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A Curtain Call For Shutdown Theater

Updated on October 7, 2013

I caught one of the curtain calls over the weekend during Shutdown Theater. It some of this wasn't so pathetic it might be amusing. I'm not amused myself. How I caught notice of it was a Facebook post with just a picture that the federal Amber Alert system had been suspended and the website was down. I asked for clarification and a link and got a link to another picture ot the same thing I had seen in the first place. My curiosity was piqued because our amber alert system is administered by the individual states and the fed's DOJ site serves no useful function that I can see. I pointed that out to my FB friend and let it go.

Then it appeared again today. The story that is appeared. The root system of the DOJ site is functioning and the website is functional as the webmaster has not disabled that site. If they had you would know it. You would get a big time error message. so why go to the effort of diverting that particular website to make it look like an act of Shutdown Theater. It made me curious at the time I first saw it and I called it for what it appears to be - government BS.

Here's what appears to have happened. The Obama administration took down the actual website which is designed to assist in finding missing children - real missing children and not props. So up goes that message that will take you nowhere and blaming it on "lack of government funding." Now that is totally ridiculous if you think about it. The only effort that would expend anything would be in having to update that website. It is basically useless since the counties and states run the amber alert system.

Some people got the ruse and some didn't. Most got it because you can tell what a dead website looks like when you go to the Obamacare site and it is tits up. Rest easy America the amber alert system is up and running like it should be. The states make sure of that unlike the federal government. A gateway is still a gateway and that's all the federal DOJ site is, Basically it's a waste of our money dollars.

The administration's fallback position is that these are dormant contingency plans to be used only in the event of a shutdown. I just wrote about some of these antics and the link is at the bottom. That is an outright lie again because none of what we seem to be seeing ever occurred during the previous 17 shutdowns in recent decades. I hate to call Obama a liar but he is a pathological liar of some renown at this point.

While technically true that the website couldn't be accessed, it had nothing to do with a lack of funds. What it had to do with was more screwed up Obama politics trying to place blame on the Republicans again for something he and Harry Reid conjured up. It's call a government shutdown. Makes for great theater but not much else.

But relax a little now on Monday evening. The Department of Justice has restored the federal website. Why bring that kind of bad press onto an already bad situation? Keep in mind that the federal government operations have been affected by 17% and not the catastrophic proportions that Obama like to depict. All his schtick is strictly political theater. Now would you imagine that what happened over at the DOJ this past weekend is in violation of its own federal fiscal contingency policy? It is and again Holder is left holding the bag.

None of this is reflecting well on Obama and the Democratic Party. They say they are winning and if screwing with the American public is winning I reckon it may be. Rand Paul asked this telling question over the weekend and give it some thought, "Government should never shut down if we're doing our job appropriately, so really, what we need to be saying is, why are we not passing spending bills the way we should do it?"

The answer is rather simple in my mind. We have allowed career pick pockets to sit uo there on Capitol hill time after time and get the idea that they are the cat's meow. We have a massive federal bureaucracy that feeds upon itself and the tax payer, not necessarily in that order. We have elected officials who enact and sign laws at the same time exempting themselves from it all. You see in their minds they are above it all and above those of us who actually pay the bills.

I'll leave it right there for now. But when you start using children, and the systems we use to protect those children, as political fodder it is downright disgusting. Might be the Chicago way but not the American way.

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As Always,

The Frog Prince


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