A Long List Of Liars
I had written an article about telling another lie to cover a string of lies and Cassie Ann took the bull by the horns and posed a question about it. So in my response I told her I was about to publish the long list of Democratic liars who parroted Obama's lie about "if you like your insurance policy you can keep it." Now it turns out that they knew that it was a deception the whole time in order to get the American people to accept Obamacare. Even though they did that over and over again the majority of Americans rejected it then and the pressure is mounting now to repeal it before it reaches tsunami disaster proportions..
There seem to be too many politically naive people these days who are voting. They think the likes of Barack Hussein Obama are saintly and not cut from lying political cloth. Guess what? He is cut from the same cloth as his minions who I am about to list here who told you that you can keep your policy if you like it. They are Obama parrots.
Maybe, just maybe, the next time you step into that voting booth you will remember the outright lies that were told to pass this very unpopular, fiasco of a bill called Obamacare. If you get stung by this I sure hope you will have learned a valuable lesson. This is your health care that the federal government has decided to interfere with.
Not since Monica went down on Bill Clinton has there been such ferocious lying in any administration. Obama involved all his Democratic buddies in screwing the public and they went along with it willingly. Now I have to suppose that our politicians, like Barack Hussein Obama, are technologically challenged. there words are usually caught on tape or video and date/time stamped.
One writer, Byron York, who I read and follow on Twitter, wrote an article about some of this for the Washington Examiner followed up by Tweets. Technology is marvelous. Just off the top of his list he came up with a short list of 27 Senatorial liars for the more discerning voters out there. The United States Senate, under Harry Reid, has been like tits on a bull and we need to change that.
I originally published the list at the link below in an abbreviated style but the censors at HubPages.com called it "duplicate content" which is absurd. So here's even more detail. Here's the line up with date/time stamps and exactly what they told the American public. I always use quotation marks when quoting what people say but obviously that is not good enough for this forum.
So use the link and take a hard look at who was a parrot for the Liar-in-Chief. Obviously HubPages.com didn't want you to see the 27 names there and what states they represent. Babs Boxer is on that very list. I caught the early morning censor this morning evidently.
27 New Members Of The Liars Club
- 27 Democratic senators who promised you could keep your health coverage | WashingtonExaminer.com
President Obama has taken a lot of heat for promising that if Americans liked the health coverage that they had before Obamacare, they would be able to keep it under the new law. But the president wasn't the only Democrat in Washington who made that
There's the short list of Inductees for the Obamacare Liars Club. He led them right along like he has the sheeple who voted for the fraud himself. I massaged it as little to include those who are seeking reelection or retiring. It's hard to defend a lie and a liar but maybe someone will give it a try? I don't like people who we entrust with this nation and its fiscal well being to lie to the citizens in any form. Maybe it's okay with you? Are you cut from the same moral fivber as those listed above?
QUOTE OF THE DAY: Just watch the video.
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As Always,
The Frog Prince