A Bad Idea
Harlotte Prepares Breakfast
Good Morning, Breakfastpoppers. Today is Sunday, April 14, 2019. Our creative friend, Spider Harlotte, is in the kitchen preparing Banana Breakfast Sundaes for our enjoyment. The Democrats, in their usual clueless manner, are now rallying around the concept of Medicare for all. Harlotte is incredulous. Universal Health Care is a prescription for failure. The Dems are cool to the idea of research and facts and figures. Britain is a shining example of an idea gone bad. Harlotte is asking for the pleasure of your company this morning. She would like to discuss this latest ridiculous idea while munching on breakfast. Harlotte and I are looking forward to your arrival.
Overdosing on Ignorance
Thanks so much for coming to the breakfast table this morning. I hope you enjoy the meal and the discussion. Democrats are chomping at the bit. Most of them want to impose Medicare for all on all of us. That means the end of private insurance. Some of the Dems want to breathe life into a dying Obamacare. That means no insurance for a great many people. When Bernie Delusional Sanders discusses healthcare, he is talking about free healthcare. Medicare isn't free, as everyone who is on it knows. Recipients of Medicare have paid into the system their entire working lives. They are paying still. The kind of plan Bernie is pushing calls for Universal Healthcare for all. That means free healthcare. That means the government will be running the show for all Americans. That can't be a good thing.
The Left Should Look to Britain
Those loving the idea of Universal Free Healthcare should check out the National Health Service in Britain. The system is celebrating its 70th birthday. Bernie and those who think like him are clueless. They are determined to repeat this monumental disaster in America. They want to do so because selling free stuff is always popular. They want to do so because they never learn from the experience of others. They are arrogant enough to believe that they can do Universal Healthcare better than Britain.They can't and they won't.
The entire concept of single payor insurance is completely flawed. When people no longer share in the financial responsibility of their own healthcare, the amount of care asked for rises like an out of control hot air balloon. The problem is an easy one to spot, if you aren't a Democrat. The amount of care being offered becomes limited. There will never be enough money to support this idea. Care would be spotty. Much needed health services would be rationed. That very thing is happening right now in Britain. Seniors are being denied eye care because it is just too expensive, and too may patients need to avail themselves of services like cataract operations. Grandma and Grandpa are going to need seeing eye dogs, but they are expensive too!
Gaze into the Chrystal Ball
We really don't need a crystal ball to look into the future if single payor healthcare comes into existence. In order to supply all this free care, government has to limit access to the system lest they go broke. The NHS did this very thing from day one. Over all these years the problems have multiplied. Staff is low, their salaries are uninspired and the whole plan thing is a fiasco. The British system has the lowest amount of doctors, nurses and hospital beds than any country in the civilized world.
Long waits and cancelled appointments are commonplace. If the Brit's want more money for this failed system, they will have to raise taxes. Taxes in Britain now are at an all time high. There is a health crisis in Britain, and those that deny it are lying.
The Dems have turned a blind eye to this reality, and they want to inflict a flawed system on the American people. Voters ought to keep this in mind in 2020. The inception of a single payor system would also spell the end to private insurance. Most people are extremely satisfied with the plans they have. Those on Obamacare feel otherwise, and they are the ones Bernie is appealing to. Informed voters have to stop the Dems from selling us out. We can do that in the voting booth. They need to be stopped for so many reasons on so many levels. Healthcare is just one of them.
The bottom line is this. The Medicare for All Act of 2019 will destroy healthcare for Americans. The notion of the federal government controlling our healthcare is beyond frightening. Tell these Dems "NO" and do it in 2020.
Harlotte's Song
Oh, what a tangled web we weave
When first we practice to deceive...
Sir Walter Scott