75 "Our politicians - Adults or Children?"
Will they ever grow up?
Our Politicians - Adults or Children?
I have been stating my opinions with comments on other peoples hubs. I decided to express my opinions on this subject in a hub of my own and I hope to get the opinions/comments of others.
Our politicians that represent us in Washington D. C. have become totally ridiculous in their actions. It doesn’t matter whether they are Democrats or Republicans, left or right wingers, conservatives or liberals, it all comes down to one thing, we have put a bunch of children in charge of our country.
When there is something on the table for discussion they don’t discuss, they bully, lie and threaten. All negotiating goes out the window. They act like children saying “you can’t play with my toys if I can’t play with yours”.
“Our” politicians don’t discuss or negotiate, they simply say, “If I don’t get my way you won’t get what you want.
What is so sad is that “they” don’t seem at all concerned about “we the people” no matter what.
With the possibility of the effects of the shut-down of the government the only thing they are concerned about is “who will be at blame”. Another childish reaction.
There will be people with no paychecks but the politicians will still get theirs.
Like I said, my opinion and I welcome everyone else’s.