Same old song
October the 18th 2011, Kenya invaded Somalia on the pretext of the kidnapping of two Spaniards working for a non governmental organization. The problem that surfaced is firstly the so-called terrorist culprits of the Al-Chabab (youth), movement in control of southern Somalia, denied through their spokesperson publicly any intervention (what must we understand?) and, secondly it unveils that behind the operation stand the Americans (it is proven now!).
Is it the beginning of a dirty war with an American-sponsored violence in Somalia (it won't be the first time!)? Is it the beginning of a second-hand war era where America hides itself behind another country's army and plays with the strings, throws at unsuitable leaders homemade Reaper drones without fearing the disapproval of the national and international scenes, from Arba Minch airport? No more physical involvement on the field. The American people are fed up! Let the others do the dirty job is the winning formula to reach their goal for the century to come (if ever we will witness it!).
To establish the lack of interest from both parties in presence Kenya-Somalia, let's raise the following questions. Why would an African country like Kenya risk its prosperity, stability to be engaged in an interminable war in difficult times (while hunger, deteriorated social conditions are inflaming populations worldwide as well as in the U.S.)? Would that same country have attacked Somalia without a backup? Why would Southern Somalia trigger a war against Kenya (that would constitute another war front) when it is already involved in a battlefront in internal guerrillas against warlords, groups, supported by Ethiopia, Kenya, themselves supported by the U.S.? It reminds me of the conflicts that bled Sierra Leone. Native rebels opposed international multinationals that were sucking their mineral wealth (diamonds, bauxite...) and the "virtuous " United Nations, with their blessing, sent African militias to commit atrocities against the local population in the name of the same freedom fighter rebels. Is it a coincidence? With a gross domestic product of $ 1200, how does an African country can justify the use of premium weaponry technology such as drones? Why southern Somalia only (Mogadishu is the capital, a sensitive neurological point?)? Do we really need to be a general or a military tactician to understand the motivations? Think about it!
The answer to those questions lies undeniably in a former case of "force majeure" when U.S. companies left Somalia because of the war, in the hope of returning as soon as peace will be restored...
A decade later, what is the situation? Somalians are still fighting. National and internal dissensions are still shaking the country with a strong presence in the South. The expected conditions (peace, puppets in power) are not gathered to the regret of the American pundits. "What the hell? Nobody stopped us before so..."
Now those companies are back, and this time they intend to step foot for good on the Somalian soil with the Kenyans disguised in reinforcements (who will care whether an African country violates the sovereignty of another African territory?), to penetrate the enemy lines (taking out in their way civilian lives as usual), to "liberate" the country (from this "Al-Qaeda" -the cry wolf trick- branch of rebels), and to voyage North straight to its milky udders, Dharoor and Nugaal. The method is more discreet than the flagrant putch or assassination old cliche. It is a time for modernized technology.The flights of stealthy drones reach the target with more efficiency. Nothing else can beat it!
And why this deployment of forces, may I ask?
In the mid-eighties, a world bank geological study stated undoubtedly the prospect of a high potential of untapped oil reserves (why aren't we surprised?) in the Puntland region. It made prominent U.S. oil companies to salivate and consequently condemn the country to a certain future: endemic civil wars. If non acceptation of the American conditions (the restoration of the contracts established and signed under former presidents given them preseance, preemption on the exploration and exploitation of the oil reserves) prepare to instability and if consensus, love and harmony will reign. However competition is fierce... Somalia considered Canadian Africa Oil Corp and Lion Energy Corp for licenses to exploit... Americans don't want/like to share the pie! Who would?
As you smartly inferred it, oil is the cause of this chaos. Wasn't it for the same reason that the U.S. waged war against Iraq, that among all the Arab revolutions the U.S. and France shouldered militarily and probably financially the Libyan opponents only, displaying, for the special event, to potential clients the efficiency of their weaponry (the Rafale, the Tigre, SCALP missiles are among a larger panoply). Libya is among the major players. The possibility to build a privileged bilateral relationship with Libya is all advantage for the U.S.. The oil source and the exportation of the American "savoir-faire" are at stake, in behind doors negotiations, aren't they? As for France, it is targeting the reconstruction market on the destroyed Libyan platform also. So generous of them, isn't it?
By analyzing the American strategy geopolitically (rush for oil, gold...) whoever armed with wit and perspicacity will be able to pinpoint the American interference concretely by scrolling on most violent conflicts in the world map. Just try it!