A Can Of Whoop That Butt...
As we approach the election of 2014, I would hope people remember what they saw regarding the National Park Service's actions in kneeling at Obama's altar but also the treatment of veterans, and all citizens across this nation, concerning the things we OWN and the federal government does not.
Let me mention, as an aside, since I just recently won an accolade here on the Hub for political writing, that I deleted a left wing nut's comment about "why" they would post an article I had written. Maybe it had to do with the First Amendment? Try that on for size. We all don't see things the same way or are we all so hypnotized by charisma that we become blind. If you don't care to read and learn then you might consider doing it elsewhere is my sage advice.
So here's a video to watch where a congressman opened up a can of the aforementioned stuff and it is fun to watch a bureaucrat shredded.
Obama's treatment of the men and women of this nation, both active and retired, who have given of themselves to protect and defend the US Constitution and our right to speak our mind is despicable. I will call it exactly what it is. We, myself included, have given of our time, talents and services to allow a fraud to become the President of our nation. He wouldn't make a pimple on a service person's butt.
So Representative Gowdy took NPS Director Jarvis to the woodshed and pinned his ears back where they belonged. This should illustrate to any country loving American, of any political bent, the motivations of this administration and Jarvis got exactly what he had coming. He selectively proceeded to enforce a "law" that obviously isn't a law at all but dictates from his slave master Obama.
All the federal lands belong to the people of this nation and not the caretakers of our property. The whole mindset that "We, the People..." are subservient to those we elect and send to do our will isn't the intent off the founders of this nation nor the US Constitution. It's time for some change alright and some meaningful change where the people who warm those seat cushions in Washington DC work for us and not the other way around.
QUOTE OF THE DAY: Remark by Pelosi when discussing what was in the federal spending bill. Seems kind of Hillaryesque don't you think? “You know what, what difference does it make? Why are we talking about this?”
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As Always,
The Frog Prince