END TIMES REPORT - The Prophetic World News _ Will Israel Soon Be No More?
WEEK OF: JULY 3rd - JULY 9th - In the Year of Our Lord (2011)
Karachi Death Toll Climbs to 103 - Southern Sudan Suffers - N. Korea Paid Pakistan for Nuke Technology - Israel Fears Iran and N. Korea Strengthening Ties - "Putin Sent to Russia by God", says Kremlin Aide - Church Takes Step To Remove ‘Heavenly Father’ - DC Funded 300 Abortions - Jerusalem Divided? - Why September 2011 So Dangerous? - Muslim Brotherhood Demands Drop Israel - Arab Spring's Anti-Israel Flavor - Challenges Facing the Body in Israel - UFO Causes Nuclear Missile Base Power Failure? - World's First Synthetic Organ Transplant - Tropical Storm Kills 16 in Mexico - 27 Dead, 20 Missing from 5 Landslides in Philippines - Landslide Leaves 18 Dead in NW China - Deadly Superbug on the Loose in Ontario - World Food Prices Near Record High.
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And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, "All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." Amen. (Matthew 28:18-20 NKJ)
Likewise and equally important in these days FOR US ALL TO BE "WATCHMEN" ON THE WALLS! - So SPREAD the NEWS revealed to you in these REPORTS.
"Prepare the table, Set a watchman in the tower, Eat and drink. Arise, you princes, Anoint the shield! For thus has the Lord said to me: 'Go, set a watchman, Let him declare what he sees.'" (Isaiah 21:5-7 NKJ)
Why is September 2011 So Dangerous?
In September, Israel will face a major diplomatic challenge: The Palestinians plan to ask the United Nations to recognize an independent Palestinian state on the 1967 borders. This could have extremely negative repercussions for Israel—politically, economically, legally and from the standpoint of security. In Jerusalem, preparations are being made for every conceivable scenario, including a Third Intifada (Palestinian uprising).
- Israel Today - by Aviel Schneider - July 3, 2011
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Muslim Brotherhood's First Demand for the United States - "Drop Israel!"
The Brotherhood responded this week by thanking Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and issuing its first demand of its new American friends: drop support for the "Zionist regime."
- Israel Today - by Ryan Jones - July 5, 2011
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The Arab Spring's Anti-Israel Flavor
In the nation where it all started, Tunisia, the newly established High Commission for Political Reforms and Democratic Transition decided last Friday that peace with Israel will in fact be forbidden. The situation is likely to be similar in Egypt...
- Israel Today - by Ryan Jones - July 5, 2011
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Messianic Pastor Discuses Challenges Facing the "Body of Christ" in Israel
Meno Kalisher, pastor of the Jerusalem Assembly, a Messianic Jewish congregation in the Israeli capital, held an interview with Israel Today about the many serious challenges that are still holding back the full Body of the Messiah – Jews and Arabs - in the Holy Land.
- Israel Today - by Staff - July 7, 2011
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What Will the Impact Be if Jerusalem is Divided?
Some of God’s people are being led to believe that creating a separate ‘Palestinian State’ within Israel will lead to peace, but perhaps the scripture verse in Ezekiel 13 shows that we are living in the End-Times and that nothing will bring peace to Israel until the Messiah Yeshua (Jesus Christ) returns.
- Stand for Israel (excerpts taken from July Newsletter) - July 3, 2011
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WORLD HEADLINE NEWS - For the Weeks of: JULY 3rd - JULY 9th
In the Year of Our Lord (2011)
24 Killed in Ethnic Tensions in Karachi
The latest spate of violence in the Orangi area of Karachi has been attributed to ethnic reasons. Both ethnic groups engaged in pitched gun battles with each side accusing the other of instigating the violence.
- The Hindu - by Anita Joshua - July 6, 2011
Death Toll in Karachi Violence Climbs to 103
ISLAMABAD: Violence continued in Pakistan's port city of Karachi and the death toll from the current spate of targeted killings rose to 103 on Saturday, according to officials and media reports.
- Times of India - by Omer Farooq Khan - July 9, 2011
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Southern Sudan Suffers on Eve of Independence
Southern Sudan's long-awaited day of political independence will arrive on Saturday, July 9. But the suffering of its people persists. According to missionary Fran Boyle, tens of thousands of people are currently displaced in the South.
- Christianity Today - by Sheryl Blunt and Tim Morgan - July 7, 2011
South Sudan Prepares to Declare Formal Independence
Already, in disputed border areas, an alleged ethnic cleansing by Khartoum government forces has sent hundreds of thousands fleeing. The United Nation estimates that roughly 400,000 southerners living north of the new border are expected to return before the end of the year.
