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What Makes Carolina's HealthCare System the Best in the United States?

Updated on January 17, 2022
Nyamweya profile image

Nyamweya is a global researcher with many years of experience on practical research on a diversity of topics

Carolina's HealthCare System is one of the best performing medical facilities in the United States. It is a comprehensive facility in Southeast offering several quality health care services. Carolina's HealthCare System’s commitment and dedication is the incorporation of important cultural practices, leadership and organizational structure. The institution’s HealthCare Organization is a fundamental structure geared towards health care success. This paper analyzes the organizational structure, Complex Adaptive System, mission, vision, and values, organization’s culture, leadership style, and level of greatness for the company.

Complex Adaptive System

Complex adaptive system is the correlation of several agents either predictable or unpredictable. It involves an agent flexibility affecting the whole team in the organization (Plesk & Greenhalgh, 2001). Complex adaptive system ensures the smooth sailing of the organization’s health sector. In Carolina Healthcare System, teamwork is highly nurtured and plays a critical role for the smooth running of operations.

Organizations identify a mode of operation based on their mission, visions and goals with the agents as the cornerstone of propelling the organization. An organization is subject to changes by various force factors. Organization goes hand in hand with the use of systems which entails microsystems, mesosystems or macro systems, (Roussel, 2014). The choice of the system depends on the organization’s predefined goals. As a matter of fact, the organization’s complex adaptive system requires reforms. The changes entail essential elements such as leadership that boost an agent’s self-efficacy and morale (Best et al, 2012). Health sector reforms characteristics are will power to anticipate positive results. The health care sector, without a doubt, faces numerous challenges; it, therefore, requires utilization of opportunities, creativity and organization’s complexity solutions to overcome the setbacks, (Plesk & Greenhalgh, 2001).

Carolinas HealthCare System: Mission, Vision, and Values

Carolinas HealthCare System keynote commitment is providing best healthcare solutions and services, (Carolinas HealthCare System, 2016a). A global system entails proper and standard services offered to the patients as per the cases reported. It is a great achievement as per the mission statement since health care is a serious challenge in the world. Carolinas HealthCare System offers several services including educational campaigns and research opportunities that benefits the people are an impressive progress. Training in the health care sector is as important as seeking medical services since it provides information on how to deal with certain health conditions before arriving at a health facility(Carolinas HealthCare System, 2016d). The mission states explicitly the target patients that Carolinas HealthCare System wishes to serve in a satisfactory and appropriate manner.

The vision of Carolinas HealthCare System is recognition and appreciation through the services offered to clients. The quality of services provided by the system is a basic role of the institution. Carolinas HealthCare System vision is national recognition for the changes and transformation as part and parcel of their routine tasks to the patients. Carolinas HealthCare System values employees and patients as assets. Consequently, identifying employees as valuable assets creates a positive mentality and attitude for them to love their job, thus creating a sense of belonging. The Community views Carolinas HealthCare System as a great success since its healthcare services are quality and less costly, hence affordable.

Organization’s Culture

Organizational culture is a systematic pattern that dictates the action plan that individuals within an organization are set to follow. The pattern has norms guiding the team on the necessary measures to be taken with the objective of overcoming the challenges, (Schein, 1997). Culture is an ongoing process since it faces changes, (Bellot, 2011). Challenges in an organization is either internal or external. Internal or external pressure within the system is not a setback since the members are familiar and used to the system methodology of operation. The team members are confident about themselves as professional hence handling internal pressure with ease. Internal pressure does not alter the feelings within team members since the management is confident in their ability to deliver. Carolinas HealthCare System believes success in the health sector is a collective responsibility that has to involve the employees. The success of this culture is evidential in the sense that Carolinas HealthCare System assisted children in fighting obesity. North Carolina`s childhood obesity partners with the community in helping them medically. The system fosters on children obesity because it presents risks to the children such as susceptibility to health conditions that include heart disease, stroke, diabetes and certain types of cancer.

