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Updated on June 28, 2010

By Rev.Fr.Kenneth Evurulobi.

For sometime now, Dr. Orji Uzor Kalu(OUK),former governor of AbiaState and the incumbent Chairman, Board Of Trustees(BOT) Progressive People’s Alliance (PPA), has been dancing naked under the hot afternoon SUN to the sarcastic tunes of a self-drummed up relevance with particular reference to the Nigerian Project. At this critical moment in our national history when journalism has become more tasking and challenging especially in the face of arrant ignorance that has been strategically positioned to govern the Nigerian political horizon, Dr. Orji Uzor Kalu’s greatest relevance and vision for our dear country and for Africa would be far more appreciated if only he demonstrates a resolve to let those highly talented journalists and dogged intellectuals at the SUN Newspapers have a glimpse ,even if only for some fractions of a second, into the real world of an insipid plutocrat that he is.

Today, the African problem has acquired greater complexities. The liberalization of the membership policy of Freemasonry which is directly targeted at the occupants of seats of government and captains of industries in Africa has created a certain ineptitude in the area of policy formulation and implementation across the continent. As 2011 approaches significantly for Nigeria, and having successfully accomplished his mission of turning Abia State (God’s Own State) into a testing ground for his satanic ideological presuppositions on raw power and gangsterism, is it not likely that the SUN dance of Dr. Orji Uzor Kalu(OUK) is a distressed call on fellow Masonic combatants to “MOBILISE” again for the expansion and implementation of his satanic vision not only in Nigeria but also across the African continent. Through some pioneering contrivances and conumdrumic extrusions provided deliriously on volatile diplomatic platforms, Africa is made to supply not only the resources that facilitate the growth, development and stability of Europe/America, but also the raw blood upon which global Masonic beasts feed on. While the IMF, World Bank, multinationals, etc are compulsorily saddled with the responsibility of satirically translating these demands into concrete terms and legitimizing them, the subtly sponsored violent ethnic, political and religious wars/clashes serve as arcane pipelines that supply blood to insatiable Masonic appetites. Regrettably, the Masonic animals have found a breeding space in the African soil including Nigeria.

As it stands now, Europe/America, acting individually or through the agency of the U.N, lacks the navigational tools and diplomatic will that are necessary to bring Africa out of her tripartite incarceration which boarders mainly on security, politics and economics. It was this kind of diplomatic proddings especially in their eccentricity that Mahatma Gandhi was proactively attending to when he decided to remold the prisms of foreign policy in India before he was gruesomely murdered by some of his bestial countrymen. Today in Nigeria and across the continent, every effort must be made to place this kind of betrayal where it properly belongs to – an abysmally intolerable perversion.

Yet, this does not settle the question of Nigerian nay, African growth and development vis-à-vis the hostility of global actors and the towering insincerity that govern the attitude of her leaders. This concern has become a topical issue given the place Nigeria occupies in Africa and as, significantly, 2011approaches. Treading with systemic caution along the slippery coasts of the far Eastern countries like China hoping to be pollinated does actually hold a reprieve for Africa, but can it provide the desired immunity from Europe/American imperialism? Or does such not spell an insidious plot to trap the entire continent perpetually into the murky waters of religious fanaticism as she attempts to navigate her way through the religiously intolerable Arabian waters? This fear makes the secularist to turn his gaze once again towards the Western front, and to explore the circumstantial advantages that lie hidden therein presently but which may prove inaccessible unless an incursion is made from the home front by way of evolving an enabling environment which would be nothing short of purposeful governance. An enabling environment that holds a promise for the protection of Europe/American interests would, I believe, drag an intrepid Barack Obama out of the imperialist smokescreen to a sincere and meaningful dialogue with Africa, with Nigeria as the leader. It is only at this point, and not elsewhere, that we can discover that the incumbent U.S president is one of our kinsmen – a brother from Kenya. This point holds a great and irreplaceable significance for Nigeria and the entire African continent presently. This is why political crickets in the likes of Orji Uzor Kalu and diplomatic dwarfs in the likes of Ibrahim Badamosi Babangida as well as Masonic organizations like PDP must be denied every form of legitimacy and be compelled to shut up. The earlier this is done the better for us all. It is because of people like these that the Biblical Job had to appeal to the hagiographers for a proper tool of description, and they did not fail him. In the American Version of the Catholic Bible, they are referred to as “a worthless bunch of nameless nobodies”(Job 30 vs 8). Are most Nigerians better of than the biblical Job today?

Anyday, anywhere, anytime, IBB is a very potent factor in the study of social malaise in Nigeria and as such he lacks the credentials of a committed African leader neither does he personify such aggregate qualities. Instead, going by the testimonies of the annulment of June 12, 1993 elections, the $12billion oil windfall, the gruesome murder of Dele Giwa and the Ejigbo military plane crash, IBB represents in its most unadulterated form, the unrarefied picture of a frustrated bystander on the road to national re-discovery. Who needs to be told that this, and nothingless, is the meaning of a stepping aside.

The many fluctuations of our political institutions, the decapitating economic somersaults and the induced failures of our legal systems are all symptomatic of the emergency of a kind of structural decay in the polity where the words “corruption” and “terrorism” would be discovered to belong to a kindergarten dictionary. The combined forces of IBB and Orji Uzor Kalu can only achieve one thing – the re-ignition of the barbaric bonfires of executive rascality. This is why I think Nigeria nay Africa should be distanced from any project thrown up by the Masons, here or abroad.

Rev. Fr. Kenneth Chunkata Evurulobi
Rev. Fr. Kenneth Chunkata Evurulobi
Rev. Fr. Kenneth Chunkata Evurulobi
Rev. Fr. Kenneth Chunkata Evurulobi

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