involves "labor" which is an extremely strenuous and exhausting process (ask any woman who has endured this). The end result however, is "relief" from this labor and suffering because a "new life" is then born!
That is exactly what will transpire in this world. We are in the final chapter of an old and worn out age of civilization. A grand and glorious new age lies directly ahead for those of us that endure and have accepted the Lord God.
"These are they who have come out of the great tribulation; they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. Therefore, they are before the throne of God and serve him day and night in his temple; and he who sits on the throne will spread his tent over them. Never again will they hunger; never again will they thirst. The sun will not beat upon them, nor any scorching heat. For the Lamb at the center of the throne will be their shepherd; he will lead them to springs of living water. And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes." (Revelation 7:14-17 NIV)
Therefore, these sometimes frightening words of prophecy are really a harbinger of hope to those who are searching for God today. It is through the belief that Christ died for our sins (John 3:16) and faith in His second coming (1 Thessalonians 4:14-18), that we are all "saved" and will enter into the coming Kingdom of Heaven along with Him.
"For the grace of God has appeared that offers SALVATION TO ALL PEOPLE. It teaches us to say 'No' to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age, while we wait for the blessed hope - the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ." (Titus 2:11–13 NIV)
"He who testifies to these things says, 'Surely I am coming quickly.' Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus! The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen." (Revelation 22:20-21)
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