The organization’s norm bases on the analogy of community partnerships and educational campaigns as the best methodologies to improve health care system. Educational campaigns as a tradition plays a significant role in informing the public about child obesity and health risks they are likely to face in future. It is a great achievement by the health care system since information on health concerns has worked in reducing cost incurred through consultations. In this case, Carolinas HealthCare System offers the golden opportunity to the children and their parents through educating them. In addition to this, Carolinas HealthCare System commitment to change is engagement with International Medical Outreach (IMO) to provide health care on a global scale (Carolinas HealthCare System, 2016b)

Leadership Style

Carolinas HealthCare System leadership style acknowledges employees as valuable assets to the system. The predominant leadership style is central versus hierarchical. Hierarchical leadership style means directions and instructions is from high-level managers. The managers are in charge of shaping up the system mode of operation through instructions geared towards success, service delivery improvement and quality service to the patients. The managers engage the various international health organizations with a goal of working together. The Managers present the instructions to the employees according to the program expectations and achievements. The central leadership style translates to critical implementations and significant changes that involve top bosses in the organization. Carolinas HealthCare System head is the president who also acts in the capacity of a chief executive officer. The president leads a team of employees in the system and the several branches of the system. The president`s assistant is the regional vice president. Carolinas HealthCare System heads in various posts is always a president as the head of a department. Carolinas HealthCare System has employee assistance program (EMP) whose primary mission is to help employees and family members overcome the emotional challenges while in duty, (Carolinas HealthCare System, 2016e). It is a good leadership initiative that addresses the employees’ problems in a satisfactory manner (Jaskyte, 2010). Leadership in the program is confidential hence encouraging interaction of employees without fear of being exposed.

Level of Greatness

This part presents Carolinas HealthCare System level of greatness from different perspectives. The first finding regarding this institution’s level of greatness is that has that only the right people are in its system. The right people in the system are professional nurses, physicians and experienced heads of departments. Further to this, people on board have a positive attitude towards the environment and working system.

The Carolinas have apparently utilized the hedgehog concept in their decision making and execution and program implementation processes. For instance, the goals and decisions by the management are set on the basis of understanding. According to Collins (2001), the hedgehog companies understand “one big thing” and stick to it. In other words, they have consistency. This is the same case with the Carolina’s which have followed a consistent organization structure, decision making process and process implementation. In addition, the management and staff at Carolina healthcare System are significantly passionate about their jobs and they are working not because of their money but because they like the job.

It is also clear that Carolinas HealthCare System utilizes a Flywheel concept in their management and general operations. Flywheel concept presents a brilliant dynamic implementation strategy through small results. Carolinas HealthCare System applies flywheel concept through participating in various activities in the community such educational campaigns, fighting obesity in children, helping the mental patients and partnering with IOM with a purpose of achieving success on a global scale.

The integration of technology is also another aspect that has significantly reinforced the level of greatness for Carolina Healthcare System. Accordingly, the entity has in place a virtual system where mental health patients engage with the doctors and if possible schedule an appointment for a on one interaction. The program is known as telemedicine where the patients ask the doctor via a computer screen about their conditions. The incorporation of technology into the system has boosted communication between the caregivers and clients thus reinforcing the competitive edge of this institution against the competitors.

Carolinas HealthCare System is apparently leader in technology. MyCarolinas Tracker is an application that helps patients to track their personal health information, wellness and communicating with the doctor, (Carolinas HealthCare System, 2016f). The tracker offers the patients benefits such as sync data. The benefits to the health care system are enormous in the sense that it enables information sharing to be real-time other than frequent occasions where the patients have to visit the doctor at a medical facility physically. The other benefit is that patients understand their medical conditions hence; encouraging telemedicine as a trustable and honest platform that has the capability to offer proper and quality health assistance. These factors therefore make Carolinas HealthCare System to have a high level of greatness.

Readiness for Change

Educating the employees in the organization is an integral development in readiness for change. The employees in the system need to be taken through a technology training to avoid misunderstanding. Misunderstanding is a grave threat to healthcare services delivery. New employees’ introduction to the technology benefits the system through better and effective diagnosis exercise that is accurate. Carolinas HealthCare System not educating employees will translate to resistance to changes. Employees are resistant to change in the event of lack of enough support from the management.

Carolinas HealthCare System has enough number of employees with experience. Resources and staff are a critical element in an organization, (Newhouse, 2010). The role of MSN in readiness for change will be promoting quality service delivery and proper trainings to the other physicians based on their education. Advanced nurse practitioner will offer emotional support to other nurses. The best future improvement plan is for Carolinas HealthCare System initiating rewards and incentives to employees that perform exemplary. The plan has effectively encouraged employee’s output improvement.


Carolinas HealthCare System as one of top healthcare organizations in the Southeast provides assistance to the public for non-profit purposes is enormous. The system connects with patients through technology hence appreciating changes in the health sector by presenting records in an electronic form. Electronic records in the health are a progress worth praises since its implementation is a daunting task. Other factors that have successfully reinforced the company’s image and competitive edge include the use of the Flywheel concept, the hedgehog principle and a disciplined culture. The success of Carolina’s healthcare System is a demonstration that the success of an organization depends on the decisions being implemented and the strategies of its operations.


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