> View Original Article - Mission Network News - July 8, 2011
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Pakistani Scientist Says N. Korea Paid for Nuclear Technology
The founder of Pakistan's nuclear program says North Korea paid top Pakistani military officers more than $3 million in exchange for nuclear technology in the 1990s. The Washington Post reported Thursday that Abdul Qadeer Khan released documents detailing the secret transfer, including a North Korean official's 1998 letter to him, which was written in English.
- Voice of America - July 7, 2011
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"Putin Sent to Russia by God", says Kremlin Aide
Vladimir Putin was sent to Russia by God to help it deal with its troubles in the early post-Soviet era, the Kremlin's top political adviser, first deputy administration chief Vladislav Surkov told Chechen television.
The Russian media in May reported that a small female sect believes Putin is the reincarnation of Paul the Apostle.
- AFP/Yahoo News - by Alexei Nikolsky - July 8, 2011
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Israel Fears Iran and North Korea are Strengthening Ties
Iran and North Korea are tightening their relations after a lull, defense sources have told Haaretz. Israeli defense officials are concerned about the development, saying it may reflect an expansion of North Korean aid to Iran's nuclear and missile programs.
- Haaretz - by Amos Harel - July 7, 2011
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Commander Stresses IRGC's Ability to Target All U.S. Vessels and Bases in Region
TEHRAN (FNA) - Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Aerospace Force Brigadier General Amir Ali Hajizadeh said that the US fleets of warships are no longer a threat to Iran since the IRGC now enjoys the capability to hit all US vessels and bases in the region.
- FARS News Agency - July 9, 2011
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Church Takes Step To Remove ‘Heavenly Father’ From Constitution
According to a United Church of Christ spokesman, it isn’t news that the liberal Protestant denomination is moving to delete a reference in its constitution from "Heavenly Father" to "Triune God." Decades of theological change lay behind it. Yet now it is putting the change on record.
- Courier Journal - by Peter Smith - July 7, 2011
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Rob Bell: 'Reimagining' Christianity
Bell's questions have led many Christians to question him. They wonder how much you can drop and still call yourself a Christian. Earlier this year, Bell's book Love Wins was interpreted by thousands of readers as promoting universalism.
- About.com - by Mary Fairchild - July 8, 2011
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AP Exclusive: DC Funded 300 Abortions in Last 2 years
For decades Congress has used its power over the District of Columbia to ban the city from paying for abortions for poor women, but during a two-year period when lawmakers reversed course, at least 300 women got city-funded procedures according to data obtained by The Associated Press.
- Seattle Times (AP) - by Jessica Gresko - July 7, 2011
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WONDERS that serve the lie?
Did UFO Cause Power Failure at Nuclear Missile Base?
Missile technicians claim sightings coincided with October outage.
- The Daily Mail Online - July 8, 2011
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Surgeons in Sweden Have Carried Out the World's First Synthetic Organ Transplant
"Thanks to nanotechnology, this new branch of regenerative medicine, we are now able to produce a custom-made windpipe within two days or one week.
He said many other organs could be repaired or replaced in the same way.
- BBC News - by Michelle Roberts - July 9, 2011
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WONDERS in the Heavens Above?
Tropical Storm Arlene Kills 16 in Mexico
AT LEAST 16 people have been confirmed dead in Mexico after Tropical Storm Arlene drenched much of the country with heavy rains and left hundreds of thousands homeless.
- Herald Sun - July 4, 2011
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SIGNS on the Earth Below?
27 Dead, 20 Missing - Five Landslide Incidents in Bukidnon, Philippines
Manila: Twenty seven were killed, including 20 missing, in five landslide incidents following days of rains in Bukidnon, southern Philippines, a disaster official said.
- Gulf News - by Barbara Mae Dacanay, Bureau Chief - July 5, 2011
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Rain-triggered Landslide Leaves 18 Dead in NW China
XI'AN - Eighteen people were confirmed dead and four others injured in a rain-triggered landslide that hit Lueyang county in Northwestern Shaanxi province Tuesday, local authorities said Wednesday.
- China Daily - July 6, 2011
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Deadly and Spreading, Superbug on the Loose in Ontario Hospitals
Ontario hospitals are bracing for an influx of a highly contagious superbug that has already claimed the lives of at least 18 elderly patients in the province.
- The Globe and Mail - by Karen Howlett and Kim Mackrael - July 7, 2011
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World Food Prices Near Record High, Says UN Agency
High food prices - particularly those of wheat, rice and corn - have sparked civil unrest in a range of countries where people rely on them for the bulk of their food intake.
- BBC News - July 7, 2011
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END TIMES REPORT - 7 Minutes to Midnight - The Prophetic World Clock
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